Page 1© Crown copyright 2004 Development of probabilistic climate predictions for UKCIP08 David Sexton, James Murphy, Mat Collins, Geoff Jenkins, Glen Harris, Kate Brown, Robin Clark, Penny Boorman, Simon Brown, Richard Jones, Jason Lowe, Ben Booth, B. Bhaskaran, David Hassell, Ruth McDonald, Tom Howard, Lizzie Kennett UEA, October 19, 2007
Page 2© Crown copyright 2004 Content UKCIP08 Probabilistic climate prediction system Modelling uncertainty and perturbed physics ensembles Weighting with observations Time Scaling Other components of Earth System Downscaling Assumptions
Page 3© Crown copyright 2004 UKCIP ‘02 Based on the state-of-the-art at the time - HadCM3, HadAM3H time-slice, 50km HadRM3 experiments Used by many private and public-sector organisations to make decisions and spend money “Scenario” based with no quantification of uncertainties (although plenty of caveats pointing this out)
Page 4© Crown copyright 2004 Emission scenarios Effects of internal variability Modelling of Earth system processes Uncertainties in model projections … which includes how informative are models about reality
Page 5© Crown copyright 2004 Modelling uncertainty Set of international climate models are all ‘tuned’ to observations But there is no guarantee these are the actual optimal models Other choices of values for model input parameters could have provided equally plausible simulations of observations whilst providing a wide range of responses in the future So tuning could affect the decisions planners make based on climate predictions
Page 6© Crown copyright 2004 UKCIP08 – Probabilistic predictions To provide joint probability distribution functions (pdfs) of predicted changes in a selection of key UK climate variables at 25km resolution for , ,…, Results will be presented for each variable by month We aim to deliver the final report and the pdfs October 2008
Page 7© Crown copyright 2004 UKCIP08 Products Report Three types of output: Probabilistic PDF Weather Generator (change factors from PDFs) Raw daily data from 17 regional climate models Web-based data delivery package (UI) Will produce nice graphics Provide some analysis Provide some guidance Documentation on guidance Preparatory workshops
Page 8© Crown copyright 2004 Probabilistic climate predictions are … It is not a probability distribution from which the real world samples what it does So not an ensemble weather forecast for the future. It is just a representation of the degree to which each possible future climate is plausible given the evidence (climate models and observations). As the evidence changes so will the prediction. Underlying value is to reduce the risk of a user making a bad decision So instead of giving a policy maker all our modelled and observed data we give them a summary statement of the extent to which various possible future climates are consistent with the evidence.
Page 9© Crown copyright 2004 Production of UKCIP08 predictions EBM Time-scalingDown- scaling Perturbed physics ensemble Ocean PPE Aerosol PPE Carbon cycle PPE No computer in world is big enough to run many variants of a 25km Earth system model so we have developed a framework to combine lots of pieces (Murphy et al, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 2007).
Page 10© Crown copyright 2004 Perturbed physics ensembles
Page 11© Crown copyright use “perturbed physics ensembles” to sample systematically a space of possible model configurations Relatively large ensembles designed to sample modelling uncertainties systematically within a single model framework Executed by perturbing model input parameters controlling key model processes, within expert-specified ranges Key strength: Allows greater control over experimental design cf multi-model “ensembles of opportunity” Key limitation: does not sample “structural modelling uncertainties”, e.g. changes in resolution, or in the fundamental assumptions used in the model’s parameterisation schemes – need to include results from other models to account for these.
Page 12© Crown copyright 2004 First steps Take one climate model (in this case version 3 of the Hadley Centre model) Specify distributions for multiple uncertain model parameters controlling atmospheric physical processes Run an ensemble of simulations horizontal resolution) of the equilibrium response to doubled CO 2
Page 13© Crown copyright gives a large (~300 member) sample of possible changes (e.g. summer UK rainfall)
Page 14© Crown copyright 2004 Making probabilistic climate predictions for 2xCO2 response
Page 15© Crown copyright 2004 Bayesian prediction – Goldstein and Rougier Aim is to construct joint probability distribution p(X, m h, m f,y,o,d) of all uncertain objects in problem. Input parameters (X) Historical Model output (m h ) Model prediction (m f ) True climate (y h,y f ) Observations (o) Model imperfections (d) It measures how all objects are related in a probabilistic sense
Page 16© Crown copyright 2004 Best-input assumption Physical and dynamical processes in a climate model are controlled by numbers called model input parameters. We assume that one choice of these values, x*, is better than all others True climateDiscrepancy Model output of best choice of parameter values x*
Page 17© Crown copyright 2004 Best-input assumption We only know the probability that any combination of parameter values is the best- input model. But that means we need millions of model variants. That is too expensive - can only afford hundreds of runs but they have to sampled in a way that is consistent with your beliefs about where the best model is. Need a cheap alternative..
Page 18© Crown copyright 2004 Emulators e.g. climate sensitivity Ensemble member Sqrt(climate sensitivity) Dots – actual runs Lines – 95% credible interval from emulator Emulators are statistical models, trained on ensemble runs, designed to predict model output at untried parameter combinations
Page 19© Crown copyright 2004 Sampling different model variants with emulator
Page 20© Crown copyright 2004 Climate sensitivity – before weighting with observations FOCUS ON BLACK CURVE The Prior
Page 21© Crown copyright 2004 Parameter Constraints due to weighting
Page 22© Crown copyright 2004 Weighting different model variants
Page 23© Crown copyright 2004 Weighting different model variants
Page 24© Crown copyright 2004 Climate sensitivity “Truncation level” = amount of independent information from observations FOCUS ON RED CURVE The Posterior
Page 25© Crown copyright 2004 Climate sensitivity “Truncation level” = amount of independent information from observations FOCUS ON RED CURVE
Page 26© Crown copyright 2004 Weighting models with observations and discrepancy
Page 27© Crown copyright 2004 Physics/dynamics matter… Compare models against several observational variables – with just one variable you can simulate climate well for the wrong reasons Will compare with present-day mean climate - Indirect assessment of key processes for our climate prediction but adds confidence to our prediction of one-off event We are not going to assume models are perfect so using better models has an impact
Page 28© Crown copyright 2004 Best-input assumption Physical and dynamical processes in a climate model are controlled by numbers called model input parameters. We assume that one choice of these values, x*, is better than all others True climateDiscrepancy Model output of best choice of parameter values x*
Page 29© Crown copyright 2004 Comparing models with observations Use likelihood function i.e. skill of model is likelihood of model data given some observations V = obs uncertainty + emulator error + discrepancy Discrepancy is ‘distance’ between real system and ‘best’ choice of input parameters Truncation level = dimensionality of m, o
Page 30© Crown copyright 2004 Discrepancy – a schematic of what it does Avoids observations over-constraining the pdfs. Avoids contradictions from subsequent analyses when some observations have been allowed to constrain the problem too strongly.
Page 31© Crown copyright 2004 Specifying discrepancy Use multimodel ensemble from AR4 and CFMIP For each multimodel ensemble member, find emulated model variant that is closest to that member There is a distance between climates of this multimodel ensemble member and this “best” emulated model variant i.e. effect of processes not explored by slab model variants. Pool these distances over all multimodel ensemble members
Page 32© Crown copyright 2004 Four types of data…
Page 33© Crown copyright 2004 Errors in predicting multimodel ensemble Each dot is a member of multimodel ensemble Grey shading represents 95% confidence interval from internal climate variability A choice: select 10 as this is as large as possible whilst still providing a robust estimate Number of observable quantities in cost function used to find ‘best input’
Page 34© Crown copyright 2004 Climate sensitivity “Truncation level” = amount of independent information from observations FOCUS ON RED CURVE
Page 35© Crown copyright 2004 Joint probabilities
Page 36© Crown copyright 2004 Time scaling
Page 37© Crown copyright 2004 Production of UKCIPnext predictions EBM Time-scalingDown- scaling Equilibrium PPE Ocean PPE Aerosol PPE Carbon cycle PPE For A1B, B1, A1FI scenarios…
Page 38© Crown copyright 2004 Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Ensembles Smaller ensembles of HadCM3 because of spin- up issues Perturbations to atmosphere- model parameters with equivalent HadSM3 versions Flux adjustments used to keep models stable and reduce SST biases Observations Historical + A1B forcing Collins et al. 2006
Page 39© Crown copyright 2004 Pattern Scaling to Produce Pseudo-Transient Ensembles - Methodology
Page 40© Crown copyright 2004 Some plumes…Wales August temperature No carbon cycle feedback yet
Page 41© Crown copyright 2004 Other components of Earth System
Page 42© Crown copyright 2004 Production of UKCIPnext predictions EBM Time-scalingDown- scaling Equilibrium PPE Ocean PPE Aerosol PPE Carbon cycle PPE For A1B, B1, A1FI scenarios…
Page 43© Crown copyright 2004 Uncertainties in the transient response of global mean surface temperature Ocean parameters perturbed Sulphur Cycle parameters perturbed Atmosphere parameters perturbed Ocean parameter perturbation experiments (17 member ensemble) run to quantify effects of uncertainties in ocean transport processes Sulphur cycle parameter perturbation experiments (another 17 member ensemble) also run
Page 44© Crown copyright 2004 Impact of terrestrial uncertainties on CO2 Standard HadCM3, 16 variants of terrestrial carbon cycle Black crosses - observations Total atmospheric CO2 concentration
Page 45© Crown copyright 2004 Downscaling
Page 46© Crown copyright 2004 Production of UKCIPnext predictions EBM Time-scalingDown- scaling Equilibrium PPE Ocean PPE Aerosol PPE Carbon cycle PPE
Page 47© Crown copyright 2004 Downscaling Have also run a 17-member 25km resolution ensemble of perturbed physics regional model versions. Driven by boundary forcing from the HadCM3 A1B transient simulations ( ). We will construct regression relationships between the 17 GCM and 17 RCM simulations of future climate. Use these to create regional response pdfs at 25km scale. Will add further uncertainty to the regional responses.
Page 48© Crown copyright 2004 Downscaling uncertainty 16 realisations of the difference in response of the regional model relative to its driving global model, for January precipitation (% change for relative to ).
Page 49© Crown copyright 2004 Downscaling relationships…
Page 50© Crown copyright 2004 Assumptions
Page 51© Crown copyright 2004 What are the main assumptions we cannot test Local feedbacks between atmosphere and other components of Earth System (carbon cycle, aerosol chemistry and ocean) are of second order importance to effects linked to global temperature change. Structural model uncertainty is a good proxy for difference between HadCM3 family of models and real system Pattern scaling, downscaling relationships applicable across parameter space Multimodel members have equal contribution to discrepancy
Page 52© Crown copyright 2004 THE END ANY QUESTIONS?
Page 53© Crown copyright 2004 UKCIPnext (Hadley Centre contribution) – Aims and Objectives To provide joint probability distribution functions (pdfs) of predicted changes in a selection of key UK climate variables at 25km resolution for each decade during the 21st century Results will be presented for each variable by month indicating mainly mean outcomes but also extremes for e.g. max/min temperature, precipitation We aim to deliver the pdfs and final report summer 2008
Page 54© Crown copyright 2004 Sensitivity to prior – climate sensitivity Before observational After observational constraint constraint
Page 55© Crown copyright 2004 Sensitivity to prior - %ΔUK summer rainfall Before observational After observational constraint constraint
Page 56© Crown copyright 2004 Monte Carlo Sampling Emulated Samples EmulatedDistributions
Page 57© Crown copyright 2004 Reducing uncertainty Improve observational uncertainties Improve model i.e. reduce discrepancy Run larger ensembles Use more observational constraints independent of the ones used already Remove pattern scaling and downscaling steps Remove assumptions about linking sub- modules
Page 58© Crown copyright 2004 Weather Generators We will make probabilistic predictions for the variables that are inputted into the weather generator Weather Generators will be used to generate time series consistent with probabilistic predictions If need spatially coherent time series at high temporal and spatial resolution, can use output from 17 regional climate model runs
Page 59© Crown copyright 2004 Ideal for future UKCIPs Run with fully coupled Earth System Models perturbing parameters in all components simultaneously and then downscale That is, no equilibrium runs, no ensembles on individual components Would need other climate centres to run this experiment for their standard model and ideally they would have these downscaled.
Page 60© Crown copyright 2004 Response surface predicted by emulator Climate Sensitivity as a function of two parameters according to mean prediction of the emulator – note emulator also predicts uncertainty of response surface
Page 61© Crown copyright 2004 Summer UK % precipitation change Another choice: what truncation level to choose… FOCUS ON RED CURVE
Page 62© Crown copyright 2004 Probabilistic climate prediction Probabilistic prediction is a function of Model Observations Choices Assumptions Choices guided by principle that we think it is important to model the Earth System correctly.
Page 63© Crown copyright 2004 Bayesian framework by Goldstein and Rougier: some terms Murphy et al., 2004, Nature, 430, histogram of “perturbed physics” ensemble “emulated” prior distribution posterior distribution
Page 64© Crown copyright 2004 Ensemble Simulations “Bedrock” provided by a relatively large ~300 member ensemble of HadSM3 (atmosphere-slab ocean) run at 1x and 2xCO 2 Results sensitive to how you select parameter combinations Murphy et al., 2004 Webb et al., submitted Stainforth et al., 2005
Page 65© Crown copyright 2004 Weights As truncation level increases, have to be luckier to land on a quality point in parameter space
Page 66© Crown copyright 2004 Precision of percentile estimates Number of Monte Carlo samples million Precision of 95 th percentile estimate CHOOSE THIS ONE!
Page 67© Crown copyright 2004 Emulators are statistical models, trained on ensemble runs, designed to predict model output at untried parameter combinations Emulators
Page 68© Crown copyright 2004 Monte Carlo sampling of parameters combined with an emulator overcomes dependency on sampling strategy to produce prior prediction (blue line) consistent with beliefs about where the best input lies. Prior distribution – prediction before any observations used Emulators and priors
Page 69© Crown copyright 2004 Discrepancy on future variable Model not perfect so there are processes in real system but not in our model that could alter model response by an uncertain amount. Places extra uncertainty on prediction variable in form of a variance
Page 70© Crown copyright 2004 Where is the ‘best’ input? Observations reduce uncertainty about which points are best in parameter space Most effective if a strong relationship exists Constraining predictions
Page 71© Crown copyright 2004 Standard carbon cycle, 3 versions of atmosphere GCM Dashed – no carbon cycle Solid – with carbon cycle
Page 72© Crown copyright 2004 Estimating discrepancy Four ways I can think of… Elicitation Observations Super-parameterised models Ensemble of international climate models