1. The Question Many nations in Africa have experienced a great change in their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since the beginning of the 21 st Century. GDP Which of these nations have experienced the greatest change in the GDP? Nigeria Zimbabwe Ghana Liberia (all pictures used with permission of Microsoft) These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
2. Information Sources The World Bank Group regularly reports data from different countries around the world in order to determine the economic growth of nations and regions. Use data collected by the World Bank Group in order to compare the GDP of several African nations. The United Nations also collects important information from countries and is more current. These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
3. The Student Activity Use the websites to find the GDP of the four nations The World Bank Group United Nations Statistics Group These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
4. The Assessment Activity Your teacher will supply a worksheet. You will complete the table at the bottom with information for the four countries. Calculate the changes and enter them in the appropriate columns. Create a graph to show the GDP for the years collected. On the second page is the assessment question: Compare the GDP of Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and Liberia. Decide which country has the healthiest economy. Use your graph to support your answer. These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
5. Enrichment Activity Research more economic factors at: The CIA World Fact BookThe CIA World Fact Book- Find a country of interest. Follow the links to information on the economy of that country. Compare the information collected by the CIA to that collected by the UN and/or the World Bank Group. These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
6. Teacher Support Materials MD STATE VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM Mathematics 1.0 KNOWLEDGE OF ALGEBRA PATTERNS AND FUNCTIONS C. Numeric and Graphic Representations of Relationships. 2. Analyze linear functions. b. Describe the rate of change of a linear relationship by a table of values and a graph. 4.0 KNOWLEDGE OF STATISTICS B. Data Analysis 1. Analyze Data b. Determine the best choice of a data display. MD STATE VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM Social Studies 3.0 ECONOMICS – Students will develop economic reasoning to understand the historical development and current status of economic principles, institutions, and processes needed to be effective citizens, consumers, and workers participating in local communities, the nation, and the world. Students will identify the economic principles and processes that are helpful to producers and consumers when making good decisions. 6. Compare the standard of living to the quality of life in a world region using economic characteristics such as Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capital income, and the Human Development Index (HDI) These materials are © 2005 amtb,dcms all rights reserved