Unit 3 Internet Basics 3.07 Handi Hi-Tech Tools
Introduction In an earlier lesson in this unit, you learned that the first Web site was put on line in August of 1991—just a couple of years before you were born. Now, new technology is being added almost yearly. Have you ever listened to a podcast, written in a blog, participated in Twitter, or talked to someone in Skype?
Introduction And did you think that Facebook was just for teenagers? A new social network for professionals is LinkedIn where businesspeople can join to communicate with other businesspeople in their industry or another industry. You have also learned about computer networks, which are set up to share software, equipment, and data. LinkedIn is a network of people to share information, ideas, and opportunities.
Introduction Where would you be without your cell phone? Skype is another new technology that allows people to stay in touch—it allows voice calls, instant messaging, and video conferencing over the Internet. Using the Skype Internet phone software, you can even co-host a podcast show with someone who lives in another state or another country.
Introduction At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Utilize digital tools to deliver commerce and information technology curriculum-related content to an audience (ACOS 9.B1) Create simulations using digital tools (ACOS 19) Utilize interactive models and digital sources to address real-world problems (ACOS 21) Disaggregating data electronically to formulate and defend conclusions (ACOS 21.B1)
Lesson: Blogs A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. The modern blog evolved from online diaries, which people started creating in the late-1990’s. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
Lesson: Podcast A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio and/or video). The word is derived from play on demand and broadcast. In 1999-2001, podcasts were used by companies such as ESPN, and it was not until 2004 that the public became interested in creating and using podcasts. To create a podcast, a basic recording is created with a computer, microphone, speakers and software. The recording can then be saved as an MP3 file and uploaded to a site where it is made available.
Lesson: Twitter Twitter, created in 2006, is a free social networking and microblogging (similar to a blog but the entries are much smaller) service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. All users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. While the service itself costs nothing to use, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
Lesson To see why text messages are limited to 160 characters and tweets to 140 characters, read LA Times: Technology. Open a Word document and answer the following questions Why are text messages limited to 160 characters? Why are tweets limited to 140 characters? Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as 3.07 LA Times Technology
Lesson To see examples of blogs, podcasting, and Twitter, go to NASA Multimedia Click on the CONNECT menu Click on NASA Chat Click on NASA Chats: 'Back to School' Science Series Read the article Take a screenshot of the article Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as 3.07 NASA Multimedia
Lesson: Podcasting Go right now to www.spreaker.com and create a free account.
Review In this lesson you learned about blogs, podcasts, and Twitter. Here are distinguishing features of each: Blog — maintained by an individual whereby readers interact; usually on a certain topic Podcasts — audio and/or video files recorded by an individual that can be made available to others Twitter—combines social networking with blogging but entries (called tweets) are smaller Now are you ready to create your own podcast? Look at Tasks for your assignment.
Task 1 Look at the situations below and determine the best tool (podcast, twitter, blog) for each publishing project. Explain your choice. You create music videos every week that you want to share with others. You want to provide brief updates on your school's basketball, football, baseball, and softball teams during their match - score, situation, time left, etc - so that people not at the game can still keep up with how they are doing. You want to write reviews of new movies and TV shows you have seen and allow others to share their comments. Bonus Question: Define the term Wiki and brainstorm a way you and your friends could use a Wiki in your everyday life. Answer these questions in Microsoft Word Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as 3.07 Which Tool Dropbox.
Task 2 Think back on some of the topics covered in Units 1, 2, and 3—such as file or computer maintenance, searching for and evaluating websites, cybersecurity, safeguarding your computer, computer or Internet history, netiquette, computer ethics, copyright laws, documenting sources, or how computers have changed our lives. Your assignment is to pick one of those topics with your partner and create a podcast. Decide on your topic quickly because each group/student in this class must choose a different topic. Sign up on the Podcast Topic Sheet —Write down your topic there. Refer to the Unit 3 Project Podcasting rubric for how this assignment will be graded. You will need to write out your script and practice it before recording your podcast. Task 2 is for you and your partner to create a podcast based on your topic. When finished with your podcast I will give you further instructions on how to submit it. Good luck using your handy-dandy hi-tech tool.
Task 3 Remember how all of your work should be saved to a unit folder? Take a screenshot showing your Unit 3 folder and its contents Save it to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as Unit 3 FM Dropbox.
Are you finished? You should have 19 things saved on your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder. 3.01 Network Tutorial 3.01 How Networks Work 3.01 History and Internet Dropbox 3.02 Skills Check 3 3.02 Boolean QC Chart 3.02 How Stuff Works Brain Quiz 3.02 Searching the Web Dropbox 3.03 Intel Education 3.03 Tutorial for Info Power 3.03 Side Trip 3.03 Evaluating Web Sites Dropbox 3.04 On Guard Online Spyware Quiz 3.04 Practice 3.05 Discussion: Computer Security 3.06 Encryption Dropbox 3.07 LA Times Technology 3.07 NASA Multimedia 3.07 Which Tool Dropbox Unit 3 FM Dropbox So, are you finished?