Changing Immigration Patterns (4.3)- Pg
Changing Immigration Patterns Canada has reputation of welcoming immigrants from wide range of countries Numbers of immigrants and their origins have changed over time Government policy controls who and how many immigrants can enter the country The policy usually reflects the social and economic attitudes of the time
Past Policy Canadians were more ethnocentric and led to a policy based on prejudice and discrimination. People who’s culture was similar to ours were accepted (ex Britain, USA, Northern and Western Europe) If you were from Eastern Europe, Africa, or Asia you were rejected or discriminated against (See Textbook pg )
Past Policy The Jewish ExampleImmigration and World Events
After World War 1 Government wanted to populate the West so land was opened up to European farmers for free in the 1920’s With the Great Depression of the 1930’s government policy changed. With few jobs available for Canadians, immigration policy discouraged people from entering the country for fear of them taking away jobs from people born here
After 1945 Canadians became more sensitive to the struggles of others who had been directly affected by the war We also needed workers for our post-war industrial revolution to work in industries/factories in the cities 1947 refugees were accepted and this policy continues today ( See list on page 66)
Today’s Immigration Policy Foundation laid in 1960’s Designed to be more equitable by ending discrimination based on race, color, or religion 1976 new immigration policy adopted Immigrants are divided into three (3) classes – Family Class – Humanitarian or refugee class – Independent Class