1 Revising Your Single Plan for Student Achievement for State and Federal Compliance August 2013 San Diego Unified School District Office of Accountability Monitoring and Accountability Reporting
2 Outcomes Participants will: Learn/discuss compliance requirements related to the SPSA Examine the steps and expectations involved in revising the SPSA using the SBB tool. Review the current SPSA template updates and timelines for completion. Gain current resources to assist in developing the SPSA. (TIME TO WORK IN YOUR SBB WITH RTs AT THE END OF THE PRESENTATION)
Compliance Mandates Annual evaluation by the SSC and LEA is a critical part of the continuous cycle of improvement for a school. Furthermore, it is an integral component of the Compensatory Ed (CE) Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) review process for SPSAs. During an FPM review, the SSC and LEA must be able to provide evidence of the evaluation process to determine if the needs of students are being met by the strategies described in the SPSA. 3
SB 374 – Schools that receive categorical program funding throughout the Consolidated Application are required to develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement. The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs to school districts. Annually, each school district (LEA) submits the application to document participation in these programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Ed Code 64001(g) These plans must be reviewed and updated based on the most current student achievement data. The SSC must evaluate at least annually the effectiveness of planned activities. In the cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, evaluation of the results of goals will provide data to inform and guide subsequent plans. Sec (37) of the ESEA – These plans should reflect new priorities based on new/additional student needs and/or similar methodologies with effective measurable outcomes. 4
Steps of Developing the SPSA 1. Analyze current Student Achievement Data 2. Measure Effectiveness of Current Improvement Strategies Using the State Tools to Determine Critical Causes of Student Underachievement 3. Identify Achievement Goals and Key Improvement Strategies that Align with the District LEA Plan 4. Consult with school advisory groups 5. Define Timelines, Personnel Responsible, Proposed Expenditures, and Funding Sources to Implement the Plan 6. Recommend the SPSA to the Local Governing Board 7. Implement the Plan 8. Monitor Implementation Mid-year changes to the SPSA Continue the Cycle 6
7 Site Based Budgeting (SBB) Process Steps * Update Site Information (Step 1 of SBB) *Update Executive Summary and Appendices (Step 3 of SBB) *Make revisions to budget (if necessary) (Step 8 of SBB) * *Update School Goals, Actions, and Costs (Step 4 of SBB) *Submit SPSA (Step 10 of SBB) *Staffing changes may only be made with MAR/Budget assistance.
Site Information (SBB Step 1) Make sure you are in the correct phase ( SPSA Only) Update Instructional Leadership Team and School Site Council Membership official SSC roster must be listed (official roster until MAR approves roster) 8
Executive Summary (SBB Step 3) Executive summary must be updated annually for compliance. Please use the prompts to help you communicate your compliance. New sections Professional Development Program Improvement Schools Years 4 & 5 (+) 9
Appendices Please attach current appendices New – WASC Recommendations New – Specific Data Reports New – SPSA Assessment Survey/Evaluation SSC must complete survey/evaluation Give yourself enough time to distribute and summarize the NEW SPSA Assessment Survey/Evaluation 10
11 Categorical Funds Requires SSC Approval Description Resource Code Title I Basic30100 Title I Parent Involvement30103 Title I Program Improvement30106 EIA/SCE EIA/LEP*70910 QEIA74000 SIG31802/31812 * Requires ELAC presentation *Focus is English Language Proficiency
Budget Revisions (SBB Step 8) Non-salary costs changes are allowed Please speak with your budget analyst and/or resource teacher to make the changes to your Budget 12
School Goals, Actions, and Costs (SBB Step 4) Update goals (Area Superintendent will provide direction to updating your goals) Must consider AYP, API, CAHSEE, CELDT (these reports will need to be uploaded in step 3 of SBB) 13
Update the following sections: 15
Short Term Targets 16
Grading Period Dates TraditionalYear Round ElementaryNovember 1 March 3March 17 June 12July 21 MiddleNovember 1 January 24February 13 March 28May 16 June 12July 21 HighNovember 1 January 24 March 28 June 12 17
Proposed Expenditures/Activities 18
Updating Activities Remove or add any new activities that are different this year 19
Assigning Expenditures to Activities 20
Assigning Categoricals to Activities 22
Assigning Expenditures to Activities Enter amount of FTE to be used for THIS activity or THIS area 23
Assigning Expenditures to Activities Please provide a DETAILED description of the activity or strategy and the targeted students. 24
Assigning Expenditures to Activities 25
Activity and expenditures should reflect updated scientifically based research strategies that strengthen the core academic program. Please be SPECIFIC how they will enhance your instructional program to meet your school goals and the targeted group. NEW: 26 Rationales
Compliant Rationales – Response from CDE evaluation Spring Report 2013 “…in continuing to analyze and make sense of the SPSA for each of the schools, I see a real weakness in the way the schools are utilizing the template … they are very short on "Description of Proposed Expenditures/Activities to Attain Goal...” 27
Compliant Rationales – Response from CDE evaluation Spring Report 2013 “…stating "Class size reduction in core classrooms" or "Instructional materials to support learning" don't provide an adequate description of the activity or strategy and the students to be served by it”. “This poses a real problem regarding…making determinations Supplement vs. Supplant”. 28
Categorical Expenditures All supplemental expenditures in categoricals must be linked to goals in the SPSA to specific Academic Core Programs 29
Rationale Examples Noncompliant Class size Reduction in Core Classrooms Compliant Class size reduction teacher to lower the ratio of pupils in the classroom with the intent of providing more personalized attention and time to struggling students who are not achieving grade-level proficiency. 30
Rationale Examples Noncompliant Instructional Materials to support learning Instructional materials to support Tier II students who are not achieving grade level standards, and additional instructional materials for parent outreach events to support academic learning. 31 Compliant
Rationale Examples Noncompliant Nursing Time Counseling Time Compliant Nurse and Counselor support (addition to district allocations)to provide assistance to students who are unable to access academic curriculum due to medical and socio/emotional needs which impacted student learning. 32 *Nursing and Counseling not allowed in 70910
Rationale Example Noncompliant Professional Development Release Time Compliant Professional development release time for data analysis and strategic lesson planning to support Tier II students in meeting grade-level standards. 33
Rationale Example Noncompliant Professional Development Materials/Inservice Materials Compliant Professional Development Resource books to support and enhance classroom instruction. Teachers gain additional knowledge about the Guided Reading component of a Balanced Literacy program. This allows teachers to provide higher quality lessons to support student learning. Students learn additional reading comprehension strategies and skills to support them in reaching grade-level. 34
Rationale Example Noncompliant Instructional Supplies Compliant Construction paper, writing paper, journals, and other paper products to support and enhance math, science, social studies integration, and the Guided Reading Component of the Balanced Literacy Program. These paper products supplement the curriculum for increasing student achievement in reading and writing during language arts, science and social studies. 35
Rationale Example Noncompliant Instructional Supplies Compliant Chart stands to support classroom lessons. Students generate classroom charts allowing teachers to activate students’ background knowledge, scaffold thoughts, and organize ideas during Math, English Language Development lessons, Science and Social Studies integration, and the Guided Reading component of the Balanced Literacy program. 36
Rationale Example Noncompliant Instructional Supplies Compliant Power strips, keyboard, print cartridges, and computer mice to integrate computer stations to support and enhance web- based Literacy, Math, Science and Social Studies lessons. Technology based programs diagnose and determine learning gaps, re-teach needed lessons, and re-assess student progress to support teachers in creating appropriate lessons to meet struggling students' needs. 37
Rationale Example Noncompliant Instructional Supplies Compliant Supplemental instructional materials such as scissors, crayons, glue, and color pencils to enhance classroom instruction and goals as outlined in our school improvement plan. 38
Rationale Example Noncompliant Parent Communications Compliant Envelopes and labels to support school / home communication. Information sent to parents allows parents the opportunity to play an integral role in children's education and inform parents of ways to support academic needs. 39
Useful Reports Reports Page: SPSA Expenditures Summary: Includes rationales with expenditures by area SPSA Report : SPSA in Word document minus attachments Extended Summary: FTE plus dollar amounts Summary (Site controlled resources): Use before allocating the budget Main Page: SPSA Categorical Res Expenditures: Check if you have allocated all categorical funding in SPSA 40
SPSA Categorical Res Expenditures Report 42
Review Process SPSAs submitted via SBB Step 10 Area Superintendent (AS) will review all SPSAs prior to submitting to MAR MAR feedback will be given directly to schools and AS is always copied Process of SPSA can be monitored on main page.
44 SPSA Timeline Highlights Draft SPSA Sept/Oct 2013 SSC Reviews and updates SPSA Submit SPSAOct. 11, 2013 Area superintendent (AS) Review & Recommend plan prior to submission to MAR Department (1) original Recommendation & Assurances Pages Processing by MAR DepartmentOctober 2013 Feedback and Approval given directly to school and AS copied BOE ApprovalDecember 2013
45 Monitoring and Accountability Reporting Vikki Henton Program Manager (619) (Phone) (619) (Fax)
46 Contact Information Resource Teachers Dario Gutierrez 619/ Areas 1 and 2 Mary Johnson 619/ Areas 4 and 5 Dr. Susan Weinshanker 619/ Areas 3 and 6
47 Additional Resources Administrative Circular 2 – Modification of Site Plans for School Year Administrative Circular 3 – School Site Council Training for School Year Site Operations Circular TBD - Expenditure of Major Categorical Funds
48 OR sbb.sandi.net OR Principals Page
49 Question and Answers If you have site-related questions, we will be here after the workshop to assist you.