Convergence 2007 PAC Meeting November 15, 2006
Agenda for Today Welcome and Introductions Review Convergence 2006 Preview Convergence 2007 Review Convergence Content Strategy Partner Briefing Keynote Discussion General Sessions Concurrent Sessions Chalk & Talks Expo UX Lounge Community Lounge Microsoft Dynamics Learning Center (HOL’s & Technical Support Desk) Structured Networking Pinnacle Awards Demand Generation Wrap up and Next Steps
Introductions Name Company Name How many Convergence Events have you attended? What is your favorite element of Convergence?
Convergence Partner Advisory Council 11 Partners Jack Ades – AKA Andy Vabulas – IBIS Randy Forkner - Collins Computing Jeanette Jackowski – Tectura Ryan Toenies - Inetium Mike Gillis - Iteration2 Heidi Hopper - Columbus IT Orgad Gratch – TGO Consulting John Kleb - ICS Advantage Jerry Kottelenberg - Avanade Brian Keel - Broadpoint
Convergence Partner Advisory Council Commitments Attend the three PAC meetings and be willing to share your ideas November 15 - Redmond Late Early/Mid Feb – TBD, Redmond Post show – Late May/Early June – Redmond or Fargo Gather feedback from your customers and other partners before attending the PAC meetings Dedicate time to review/edit overall content and session materials Topics of meetings Content – for example, # of sessions per product, etc. Overall Agenda Demand Generation – what is needed to drive customer attendance Partner Briefing agenda and content Prospect Event agenda and content Speakers Benefits Hotel will be paid for all PAC meetings – 2 nights Hotel for the Convergence event will be paid – 6 nights Convergence conference fee will be waived One free customer registration fee for Convergence You are a virtual member of the core planning team that will drive the Convergence event You will have the ability to shape and develop the event
What do we want to accomplish? Direction for Pre-Convergence Partner Day Get a better understanding for what customers and partners want to gain by attending Convergence Direction for Convergence Content Strategy Feedback on demand generation plans – How can we drive more of our customer installed base to Convergence? How can we take Convergence to the next level?
View this slide in show mode and click once to see it fade into full color.
Attendance Year to Year Growth 26% Growth From 2005
Registration/Attendance Stats Checked-In Number: 7,084 (4% drop-off, average drop off is 5%)
Average # of Attendees per Organization - YoY CUSTOMERPARTNER
Total Organizations Represented YoY CUSTOMERPARTNER
By Product Goal to Actual
Countries Represented
US Regional Attendance CUSTOMERPARTNER
Primary Role (Customers Only)
Attendance by Segment Customers Only
Convergence Tenure
Overall Event Evaluation Results
Would you participate in Convergence again?
Overall Evaluation Score
Overall Eval Scores 4 and over
Overall Eval Scores Under 4
Most Valuable Aspect 2006 Networking Expo Hands On Labs Sessions (Concurrent, General, Keynote) Technical Support Desk Roadmap/Product Direction 2005 Networking Concurrent Sesions Expo Technical Support Desk Hands on Labs Learning… New product features
Least Valuable Aspect 2006 Nothing - 27 Keynotes - 23 Hands On Labs - 21 Expo - 16 RIO Nothing RIO Hands on Labs General Sessions Keynotes
Add to the Agenda 2006 Nothing specific 2005 Repeats More Hands on Labs More Expo Time More Technical Sessions
Information apply immediately… 2006 Business Portal CRM FRX SQL Upgrading 2005 Business Portal Analytics/FRx Great Plains 8.0 CRM Sharepoint SQL
Overall comments… 2006 Excellent Conference Great Conference Thank you! 2005 Excellent Conference Great Conference More Expo Bill Gates! Companion rate needs to be fixed Matt G!
Preview Convergence 2007
Attendance Goals
Convergence Goals & Key Metrics
Comparison from 2006 to 2007
* Evening of Friday, March 9 – Partner Welcome Reception 7:00 – 10:00pm Saturday, March 10 Partner Briefing Sunday, March 11 Monday, March 12 Tuesday, March 13 Wednesday, March 14 Morning 7:00 – 8:30am Registration & Structured Networking 7:00 – 8:30am Breakfast 8:30 – 10:30am Opening Session 11:00am – 12:15pm Super Sessions 7am Registration Opens 7am – 6pm Microsoft Dynamics Learning Center 10am – 6pm User Experience Lounge 7:30 – 8:30am Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 am Opening/Keynote: Doug Burgum/Satya Nadella 10:30am – 12:00pm General Sessions 10:30am– 8:30pm Microsoft Dynamics Learning Center 10:30am – 6:00pm User Experience Lounge 7:30 – 8:30am Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00am Keynote: External Speaker 10:30am – 7pm Microsoft Dynamics Learning Center 10:30 am – 7pm User Experience Lounge 10:30 – 11:30am Concurrent Sessions / C&T 7 – 8am Breakfast 8 – 9:00am Concurrent Sessions / C&T 8:00am – 2:30pm Microsoft Dynamics Learning Center 8:00am – 2:30pm User Experience Lounge 9:30 – 10:30am Concurrent Sessions / C&T Afternoon 12:15 – 1:30pm Lunch & Structured Networking 1:30 – 2:30pm Concurrent Sessions 3:00 – 4:00pm Concurrent Sessions 4:30 – 6:30pm 30 minutes – opening 60 minutes – Partner Panel 30 minutes – closing 11:30am– 1:00pm Lunch 11:30 – 6pm Expo 1:00 – 2:00pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 2:30 – 3:30pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 4:00 – 5:00pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 12:00 – 1:30pm Lunch 1:30 – 3:00pm General Sessions 3:00 – 7pm Expo 3:30 – 4:30pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 11:30am – 1:00pm Lunch 1:00 – 7pm Expo 1:00 – 2:00pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 2:30 – 3:30pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 4:00 – 5:00pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 11:00am – 12:00pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 12:00- 1:30pm Lunch 12:00 – 2:00pm Pinnacle Awards Luncheon 1:30 – 2:30pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 3 – 4:30pm Keynote : Steve Ballmer Evening 7:00 - 9:00pm Expo (MS Pavilion 7-9pm) 6 – 10pm Welcome Reception 5:30 – 7:00pm Expo Reception \7 – 8:30pm Sponsor & Press Reception 5:30 – 6:30pm Concurrent Sessions / C&T 5:30 – 7:00pm Expo Reception Convergence 2007 Event Agenda*- 11/13/06
Event Creative
Content Strategy
Speaker YoY Improvement Jeff Raikes4.17. Bill Gates % Doug Burgum % AVERAGE % Keynotes
Top 10 General Sessions Based Upon Overall Satisfaction RankTitleScore# 1.Empower your Business with Microsoft Dynamics SL Microsoft Dynamics GP: Bringing Together Your People and Technology to Build Business Success Microsoft Dynamics NAV What's New in Microsoft SQL Server 2005? The New World of Work "We All Win with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0!" "We All Win with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0!" Microsoft Dynamics AX FRx Software General Session - Efficiency, Integration, and Analysis Your Solution + Your Enhancement Plan = Best Upgrade Value
Concurrent Sessions Overall Eval Results - Average by Track Name Evals Submitted Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6QAvg Industry Product Session Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon) Microsoft FRx Microsoft Office Microsoft Services Microsoft SQL Server Retail Vertical Overall satisfaction with session Value of information provided Applicability of information to your work/role Effectiveness of materials/visuals Presenter's presentation skills Presenter's knowledge of subject Average for all questions combined Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 QAvg
Top 10 Concurrent Sessions based on Overall Satisfaction RankTitleScore# 1.Microsoft Office 2007 System Unplugged Microsoft Excel Tips and Tricks Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Meet the Experts How Does Microsoft Dynamics AX Support the Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Process? Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0: How to Gain Productivity by Using Mass Deployment, Automatic Updates, and More BIO Bootcamp: Introduction to the new Business Intelligence Optimization product for Microsoft Dynamics SL Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0: How to Gain Productivity by Using Mass Deployment, Automatic Updates, and More Microsoft SQL Server Query Tuning Microsoft FRx - Report Design Tips and Tricks II Updating to Microsoft Dynamics GP
Concurrent Sessions Overall Average by Track 2006 vs TRACK Convergence 2006 Average Score Convergence 2005 Average Score YOY Change Microsoft Office System Microsoft Services Microsoft FRx Microsoft NAV Microsoft GP Microsoft CRM Microsoft AX Microsoft SL
Top 10 HOLs based on Overall Satisfaction Top 10 Sessions based on Overall Satisfaction (minimum 10 evals submitted) - RankTitleScore# 1.Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition: Installation, Customization and Configuration Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Customization & Configuration of the Customer Service Module Creating Reports with Microsoft Dynamics AX SQL Reporting Services Gain Productivity from your Microsoft Dynamics GP System Explore New Ways to Get the Most from Your Financial System FRx Software - Financial Reporting, Budgeting and Planning Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Unlocking the Power of Extensibility Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Building and Implementing Efficient CRM Business Processes Discover the Differences with Microsoft SQL 2005 and Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Sales & Marketing Module Configuration3.95
2006 to 2005 Comparison Average Scores Average scoresConvergence 2006 Convergence 2005 YOY General Sessions Concurrent Sessions HOLs Industry Insight Sessions *(Scale of 1-5)
2006 to 2005 Comparison of Sessions Number of Sessions Convergence 2006 Convergence 2005 General Sessions 1013 Concurrent Sessions HOLs Industry Day Sessions 2818
2007 Content Plan for Sessions Number of Sessions Convergenc e 2007 Convergenc e 2006 Convergenc e 2005 General Sessions Concurrent Sessions HOLs ?50+36 Industry Day Sessions Included in concurrent sessions 2818 Chalk & Talks 65
Convergence 2007 Session Allocations; Concurrent Sessions Product Line 2007 Allocations Final 2006 Concurrents Microsoft Dynamics GP31 (6) Microsoft Dynamics AX24 (0) Microsoft Dynamics CRM15 (2) Microsoft Dynamics NAV13 (6) Microsoft Dynamics SL14 (1) Microsoft SQL4 (4) Microsoft Office/IW11 (2) Server1 (2) Services & Support7 (1) Retail1 Microsoft FRx7 (4) Industry28 (1) Mobility1 (3) Total Unique Sessions158 Repeats33 Total247191
Convergence 2007 General Sessions 2 time slots; Monday, March 12 th – immediately following the keynote 10:30-12:00 a.m. Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics NAV Microsoft Dynamics SL Microsoft Dynamics CRM –1:30-3:00 p.m. Microsoft SQL Microsoft Office Microsoft Dynamics CRM FRx considering not having a General Session Microsoft Services incorporated into other General Sessions
Convergence 2007 General Sessions What do your customers want from a General Session? Do they enjoy the production elements\themes? Does it make a difference to customers who is presenting? Product line GMs? Development?
Convergence 2007 Concurrent Sessions 13 time slots with 19 concurrent rooms (2006; 8 time slots with 16 concurrent rooms) Each concurrent session timeslot allows for us to have 19 concurrent sessions plus 5 Chalk & Talks 24 options for attendees\product specific narrows the options for a customer attendee
Content Discussion More descriptive abstracts for sessions; set attendee expectations Objectives of this session What you will learn Leveling of sessions? Basic Intermediate Advanced Chalk & Talks Via the web asking attendees for their input on Chalk & Talk topics Smaller rooms, get their early, plan for repeats
Content Discussion What types of sessions do your customers gain the most value from? Tips & Tricks Meet the Experts Customer Panels Industry Overview of features Industry Sessions Industry experts Repeat sessions Dedicated time slots on the last day of the event s to attendees
Content Discussion Other comments??
Structured Networking
Pinnacle Awards
Comparison Convergence 2006Convergence EMEA Excellence in Teamwork Excellence in Education Fast Track Excellence In Innovation Excellence in International Implementation Excellence in Customer ServiceRole Based Sales & Marketing EvangelismRole Based CEO Excellence in Microsoft TechnologiesRole Based Finance & Administration Overall ExcellenceRole Based IT Industry Award – Manufacturing Industry Award - Financial Industry Award – Public Sector Industry Award - Retail Overall Excellence NEW – Environmental Excellence Award
Demand Generation