your name Programme of Professional Training of Persons with Acquired Higher Education Boban Gledović Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Directorate for Labour Market and Employment Skopje, April, 2015 Government of Montenegro
your name Programme background First introduced in 2012 Financial crisis - strong impact on youth Source: LFS (MONSTAT) Activity rate (15-24) Employment rate (15-24) Unemployment rate (15-24)
your name Legislative and Institutional Framework Law on Professional Training of Persons with Acquired Higher Education (Official Gazette of Montenegro No.38/12) Rulebook on the Manner of Publishing of Public Calls, Procedure and Criteria for Professional Training (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 46/12) Institutions responsible for implementation: Ministry of Education, Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System, Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunication, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Employment Agency of Montenegro, The Human Resources Management Authority and Institutions of higher education
your name Programme outline: main goal(s) to facilitate school to work transition: to provide young graduates with quality training and prepare them for individual and independent work; and to offer young people a chance to gain knowledge, skills and competences needed for the ever-changing labour market (increase of employability).
your name Programme outline: key points Eligibility: persons with acquired higher education and no previous work experience; registered at EAM database as unemployed Duration: 9 months of training (recognized as 1 year work experience) Employers: public and private sector Monthly remuneration: beneficiaries receive the amount of 50% of the average net salary in Montenegro (EUR 240 approx.)
your name Programme structure Employers application Beneficiaries application“Matching“ employers with beneficiaries “Sending” beneficiaries to designated employersContract signingBeginning of the training M&E process
your name Programme overview: effects and results (1) First generation /2013 Budget: EUR 10 million beneficiaries or 93.7% succesfully completed the training Second generation /2014 Budget: EUR 9 million beneficiaries or 90.1% succesfully completed the training Third generation /2015 (in progress) Budget: EUR 8.5 million beneficiaries
your name Programme overview: effects and results (2) Number of persons employed after succesfully completing training programme Source: Data of Employment Agency of Montenegro (December 2014) Overall % 2013/ % 2012/ %
your name Programme for : supply and demand Dominant educational profiles of the beneficiaries: economy, management, law, tourism, applied computer sciences, tourism and hotel management, international relations etc. Study programmes in demand: law, economy, accounting, finances and banking, electronics, telecommunications and computers, tourism, preschool education etc. Fields of mismatch oversupply: social science (international relations)/management/security and criminalistics/philosophy undersupply: accounting and stock exchange operations/physical education/hydrotechnics/farming and olericulture
your name Regional context: similar labour market outcomes Youth unemployment rates, 2013 (%) Source: ILO - Trends Econometric Models, April 2014; Kosovo: National statistics office
your name EU context and the accession process Link with the EU policies and initiatives: Europe 2020 Strategy Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States i.e. Guideline no.9 Youth Guarantee
your name Key possibilities and potential barriers Effective transition from school to work Increase of employability Self-confidence (prevention of “scarring”) Mentoring – transfer of knowledge Clear overview of labour market needs vs. Inactivity Rigidity (legislative aspect) Lack of programmes for youth entrepreneurship “Substitution effect” (free workforce)