New Media Platforms and Sports Right Eclat Entertainment Inc. April 2006 Introduction of Latest new media
- 2 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right AGENDA 1.New Media Platforms 2.Sports Broadcasting Business in Korea 3.Media Platform Market Data 4. Media Platform 5. License Spillover due to Device Convergence - Mobile - IP-TV - DMB - Wireless Broadband - HSDPA
- 3 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right 1. New Media Platforms Service Operator TV Radio Mobile Internet Free Charged Free Charged Free Platform TV Broadcaster StaticMobilePhone enable Cable Satellite IPTV T-DMB Terrestrial Radio Internet Radio Satellite Radio T-DMB Telecom (WAP,ME,JAVA) Various Internet Site mobility Wibro S-DMB/HSDPA
- 4 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right 2. Sports Broadcasting Business in Korea Available platforms in Korea Available platforms in Korea PlatformBusiness fieldsAvailability and schedule TV Terrestrial Cable Satellite - Broadcasting (Live & Delay)YES Online Wired Internet Multimedia Player - Broadband broadcasting (Live & VOD) - Text broadcasting - Data - Downloading images, sound etc YES Mobile Mobile Phone PDA Wireless LAN - Wireless broadcasting (VOD & Download) - Text broadcasting - Data - Images YES Satellite DMB Terrestrial DMB - Broadcasting (Live & Delay)YES New Media IP-TV Wireless Broadband HSDPA - Broadband broadcasting (Live & VOD) - Text broadcasting - Data - Downloading images, sound etc N/A Scheduled for
- 5 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right 3. Media Platform Market Data Media platform subscribing data Media platform subscribing data TV (Unit: 1,000 Household) Source: South Korea Key Statistics Telecom Market Overview and Analysis Total number of household : 17,000,000 Terrestrial is estimated number and 3 million households plus to cable subscribers are watching by terrestrial wave 11,400 14,400 15,450 12,450 16,300 13,300 2,140 1,510 1,030 TerrestrialCable Satellite Mobile & Internet 33,592 29,220 36,220 31,580 38,732 32,570 MobileInternet Source: Ministry of Information and Communication Popularizing rate of total population Mobile : 79 % Internet: 72% (Unit: 1,000 people)
- 6 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right Mobile Users in Korea Mobile Users in Korea CarrierTotal SubscribersWAP EnabledCDMA2000-1X(EVDO) SKT19,669,39618,962,23018,726,314 KTF12,455,37012,116,82411,929,641 LGT6,607,9056,047,7235,927,440 Sum38,732,67137,126,77736,583,395 %100%96%94% ※ source : MIC Sports Contents on Mobile Platform 2005 Sports Contents on Mobile Platform SKTKTFLGT World CupVOD, Images, Text Major league Live Broadcasting, Images, Text Live Broadcasting, Images, Text VOD, Images, Text English Premier leagueVOD, Images, Text NBAVOD, Images, Text Korean Baseball Live Broadcasting, Images, Text Live Broadcasting, Images, Text VOD, Images, Text Korean Basketball Live Broadcasting, Images, Text Live Broadcasting, Images, Text VOD, Images, Text K-league (Korean Football) Live Broadcasting, Images, Text Live Broadcasting, Images, Text VOD, Images, Text 4. Media Platform: Mobile
- 7 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right Introduction of IPTV in Korea Introduction of IPTV in Korea Launching is delayed due to legislative issues between Communications and Broadcasting laws Only restricted services are allowed to launch ( Only VOD) Prediction of IPTV users Prediction of IPTV users (Unit : 1,000 household) Year Assuming… 1.Widely available High speed Internet (VDSL) 2.IPTV Service launched by Mid Free Set-top box supplied 4. Media Platform: IP-TV
- 8 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right Comparison between Satellite-DMB andTerrestrial-DMB Comparison between Satellite-DMB and Terrestrial-DMB Satellite-based DMB Terrestrial-based DMB 4. Media Platform: DMB Channel : Audio, Data and Video - 13 possible TV channels for 25MHz ex) for SKT DMB service - 11 Video channels - 25 audio channels - 3 data channels Channel : Audio, Data and Video - three blocks possible for one channel - Each block has 6 audio channels or one video, three audio and one data Advantage 1.Marketed by Telco - Utilize Mobile phone users - Embedded in Mobile device 2.Various channels 3.Easily Expandable to nationwide Disadvantage 1.Charged service (Monthly fee $12/mo.) 2.Large-scale investment Million USD ~800 Million USD 3.Limited contents - Difficult for securing quality contents Advantage 1.Free Service - Commercial Advertisement 2. Smaller investment - 50 M USD per channel (nationwide) 3. Abundance of quality contents - operated by TV broadcasters Disadvantage 1.Limited marketing - difficult for device development and distribution 2.Strict regulation - simultaneous transmission prohibited 3.Limiting number of channels - Only five channels available Network : Satellite & Gap FillersNetwork : Terrestrial network Frequency : 25 MHz Frequency : 60MHz (ch. 12), possible additional frequency :ch.8 and 10
- 9 - New Media Platforms and Sports Right Comparison between Terrestrial-DMB and Satellite-DMB Comparison between Terrestrial-DMB and Satellite-DMB SectionS-DMBT-DMB Mobile reception - Enable - Bad reception areas covered by Gap Fillers - Enable - Bad reception areas exist Screen size- 7 inches- 7~12inches Main revenue- Monthly subscription Fee( 12 USD/mo.) - Commercial Ads (no subscription fee for users) Target market - Personal Mobile Phone - Automobiles - Personal Mobile Phone - Automobiles Service range- Nationwide service- Territorial service Investment- 400 M USD ~ 800 M USD- 50 M USD per channel Leading institution- TU Media- TV Broadcasters (KBS, SBS, MBC) 4. Media Platform: DMB
New Media Platforms and Sports Right 4. Media Platform: DMB DMB Broadcasting in Korea DMB Broadcasting in Korea Main Sports BroadcastingTerrestrial / CableS-DMBT-DMB Football K-LeagueTerrestrial / CableNO English Premier League, German League, French League, Spanish League CableNO Baseball KBO (Korean baseball)Terrestrial / CableYES MLB Yomiuri Giants (Japanese baseball) CableYES(MLB)NO Basketball KBL (Korean basketball) NBA CableYESNO VolleyballV-LeagueTerrestrial / CableNO TennisWTACableNO Fight WWE, K-1 PRIDE FC, UFC, TNA CableNO RacingFormula 1CableNO GolfPGA, LPGA, KPGATerrestrial / CableNO
New Media Platforms and Sports Right 4. Media Platform: Wireless Broadband Positioning of Wibro Service Positioning of Wibro Service Maximize advantages of both, High mobility (60km/h) & high transfer speed(512Kbps~3Mpbs) - Seamless service In mid-2006, Wireless Broadband (Wibro) will be commercialized in Korea. Estimated 10 Million users by 2010 and will generate USD 15 B High Data Rate Range (11~54 Mbps) Low subscription fee WiFi Service Mobile Phone based Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Limited coverage area (Less than 100m) Restricted mobility (Less than 4km/h) Low Data Rate Range (few hundred ~ 2 Mbps) High subcription fee High Mobility (More than 250km/h) Wide Coverage Area (1 ~3 Km) More Mobility More Speed “Wireless Broadband”
New Media Platforms and Sports Right 4. Media Platform: HSDPA SKT : Wibro is complimentary of HSDPA. SKT will concentrate on HSDPA in 2006 KTF : KTF will concentrate on Synergic service of KT’s Wibro and HSDPA Introduction of HSDPA Introduction of HSDPA Bit rate (theoretical)Bit rate (actual)Capacity (1 Cell) HSDPA14Mbps2~3MbpsMax 130 User WCDMA2Mbps300~400KbpsMax 40 User HSDPA (High speed downlink packet access) will be launched in Mid-2006 / Hand set will launch in June 2006 Subscriber forecast : 50~100 million until Dec (Source : Ministry of Information and Communication) 2006 SKT coverage : 84 Cities / 2006 KTF coverage : 45 cities Plan of 2 Major Carriers Plan of 2 Major Carriers Available service: Real time broadcasting service 30 frame/s, Video phone service…
New Media Platforms and Sports Right 5. License Spillover due to Device Convergence Devices convergence between Platforms Devices convergence between Platforms EnvironmentDevice Internet/WibroPC, Notebook, PC + TV T-DMB PC Notebooks Hand sets S-DMB PC Notebooks Hand sets IPTVIPTV Set top + TV CDMA / HSDPAHand set Possible overlap between platforms. May cause possible conflicts between licensees. Do not segregate too much!!!