Malonga Aeryld Kaja Galic Sébastien Bernadine
And about the development potential and future challenges in the region Some arguments: Majority of EE economy is service oriented, however industry and agriculture still represent 40% EE has high unemployment rate but it is forecasted to drop for 5,3% per annum to 6% unemployment rate in 2016 Urbanization is 9 times faster in Eastern countries That allow us to identify the threats, risks, weaknesses and opportunities Strength: Resource Demography Weaknesses Weak economy declining industry Opportunities new Trading area Threats emerging countries the western countries with strong economy Inform us about a current macroeconomic situation in this region.
Our Strategy: A network of Competitiveness Clusters or Clusters Growth INOVATION INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCE REINFORCEMENT OF ACTIVITY SECTOR Why those clusters To respond to current structural and cyclical economic problems: Eg. The crisis of a plant Revoz (main branch of the subsidiary Renault) Slovenia badly hit since 2009 whereas it focuses most of Slovenian exports. - Political, social, economic support for this type of investment - Lower tax burden materialized by taxes below the EU average Eg. Slovenia: - Labor pool of high quality technical training and linguistics - 16% of the workforce graduated (promoting exchanges) - Existing free trade agreements with Macedonia, Croatia, the Baltic States, Israel, Turkey and good strategic location) Pôle de croissance Port
Key points: Social pole around 3 axes : productivity population environment. What every pole should look for: -The economic, social and environmental performance through ethical practical -Who? All the constituents of business (employees, providers, clients, competitors) -Through market pressure These centres should be designed at local, based on nearby areas (regional networks) and especially on employment areas extended to the region, which would crystallize populations and prevent the exodus and flows. Sea port research & data center Industry and small enterprises Service sectorfarms university Train station
These poles are interdependent and / or would trade among them in ways to became more effective through a Network strategy that would allow : Cooperation and partnership among companies of complementary skills Corporate Social Responsibility pact including Pole Transfer of knowledge and skills (which passes through universities and business exchanges) Interregional partnerships among countries / regions / cities in different sectors Existence of: - Network of Expertise - Business Network - Social Networks These poles regroup several complementary sectors: Energy / Electricity / Water Textile and fashion industry military Industry & aerospace / automotive / marine industry Chemistry and Pharmacy And Services which are transversal sectors.
At the heart of each Growth pole the efficiency of R & D should be increased and innovation should be created by associating Research Centres and financed universities (by the pole and the United States). Economics, biology faculties … Increased competitiveness Fall of legal and economic risk Better image for companies and universities Arrivals of new investors Growth pole
This space would also provide to these poles to plan an assistance for entrepreneurial development to small initiatives types SMEs (small and medium enterprises). This would promote the sharing environment through devices such as micro-credit, assistance and acquisition of production equipment and research. It would also encourage new economic initiatives and proper as the Social and Solidarity Economy. Competitiveness Clusters = synergism + trust among actors
Seek win-win economic exchanges with the new emerging countries (in development): Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey, Nigeria, Philippines, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and Venezuela. The E7 = the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) + Mexico + Indonesia + Turkey - are countries whose total GDP is expected to exceed that of the G7 by 2020, according to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2010). At the international.1 Source :
And also with the South which could represent new markets and niche developments. African countries, Latin American and Asian At the international.2 Over the last ten years, Sub-Saharan Africa has shown strong levels of economic growth. Having weathered the global economic crisis, it is estimated that Sub-Saharan African economies grew by more than five percent in Projections show that the continent as a whole is expected to grow by 4.5 percent in 2012 and 4.8 percent in Source UNDP :
Transition energy shared resource confused in this area which could be a sub-regional economic area specific to the region of the same type as the ACEAN / NAFTA... This is a solution that would allow them to rest on their acquired physical (demography and resource) and also to develop their knowledge in common.