Fundamentals of Assessment Todd L. Green, Ph.D. Associate Professor Pharmacology, Physiology & Toxicology PIES Seminar
Use of terms Assessments = Observations /measurements Evaluation = interpretations / conclusions
Uses of assessment Individual learner –Educational action: Feedback –Administrative action: Judgment on advancement Program –E.g., Sources of variance Quality improvement –Accreditation
“Unit” of assessment Single interaction of student and content Series of encounters (observations by one teacher) Series of teachers (in a rotation) Series of teachers + exams (in a clerkship) Series of clerkship (in a department) Inter-clerkship (clinical year’s program)
PURPOSE (Why Assess) Meet goals and objectives? Were innovations successful? Determine program strengths and weaknesses –Unanticipated strengths and problems Growing interest in educational outcomes –“Residency programs should use outcome assessment in their evaluation of program educational effectiveness” 1 LCME, RRC require programmatic evaluation 1 1 Graduate Medical Education Directory,
PURPOSE (Why Assess) Competing goals of stakeholders –“Tension between delivering the service and ensuring time for reflection and learning” 2 Help obtain and/or justify resources for your program 2 Hayden, 2001
Goal Domains Standards Methods Data Evaluation & Interpretion Outcomes- based judgments Process: Assessment & Evaluation
What are stakeholders and who are they?
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Institutional Objectives Patient Care Students must be able to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health. Medical Knowledge Students must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care. Practice-based Learning and Improvement Students must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate their care of patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning.
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Institutional Objectives Interpersonal and Communication Skills Students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and health professionals. Professionalism Students must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles. Systems-based Practice Students must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources in the system to provide optimal health care.
Undergraduate Medical Education DURINGAFTER LogbooksSurveys HoursPlacing Graduates CritiquesSelf assessment Exit interviews Student portfolios Review of write-ups Site VisitWritten examsPerformance Evaluation Grades/narratives (4th year OSCE, mini-CEX) Attitudinal4th year medicine performance
Graduate Medical Education BEFOREDURING AFTER Self AssessmentLogsSurveys HoursPlacing Graduates Learner Critiques 360 Degree Evaluation Chart Review Exit interviews Attitudinal Written Exams Written ExamsWritten Exams Performance EvalPerformance EvalPerformance Eval GPADisciplinary Action NarrativesNarratives Research/Teaching Global Evaluation National Society Participation
StudentsFacultyCourses/Cler kships Overall Curriculum Who assesses? What is assessed? What methods are used? Who receives the assessment data collected? Who evaluates the assessment data collected? What decisions are made based on assessment data? Undergraduate Medical Education
StudentsFacultyCourses/Clerk ships Overall Curriculum Who assesses? FacultyStudents Faculty LCME What is assessed? KnowledgeTeachingCourse organization Course assessment data What methods are used? MCQSatisfaction survey USMLE Step I scores Who receives the assessment data collected? Course director Department chairCurriculum Committee Self-study committee Who evaluates the assessment data collected? Course director Department chairCurriculum Committee What decisions are made based on assessment data? GradePromotion Tenure Course changesCurriculum changes Undergraduate Medical Education
Graduate Medical Education ResidentsFacultyRotationsOverall Program Who assesses? What is assessed? What methods are used? Who receives the assessment data collected? Who evaluates the assessment data collected? What decisions are made based on assessment data?
Graduate Medical Education ResidentsFacultyRotationsOverall Program Who assesses? FacultyResidents Residency Review Committee What is assessed? Knowledge & Competencies Teaching Clinical productivity ComplaintsResident feedback What methods are used? MCQ Likert scales Satisfaction survey InformalResident interviews Competency Who receives the assessment data collected? Residency director Department chair Residency director Department chair Who evaluates the assessment data collected? Residency director & Faculty Department chair & Faculty Residency director Department chair What decisions are made based on assessment data? Remediation Promotion to next level Promotion Tenure Informal discussion with faculty recommending changes Accreditation
Pangaro HMI 07 Fairness Consistency Simplicity Principles of Assessment
Pangaro HMI 07 Principle 1 : Fairness to society : competence (P/F) to students : transparency and feedback to teachers : faculty development and protection
Principle 2 : Consistency Validity -Are you measuring what you want? Reliability - Inter-teacher and inter-clerkship: suitable for high- stakes decisions? Pangaro HMI 07
X X X X X X X X Reliable X X X X X X X X X X X Valid Reliability versus validity
Pangaro HMI 07 Principle 3: Simplicity How we frame the question? How we ask the question? How do we use the answer?
Pangaro HMI 07 Strategy Simplicity leads to acceptance and use Acceptance leads to consistency Consistency = fairness
Pangaro HMI 07 Framing the question simply What do we expect of learners (students)? How do we communicate this to them and to their teachers?
In order to get the information you need from an assessment and evaluate the results, you have to ask the right questions.
Pangaro HMI 07 Find the person nearest you. Person to the left is “A”. Person A: In 30 seconds tell the person nearest you what it takes to pass a course/clerkship you are familiar with. How is this assessed? Person B: In 30 seconds tell the person nearest you what it takes to get the highest grade in a course/clerkship you are familiar with. How is this assessed? Exercise
Discussion Based on the information you have: Are you able to determine your assessment system’s strengths and weaknesses? Can you determine whether the system has met the required levels of success for the purpose? Is it clear how your own program evaluation system will be assessed?