What is Skype and how do you use it? Before we start, it is a REQUIREMENT of this lesson to have a valid address. If you don’t have one, please ask and we will set one up for you.
Skype is software that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internet.software telephone calls over the Internet Calls to other users of Skype are free, while calls to other landlines and mobile phones can be made for a small fee. Rates are available on the Skype website.landlinesmobile phones Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. programcomputer
Features of Skype. Free PC to PC calls to people anywhere in the world. Free video calls – plus get more detail than ever before with High Quality Video. Land lines and mobiles at great low rates per minute. Instant message for free when it’s not a good time to talk. Forward your calls to your mobile when you’re offline. Send TEXT messages to people on mobiles.
What you need. 1. A working computer! 2. An internet connection. Broadband is best. 3. Speakers and a microphone. (Headset or Skype compatible phone) 4. For video calls we recommend a computer with at least a 1GHz processor, 256 MB RAM and of course a webcam.
You can also use Skype compatible phones which make using Skype that bit easier. Example of a Skype compatible phone. Example of a headset. Example of a Webcam (headset included)
Now that you have checked that you can use Skype, you have to download the software from the Skype website. Simply go to your web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) and enter the address
On the Skype webpage, there is a link to the ‘GetSkype’ section.
Click the Get Skype for Windows button, in blue, and follow the instructions on screen. When finished, you should have a Skype shortcut on your desktop for you to launch Skype whenever needed.
Simply double click the logo to operate Skype.
Now that you have Skype installed, start the programme by double clicking the Skype icon on your desktop. You need to setup an account and give yourself a Skype username.
Click the section where it says “Don’t have a Skype Name”
Create a memorable Skype Name that you're happy for other people to see. Think of a password. This should contain at least 4 characters and be difficult for other people to guess. You’re legally required to read and agree to the License Agreement, the Terms of Service and the Privacy Statement. Click on each to view them. Create Account screen
It is essential to have a valid address. Fill in the last few blanks here and click Sign In to start Skype.
To make a test call, simply click on the green button below.
Now that you have Skype up and running, you will need to purchase “Skype credit” to ring any number, mobile or landline. To do this, simply do the following.
On the Skype homepage, click where it says “Buy Credit”
You must then sign in with your user name and password.
From here, we will help you individually, for security reasons.