What’s on at Frontyard Frontyard Youth Services
Melbourne Youth Support Service (MYSS) Telephone Information and Referral Services provides state-wide face to face and telephone information and referral for crisis accommodation and other support related issues. Intensive Support Workers are available via referral and provide high quality short term case management service to young people presenting with complex needs. Client age: 16 – 24 years inclusive Open: Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm Weekends & public holidays: 10am to 6pm Phone: (03)
Centrelink Community Officers are available to provide services to people under 25 years old and homeless or considered 'at risk' to claim income support payments. Client age: up to 25 years. Drop in: Monday to Thursday 12.30pm-4pm CLOSED FRIDAY. Phone: (03) Website:
Young People’s Health Service (YPHS) YPHS aims to improve the health of young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Nurses, doctors and counsellors are available for free and confidential consultations. Dentist available for drop in every 2 nd Friday 2pm-4pm. Podiatrist, Optometrist and Dietician are free services available via appointment. Open: Monday to Friday 12pm-5pm Phone: (03)
Youthlaw Youthlaw provides free legal advice and casework to young people up to 25 years of age. Legal advice and information are available to young people by phone, , face to face and webcam. Client age: up to 25 years Open: 9am-5pm Drop in for advice: Monday to Friday 2pm-5pm Phone: (03)
Jobs Services Australia (JSA) Job Services Australia (JSA) supports young people find and keep a job. If you are homeless, or an at- risk young person, you’ll receive personalised services that are better targeted to your needs and access to training opportunities and work experience. JSA also run an open access service so that young people can have access to computers for job searching, schoolwork, resume printouts, searching for housing or other education or work related activities. Client age: years Open: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Phone: (03)
Youth Connections Youth connections offers case management to young people disengaged from education. This service helps young people return to education and training. It can also help with Centrelink problems and enrolling in courses. Outreach can also be provided to those who are not able to present in at Frontyard. Client age: inclusive Open: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Phone: (03)
Gateway Reconnect The Melbourne Gateway Reconnect Program works with young people who are newly homeless or at risk of homelessness. Gateway Reconnect uses family inclusive, early intervention strategies aimed at assisting young people achieve family reconciliation and improving their engagement with education, employment, and their community. Services include case management, family mediation and referral to specialist services where required to meet the individual need of the clients. Client age: years Open: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm by appointment Phone: (03)
Young and Pregnant Parenting Program (YAPP) The Young and Pregnant Parenting (YAPP) program is a supported program for young people who are pregnant and / or parenting and are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness. Client age: years Phone: (03)
Family Reconsiliation and Mediation Program Homelessness services can access FRMP brokerage funds on behalf of their clients to buy a range of interventions (individual counselling, family counselling etc) that support their clients to resolve issues regarding family breakdown. Phone: (03) Website:
Evolution – Creative Arts Evolution is a 10 week program dedicated to young people aged 13 to 19 who are not currently studying or employed and interested in visual art, design, film/video, animation and photography. Young people will be working alongside professional artist and youth workers. Lunch and met card provided daily. Client age: years Contact: Belinda (03)
FREE BBQ EVERY THURSDAY 12PM SausagesHamburgers Veggie Burgers SidesJuices
Other free services at Frontyard Shower/Bathroom and breakfast Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Access to computers and internet and phone room Met cards/Phone cards Dentist every second Friday Optometrist first Tuesday of every month Dietician once a month Podiatrist every second Tuesday
For more info… See Frontyard reception