City of Corvallis Oregon Alice Grucza GIS Coordinator
City of Corvallis Oregon The City GIS – Background/History Key Decisions Software – what, where, why Playground Inventory Natural Features Inventory
City of Corvallis Population: 52,540 Area: square miles Budget: $61.3M Operating $24.8M Capital GIS Staff: 3 FTE (Coordinator, 2 Techs) 0.5 FTE Manager OSU Intern Program
Brief History Decision to do mapping digitally - AutoCAD. First GIS software applications purchased (GEO/SQL and Oracle on OS2). “Core elements” of GIS developed - parcels, water, sewer lines. Topographic and planimetrics captured within UGB (AutoCAD). Benton County property database associated with parcel spatial data. Transition to ArcCAD and ArcView – ESRI July First ArcView users outside GIS trained. Development & refinement resulted in 121 themes and first orthophotos covering entire UGB. City of Corvallis - Geographic Information System
Brief History Development of GISMO custom interface - ‘common portal’ linking GIS/Data Warehouse/other data sources. Present - Data Steward responsibilities agreed on and formalized. Experiments with field data collection methods. GISMO use extended to other city departments and mobile installations. Field data collection using ArcPAD on an iPAQ for Streets Division (street light and sign inventory). 2003 – ICMA Grant - Playground Inventory and Maintenance Management. 2003/2005 – Natural Features Inventory Project City of Corvallis - Geographic Information System
Key Decisions Initial Software Public Access to data. Never “marketed” GIS Quality of data – accuracy builds confidence. Build on small steps and successes. Recognize GIS is a “long-term” investment. New software – can be the needed key, or suicide. Data stewardship concept. Users build and maintain the system and retain responsibility for “their” data. Ownership. Organizational focused GIS vs. departmental Build a broad base of user support for the system. Providing training and ongoing support are imperative. Automation of routine processes is critical! City of Corvallis - Geographic Information System
Software City of Corvallis uses ESRI software products. Different software product for different needs and purposes. ArcINFO - Professional GIS software for creation and maintenance of GIS data. (Mapping & GIS staff) ArcView - User software for those requiring analysis and custom map creation capabilities and/or data stewards. GISMO - Custom City of Corvallis interface software for viewing, query, standard reports, mailing labels, simple maps. Arc Explorer - User software to view data. ArcPAD – Field data entry and maintenance. ArcIMS – Intranet/Internet mapping services Additional software – Manifold, MapServer City of Corvallis - Geographic Information System
Software ArcView: Data Stewards for GIS data creation and maintenance. Custom solutions. Example: Custom ArcView data entry application for site address maintenance. GIS - Geographic Information System
Software GISMO GISMO - Custom Corvallis interface software. Developed by PW with consultant (GeoNorth) in Visual Basic and Map Objects. Currently over 160 users - desk and mobile installs. Data entry point for PW’s maintenance management software. ‘Common portal’ to information from many different programs, departments, sources, etc. Links many data types to their geographic location. Example: scanned documents License cost is minimal (less than $90 each install) Easy to use. Requires minimal training to use effectively. GIS - Geographic Information System
Software - GISMO Designed for PW - now used throughout the organization, Planning, Development, Fire, Police, Dispatch, City Managers Office, Park & Recreation, etc. GIS - Geographic Information System
The City of Corvallis Public Works Department uses GIS and Data Warehouse technologies on a daily basis
Fire Department Mapping Prior to GIS
Current Mobile Mapping System Fire Department Nine current laptop computers on first out apparatus 4 engines 1 truck 1 command vehicle 3 ambulances
Software ArcPAD GIS - Geographic Information System ArcPAD first used by Street Division for sign inventory Project failed with three prior software systems now exceeded all expectations. Partial inventory estimated to take more than a year. Completed in less than 4 months Very successful – embraced by field personnel.
Software ArcPAD GIS - Geographic Information System Why was this software/hardware combination successful? No keyboard required. Easy and simple to use. Flexible – if crews want changes most are easy and quick to do. Portability – fits in a pocket. Links directly to GIS – direct shapefile editing Made the crew’s work easier and more efficient. Vast array of add-on accessories for iPAQ
Software ArcPAD GIS - Geographic Information System Field data collection is a key component in the Data Cycle Provides a “tool” for crews to manage their systems Faster turn around time GISMO GIS
Software ArcPAD ICMA Grant Project – Playground Equipment Inventory and Maintenance Management Program GIS - Geographic Information System Expand technology to a low-tech department Streamline regular reporting and management efforts Add significant GIS features into the system Low (and getting lower) budget opportunities Eager staff looking for ways to improve service Partnership with Oregon State University CS Team
Software ArcPAD GIS - Geographic Information System Custom programming Web interface/database link In use at P&R Maintenance Idea of the Year award from International Northwest P&R Association
Natural Features Inventory GIS - Geographic Information System Natural features and hazards inventory of entire Urban Growth area Scientific site inventories/assessments 2.5 year public process and policy development process Next meeting 8 March at 5:30 pm Main Fire Station Meeting Room GIS used as public policy decision tool
Natural Features Inventory GIS - Geographic Information System Inventory of hazard and non-hazard natural features within UGB: Floodways, slopes, earthquake hazards, landslide runout areas, riparian, wetland, wildlife habitat, and isolated tree groves Addresses Statewide Planning Goals 5, 6 and 7 (natural features, water quality and hazards) Balance protection of natural features with need to provide housing and economic development opportunities Establish significance and protection levels – high, some, none
Natural Features Inventory GIS - Geographic Information System Mobile GIS (GIS a la Carte) Power and Portability Cheap Exceeded expectations Regular fixture
Why use GIS in Corvallis? Geographic or location base to most city information and services (FGDC study says 80% of gov’t data is location based) Better Information and Analysis tools for decision making and communicating. Same information to everyone - not different versions, dates. Public access to information Record retained of changes over time. Dynamic resource - information increasing Dynamic resource - information increasing. Data + Mapping - production of custom maps Data + Mapping - production of custom maps. -- Better Customer Service!
City of Corvallis - Geographic Information System Smart Maps provide Smart Service Delivery! It’s simply...
Geographic Information System Geographic Information System Geography matters to the City of Corvallis! Decision Support Citizens Inventory Geographic Knowledge The World
City of Corvallis Oregon City GIS data (including orthos) available at: CDs also available at the Valley Library and Corvallis Benton County Library or available for purchase ($10 each) at PW.
PC Installation in Van First installation late 1999 Industrial PC case Std. Keyboard 15” Flat Screen Inverter mounted in cargo area
PC Installation - Meter Van 2nd installation, done in early Same PC case, monitor and keyboard (in a slide-in tray). Added a printer. Inverter mounted behind the monitor. Uses GISMO and ArcPad.
PC Installation 1-ton Service Trucks PC is a slim-profile case, mounted behind the seat. Has dual hard-drives w/additional cooling fans Same flat-screen monitor Keyboard is wireless (infra-red) Has a wireless Ethernet network card DC-AC Inverter Dual 12v Batteries Infra-red keyboard Most recent installations