1 Sunflower Project Change Agent Network Meeting #14 June 21, 2010
22 Duane Goossen Secretary, Department of Administration Message Project Sponsor
33 Welcome
44 Meeting Agenda Welcome Project Status & Current Events Policy Updates SMART Cutover Strategy Data Warehouse & Reporting Update Agency Task List Update SMART Support SMART/SH A RP Integration Training Update Wrap Up
55 Welcome and Introductions Presenters Kent Olson, Project Director Peggy Hanna, Deputy Project Director and Cutover Lead Jennifer Dennon, Agency Readiness Lead Connie Guerrero, Enterprise Readiness Team Manager
66 Housekeeping Bathrooms Please set cell phones and pagers to silent 10 minute break is planned Note cards for questions
77 Project Status & Current Events
88 Project Timeline Deploy Design Build/Development Test Training Analyze Oct/Nov/DecJan/Feb/MarApr/May/JunJul/Aug/SepOct/Nov/DecJan/Feb/MarApr/May/JunJul/Aug/Sep On-going System Support & Stabilization 2010 We are Here!
99 Sunflower Project Current Events SMART goes live in only 10 days! Most conversion and agency data validation is complete SHARP cutover completes on Wednesday
10 Policy Updates
11 New & Revised SMART Policy Statements Several new and revised policy statements will be published by June 30: –3,066 - Open Records Act and Fees for Copies of Public Documents –3,102 - Kansas Prompt Payment Act –3,104 - Gratuities or Gifts to Employees –3,351 - Official Hospitality Payment Guidelines –3,597 - Printing for State Agencies –3,607 - Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement –3,802 - Out-of-State Applicants Travel Expense Reimbursement –3,921 - Employee Educational Expense Reimbursement –6,002 - Uniform Receipt Classification - Revenue Account Codes –7,002 - Uniform Expenditure Classification - Expense Account Codes New mileage and expense reimbursement rates will be published this week
12 Forms New forms associated with SMART will be published on the Accounts & Reports website by go-live –Links from the SMART website will direct you to the location on the A&R website –A message will be sent via the SMART InfoList when the forms are available The following forms will be published by June 30: –System Security Form –Agency Request Form –InterUnit Asset Transfer Form –Vendor Table Maintenance –Cancelled Check –Revised DA-184 Direct Deposit for Payroll and Travel & Expense –SMART/SHaRP Chartfield Value Change Request - Department –SMART New Fund Request –SMART New Budget Unit Request –SMART Program ChartField Change Request Form Questions about using forms after go-live? Contact the SMART Help Desk
13 Agency Request Form Agencies should complete the Agency Request Form to: –Request usage of an optional chartfield (service location, agency use, etc.) not previously being used by your agency –Request usage of a SMART module that is not currently being used by your agency Completed forms should be attached to a Help Desk incident using the Category of ‘Forms’ and Sub- Category of ‘Agency Request Form’
14 Service Center Agencies using the Service Center are in touch with their assigned Service Center Accountants For general questions, you may contact the Service Center at: –
15 SMART Cutover Strategy
16 Final Cutover Steps Dates for Agency-Facing Interfaces June 28 – Begin bi-weekly execution of INF42 – Time & Labor Interface July 1 – All other agency interfaces begin (Task ID 292) Final Data Conversion Activities June 23 – Review validation report for converted assets (Task ID 322) –Thank you for submitting your files on time! July 16 – Final pending item conversion files due (Task ID 304) July 19 – Attend data validation session for converted pending items (Task ID 326)
17 Online Entry of Assets – Task ID 327 All assets must be entered into SMART by July 15 This includes the following assets that will be entered online after go-live: –Any capital assets acquired between June 16 and June 30 These were not included in your assets conversion file Include property assets acquired between June 16 and June 30 –All leased assets including capital and operating leases (these were not included in your assets conversion file) –Capital assets that error during the final conversion load Important notes: –The due date for this task was previously July 30 but has been changed to July 15 –Enter these assets with an Accounting Date of 6/30/2010 to reflect that they are prior fiscal year assets
18 Establish Property Asset Relationships – Task ID 328 Establish relationships by July 30 All agencies with property assets must complete this task: –Link building assets to the associated land assets –Link building and land assets to any associated improvement assets
19 Asset Data Entry Resources Resources are published on the SMART website (click the Technical Resources tab): –Assets Online Data Entry Template –Entering Leases Post Go-Live Overview –Leased Assets Online Data Entry Template –Property Assets Online Data Entry Template –Search for an Asset – Property and Improvement Assets
20 Conversion of Encumbrances and GL Balances Conversion of encumbrances and beginning GL balances will occur the weekend of July 17: Friday, July 16 –SMART closes at 2:00 PM to begin conversion programs –No access until Monday morning Monday, July 19 –Converted encumbrances must be updated in SMART (affects 6 agencies) Prior years’ encumbrances will be available in SMART on Monday, July 19 –Prior years’ encumbrances are not available July 1 – 18
21 SMART and SHARP URLs The URL for logging into SHARP does not change. SHARP end-users will continue to access SHARP at: The URL for logging into SMART is: The SMART URL can be found in Lesson 1: Accessing SMART in the Introduction to Navigating in SMART web-based training course (DAGN201)
22 SMART Hours of Availability SMART will be available during the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday SMART will not be available on Saturday or Sunday, initially. System availability will be reconsidered post go live and agencies will be notified of any changes.
23 About Batch Processing SMART batch processing consists of multiple sequences of batch jobs –Jobs must occur in a specified order –Each sequence of jobs is initiated on a regular schedule Example: –Every hour on the hour from 9AM to 5PM SMART initiates a sequence of AP batch processes Includes voucher build, matching, budget check, and more –The processes run one after the other until all are completed –These AP processes run concurrently with batch processes that may be in progress in other modules The next few slides describe aspects of the batch schedule that are applicable to agency data processing
24 Hourly Batch Processing Accounts Payable –Voucher build (applies to uploads and corrected interface errors) –Matching –Budget check –Place vouchers into workflow Accounts Receivable –INF44 Inbound Deposits –INF43 Deposit Upload –Billing item processing –Pending item processing Travel & Expense –Budget check Purchasing –Auto-sourcing –Budget check –PO Dispatch General Ledger (every two hours) –Journal edit –Budget check –Place journals into workflow These processes are initiated on the hour every hour from 9AM to 5PM daily
25 Nightly Batch Processing Accounts Payable –All AP interfaces –Voucher processing * –Setoff processing Accounts Receivable –All AR interfaces (and INF43 Excel upload) –Billing item processing * –Pending item processing * –Budget check (release STO approved deposits) Purchasing –All purchasing interfaces –P-Card processing –Requisition/PO processing * General Ledger –All GL interfaces –Journal processing * –Post accounting entries from modules –Post daily balances –Generate reports –Payroll journal processing (weekly) * Includes the same processing that occurs in hourly batch processing These processes are run each evening during planned SMART outages. (Migrations occur from 6PM to 7PM. Batch processing begins at 7PM.)
26 Nightly Batch Processing (continued) Asset Management –Retrieve info from AP/PO –Calculate depreciation Backup Project Costing –All PC interfaces –Cost collection processing –Billing & revenue processing These processes are run each evening during planned SMART outages. (Migrations occur from 6PM to 7PM. Batch processing begins at 7PM.)
27 Daily Paycycle Routine paycycle processing begins at 3PM each business day This schedule will be re-evaluated after go-live –Timing may be adjusted to ensure all paycycle processing completes before 6PM –Any changes will be communicated to agencies in advance
28 Monthly Batch Processing Purchasing (last business day of the month) –Close requisitions –Close POs –Close receipts –RTV Reconciliation Asset Management (last day of the month) –Calculate depreciation –Create accounting entries These processes run once each month in the evening during planned SMART outages (6PM to 7AM)
29 FAQ: How long does it take to process a payment? Answer: There are many factors that can influence processing time for various types of transactions. –New vendors must be processed and approved by FirstLogic before payments can be made. This adds at least one business day to the processing time of the first payment to the new vendor (this also applies to certain types of updates) –Transactions such as requisitions and vouchers are subject to approval. Timely approvals will decrease overall processing time –Transactions are subject to budget check, matching (if applicable), and other batch processing before they become payments. Accurate and timely data entry will increase the likelihood that transactions complete batch processing correctly the first time
30 FAQ: How long does it take to process a payment? (continued) Answer: (continued) –If interfaced transactions contain errors, they must be fixed in SMART, or deleted from SMART and added again in the next interface cycle. Ensuring accurate interfaced data will reduce overall processing time –While SMART provides alerts for certain types of errors, users must be proactive to identify and fix some errors, such as those that occur in matching, budget check, and interface processing. Timely error resolution will decrease overall processing time –The simplest transactions (for example, non-PO vouchers), could be paid as early as the same day if all processing completes without errors before paycycle runs. This requires that the agency completes all required approvals, there are no budget check errors, and the vendor is already established and approved by FirstLogic. Most transactions are likely to take longer to process
31 FAQ: How long does it take to process a payment? (continued) Answer: (continued) –As an example, these steps would be completed when purchasing an item within your agency’s delegated purchasing authority This scenario assumes no errors are encountered Any errors would create additional steps and cause some steps to be repeated Step Completed By 1Enter requisition and submit to workflow Agency user 2Approve requisitionAgency user 3Auto-source to POHourly batch 4Review and approve PO Agency user (Buyer) 5Run budget check and dispatch the PO Hourly batch Step Completed By 6Provide good or service Vendor 7Enter receiptAgency user 8Create voucherAgency user 9Run matching and budget check Hourly batch 10Approve voucherAgency user 11Run pay cycleDaily process
32 Vendor Payment Self-Service Website Announced the availability of a new Vendor Payment Self-Service Website at CAN #11 The go-live date for the website is now scheduled for the afternoon of July 6, 2010 (previously July 2) Accessible via a link on the Accounts and Reports website Updated daily with ACH and Check information from SMART Contains the same information as printed on the check stub, including Voucher ID, 70 character free- form payment message, and payment reference ID (check or ACH number)
33 Data Warehouse & Reporting Update
34 Reporting Update SMART Report Catalog will be published this week –Contains listing of available reports, inquiries, and queries –Will continue to update with changes as new reports are added Agency Reporting gap process –Reporting gap resolution s were sent to agencies –Continuing development of reports identified as gaps Many are not required until first month end
35 Data Warehouse Update Data Warehouse subject areas will be deployed over the next several months: SHARP (HR) subject areas –Employee Job on July 19 –Payroll Earnings on July 19 –Payroll Earnings Other on July 19 –Time & Labor in October Finance subject areas –Custom #1 AP subject area on July 30 –Custom #2 AR subject area on August 30 Additional subject areas are being designed, developed and tested and will deployed as completed
36 Data Warehouse Update Data Warehouse Meeting will be held July 15 for agency Power Users Agenda –Project Status & Current Events –Support Organization –Security –Subject Area Strategy –Training Update
37 Agency Task List Update
38 Agency Task List Updates Posted to Sunflower Project website Agency Task List Updates New Task List posted 6/18/2010
39 June 2010 Agency Training Tasks June 2010 Ensure Agency Staff are Enrolled and Confirmed for Training Sessions – Task ID 89 Enroll Agency Staff in Level 3 WBT and ILT SMART Training – Task ID 88 Agency Staff Attend SMART Training – Task ID 101 Monitor Agency Staff Training Attendance – Task ID 102 Agency Staff Complete 100 and 200-Level WBT Training – Task ID 257 Agency Staff Complete 300 Level WBT Training – Task ID 258 Monitor Agency Staff Completion of WBT Training – Task ID 259
40 June 2010 Agency Tasks June 2010 Communicate Process and Timeline to Receive SMART User ID and Password – Task ID 298 Participate in Go-Live Readiness – Task ID 300 Prepare to begin using post go-live security procedures – Task ID 285, 294 Communicate Process for Escalating Incidents via Help Desk Contacts – Task ID 299 Confirm Appropriateness of Agency Contacts for Post Go-Live Activities – Task ID 318
41 June 2010July 2010 Agency Tasks June 2010 – July 2010 Send final data conversion files – Task ID 304 Validate converted data – Task ID 322, 326 Enter assets into SMART – Task ID 327 Establish relationships between converted property assets – Task ID 328
42 Distribution of User IDs SMART Help Desk Liaisons will receive a secure containing the agency’s User ID by this Friday, June 25 Existing SHARP Users will use their existing User ID and password as of June 30, 2010 New SHARP users (Time & Labor and Data Warehouse roles) have already received their new SHARP User IDs
43 Default Password for SMART Users The default password schema will be provided at CAN14 and will be distributed securely to SMART Security Liaisons after the meeting. For security reasons, it is not being published in this presentation.
44 Password Requirements You will be forced to change your password when you log in to SMART for the first time. New passwords must adhere to the following requirements: –Must include: Minimum of 8 Alpha/Numeric Characters Include 1 Number Highly recommend it includes mixed case (upper/lower) and a Special Character: ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ | [ ] { } ; : / ?. > < –Letters included in the password are case sensitive –Passwords cannot be reused for six months
45 Changing Your Password The following steps explain how the end-user will enter the new password you have assigned to them. Step 1: The end-user enters their User ID and their default password on the SMART log-in page
46 Changing Your Password (continued) Step 2: The end-user will be prompted to change their password when they sign in again. Click on the hyperlink labeled ‘Click here to change your password.’
47 Changing Your Password (continued) Step 3: The end-user will re-enter their default password. The end-user must pick a new password that meets the password requirements and enter it in the New Password field. They will need to reenter their password in the Confirm Password field and click on the Change Password button.
48 Changing Your Password (continued) The end-user will receive a message that their new password was saved. They will click on ‘OK’ to continue and be taken to the Main Menu in SMART.
49 Security Request Process Later this week, we plan to publish: –SMART Security Access Form –SMART Security Handbook Familiarize yourself with the form and the process Begin completing forms for any changes you have already identified Forms will be accepted starting July 1 –Any forms submitted prior to July 1 will not be processed Contact the SMART Help Desk with any questions
50 SMART Support
51 Contacting Help Desk SMART Help Desk hours will change on July 1 st –New hours are 7AM to 6PM Monday – Friday –Enter requests online 24x7 – requests will be worked during normal business hours Most efficient way to request support is via the ServiceDesk web form –Except for password resets, which require a phone call to the Help Desk during business hours
52 Help Desk Incidents When entering an incident in ServiceDesk please: –Include the navigational path –Include as much detail as possible about what you were trying to do and the steps leading up to the incident When troubleshooting, it is common to recreate the incident in a test environment. This requires a detailed description Include transaction IDs such as voucher ID, deposit ID, vendor ID, etc. –Attach a screen capture showing any error messages or anomalies –Enter separate help desk tickets if you have multiple issues that are unrelated in the same module or if you have issues that are occurring in different modules With this additional information, Help Desk staff will be able to resolve incidents more quickly When calling the Help Desk, end users should be prepared to share similar information
53 Tier 0 Resources at the Agency Resources Available to all End-users: UPK’s –See it, Do it, Know it and Print it components –Access from the “Help” link within SMART Training Materials –Web-Based Training (WBT), Job Aids, and more –Access online at: “Solutions” Knowledge Base –Searchable database of articles about SMART –Access through a link on the SMART website ( and within the ServiceDesk softwarehttp://da.ks.gov/smart Resources Available to Help Desk Contacts: Service Desk Incidents –Current and previous incidents logged by your agency –Accessible by Help Desk Contacts and Liaisons within ServiceDesk
54 SMART/SH A RP Integration
55 SHARP Cutover SHARP Conversion is in progress! Saturday, June 19, 2010 to Tuesday, June 22, 2010: SHARP will be converted to include the integration with SMART and no access will be available Wednesday, June 23, 2010: Access for SHARP and Self Service users to the integrated version of SHARP is scheduled to be restored on June 23 rd. SHARP and Self Service User IDs and passwords will be the same as User IDs and passwords on Friday, June 18, A notice will be sent out on June 22 nd to notify agencies of SHARP availability on June 23 rd.
56 Employee Self Service Employee Self Service users will see the following message until the SHARP Conversion is complete
57 Combocodes Combocode additions cannot be done on-line in SHARP All new Combocode additions must be submitted via spreadsheet to Heather DeBusk at All Combocode spreadsheets will be edited, validated, and corrected (if necessary) prior to being loaded to SHARP New Combocode spreadsheets received and validated now will be loaded beginning June 23, The template can be found at: The file name for the Combocode template is KAGYTL46.xxx where xxx is the three digit agency code
58 Department Budget Funding Agency validation and changes to the Department Budget tables can be done on-line beginning June 23, 2010 A recent task was sent out requesting the identification of agency SHARP payroll journal and payroll voucher error contact(s) and at least one backup by June 18, Questions from agencies have indicated there is some confusion regarding the time these contacts need to be available. PLEASE NOTE: These contacts are for standard, on-going, Monday – Friday workday communications for the resolution of payroll journal and payroll voucher errors that may occur in the regular bi-weekly payroll cycle due to the integration with SMART. These agency contacts do not need to be available on the weekend or outside of normal business hours.
59 SHARP Cutover Informational Circular No. 10-P-024 is available on the A&R website –Provides dates for Fiscal Year End 2010 Payroll Processing activities and Transition to SMART for Fiscal Year 2011 – All prior period adjustments for pay period end dates on or before June 12, 2010 must be submitted on form DA-180 and processed centrally by the Division of Accounts and Reports.
60 Important Payroll Processing Dates & Notes Payroll processing for payroll period ending June 12, 2010 Wednesday, June 23 rd SHARP opens to agencies for validation Employee Self-Service is available Off-cycle ‘B’ is cancelled Friday, June 25 th Regent off-cycle Run ‘C’ deadline 4:00 PM
61 Important Payroll Processing Dates & Notes (continued) Payroll processing for payroll period ending June 12, 2010 Monday, June 28 th SH A RP Supplemental off-cycle ‘C’ entry deadline 6:00 PM Time and Leave/Time and Labor Interface on- cycle files for 6/26/10 PPED due by 5:00 p.m. First payroll run for FY2011
62 Wrap Up
63 Project Resources Sunflower Project website: Sunflower Infolist –Subscribe at SMART Help Desk Search the SMART Solutions Knowledgebase at Log in to Service Desk at Call , Select Option 2 Sunflower Project Site: Sunflower Project, 915 SW Harrison, Room 1181, Topeka, Kansas 66612
64 Questions?