A 100 This is the term used to describe human’s current rate of growth.
A 200 The current global and U.S. populations respectively.
A 300 The environmental problem that most scientists agree is the most serious environmental problem and the reason why.
A 400 Demographers predict that human population growth will match this graph due to human populations reaching this rate of NIR by the end of the century
A 500 Draw and label the two types of curves showing r-selected strategies and K- selected strategies.
B 100 The equation used to determine NIR (Natural Increase Rate)
B 200 The equation used to calculate the time it takes for a given country’s population to double.
B 300 A human population has a birth rate of (10/1000 people) & death rate of (5/1000 people) Calculate the NIR for this population
B 400 A local human population has a birth rate of (100/10,000) & a death rate of (50/10,000) Calculate the NIR for this population.
B 500 A human population has a birth rate of (40/1000 people) & a death rate of (10/1000 people) Calculate the NIR and doubling time for this population.
C 100 The demographic classification of Nigeria based upon this age structure diagram.
Identify these countries as having a stable population, a declining population, & an expanding population. C
C 300 The classification of this country, & a description of the TFR (Total Fertility Rate)
C 400 Compare the NIR, TFR, Life Expectancy, & GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of these two countries. 12
C 500 Explain why the U.S. has a large bulge in the center of it’s age structure diagram.
D 100 This is the model that describes changes in fertility and mortality in MEDCs as they industrialized & urbanized.
D 200 This is what happens to population growth in most MEDCS after they have industrialized.
D 300 This is the term that applies to countries that are making the change from LEDC to MEDC. Identify two examples of these countries.
The correct sequence of demographic stages that reflect the position of various countries as they develop. D 400
D 500 The change in China’s fertility rates from 1960 to 2000 and the reasons for it.
E 100 This is the term used to describe the avg. number of children born to a woman in her lifetime.
E 200 These three stages found on an age sex pyramid indicate whether a country is increasing, decreasing, or stabilizing in population.
E 300 Describe the relationship between economic status (GDP) and TFR (Total Fertility Rate.)
Describe the current trend in MEDCs for Describe the current trend in MEDCs for Both puberty and menopause & describe the Both puberty and menopause & describe the potential effect on a population. potential effect on a population. E 400
E 500 Three reasons why people have large families and 2 ways that countries have attempted to lower the fertility rate.
F 100 The term for this process.
F 200 Natural Capital is used to describe these two measures of resources.
F 300 These are the three types of Natural Capital. Provide an example of each.
F 400 Explain what is meant by proper management/sustainable use of resources. (using examples)
F 500 Evaluate the monetary value of Natural Capital using examples. (+/-)
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Reproduction Strategies & Survivorship. Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Explain the 2 reproductive strategies organism’s employ to survive/adapt and and How these affect survivorship And Their place in ecological succession
ANSWERS WILL VARY r-strategists: exponential growth and J-shaped curve compensate for the fact that parents don’t invest in care of offspring. Opportunists & pioneers with type III survivorship. K-strategists: exponential growth is limited by carrying capacity (K) and S-shaped curve. Parents live longer and do invest in care of offspring. Competitors & climax community with type I survivorship. Intermediates have r & K and Type II
Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Template by C. Harr-MAIT Game By Saccone
Exponential Growth A 100
Current Global = 7.0 Billion Current U. S. = 312 Million A 200
A 300 The environmental problem = human overpopulation. Reason = overpopulation exacerbates all other current environmental problems & has potential for creating new ones.
A 400 Demographers predict that human population growth will match graph 3 due to a global NIR rate of zero by the end of the century. 3
B 100 NIR = cbr - cdr Natural Increase Rate = crude birth rate – crude death rate NIR = cbr - cdr _________ _________ 10 10
B 200 Doubling time = 70/NIR “The rule of 70” = 70/Natural Increase Rate
A 500r-selectedK-selected
B 300 A human population has a birth rate of (10/1000 people) & death rate of (5/1000 people) The NIR for this population NIR = cbr – cdr/10 NIR = 0.5%
B 400 A local human population has a birth rate of (100/10,000) & a death rate of (50/10,000) Calculate the NIR for this population. NIR = (cbr – cdr) / 10 (10/1,000) – (5/1,000)/ 10 NIR= 0.5%
B 500 Birth rate of (40/1000 people) Death rate of (10/1000 people) NIR = (cbr – cdr)/10 NIR = (40/1000 – 10/1000)/10 NIR = 3% Doubling time = 70/3 Doubling time = 23 years
C 100 Nigeria = LEDC Less Economically Developed Country
C 300 The classification is MEDC. The TFR is low (replacement level)
C 400 Country #1: NIR = High, TFR = High, Life Expectancy = low, & GDP = low Country #2: NIR = low or -, TFR = low, Life Expectancy = high, & GDP = high 12
C 500 The U.S. (and some other countries) has a large bulge in the center of it’s age structure diagram due to the baby boom. (Fertility increased Post WWII while mortality stayed the same)
D 100 Demographic Transition
D 200 In most MEDCS population growth stabilizes or declines after they have industrialized.
D 300 The term applied to countries that are making the change from LEDC to MEDC is Newly Industrialized Countries. Two examples of these countries include any of the following; China, India, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Turkey, Mexico, & Brazil.
D 400 1)Preindustrial 2)Transitional 3)Industrial 4)Postindustrial
D 500 China’s TFR decreased from 1960 to The reasons for this reduction include; The one child law which fined families that had more than one child. China also transitioned from an LEDC to an NIC (during this time. NIR decreases.)
E 100 Total Fertility Rate = TFR
E 200 Pre-reproductive (0-14) Reproductive (15-45) Posr-reproductive (45+)
E 300 The relationship between GDP and TFR is… The lower the GDP status the higher the Total Fertility Rate. The lower the GDP status the higher the Total Fertility Rate.
E 400 The current trend in MEDCs for The current trend in MEDCs for Puberty: starting younger Puberty: starting younger Menopause: starting later Menopause: starting later The potential effect on a population? The potential effect on a population? Bigger reproductive window = more people. Bigger reproductive window = more people. E 400
E 500 Answers will vary: 1.High infant mortality 2.Security in old age (elder care) 3.Children as workers 4.Low status of women 5.Low education levels 6.Unavailability of contraception AND Pass laws, education, sterilization
F 100 Natural Income.
F 200 Natural Capital is used to describe these two measures of resources; 1.Goods 2.Ecological Services
F 300 These are the three types of Natural Capital with examples of each. 1.Renewable = fish stocks 2.Replenishable = water 3.Nonrenewable = fossil fuels
F 400 Answers will vary Sustainability means allowing the environment to function indefinitely without going into a decline from stresses imposed by human society.
F 500 Evaluate the monetary value of Natural Capital using examples. (+/-) Evaluate the monetary value of Natural Capital using examples. (+/-) Answers will vary: Answers will vary: + $ value can cause more careful use of resources. + $ value can cause more careful use of resources. + $ value factors in both good & services provided by the environment. + $ value factors in both good & services provided by the environment. -Many goods are undervalued due to $ value of sources. Many goods are undervalued due to $ value of sources.Many goods are undervalued due to $ value of sources. -Intrinsic, ethical, spiritual, cultural values are often underestimated/ignored. Intrinsic, ethical, spiritual, cultural values are often underestimated/ignored.Intrinsic, ethical, spiritual, cultural values are often underestimated/ignored.