AGENDA Actions arising from January’s meeting Regeneration Projects in Boscombe update The Prince’s Trust Police Update Martyn Underhill Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset Citizen’s Advice Bureau Welfare Reform Changes from 1st April 2013 Any questions?
Actions arising from January’s meeting - John Browne, Chair
Update on Regeneration Projects in Boscombe – Sue Bickler Head of Community Regeneration
Prince’s Trust – Marie Claire Nicholson Team programme for 16 – 25 year olds to build confidence and self esteem – Boscombe opportunities to start in May
Police Update - Inspector Chris Weeks
Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset - Martyn Underhill
Citizen’s Advice Bureau – Sam Whiting Raising Awareness of Outreach Centres in Boscombe
Government Welfare Reform Changes - Chris Dale, Revenue and Benefits Dept - Lisa Ypes, Chief Project Officer for Welfare
The Key Elements of Welfare Reform
Replacement for Council Tax Benefit Funding cut from Government Cost to Council of keeping current scheme £2.2m Pensioners and vulnerable groups protected Cut in Council Tax eligible for support from 100% liability to 80% for everyone else (working age) Everyone has to pay 20%; rest means tested Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS)
Hardship Fund Extra help where local Council Tax Support does not meet 100% of council tax bill and still facing financial difficulties Available to pension and working age claimants From 1 April 2013
Discretionary Housing Payment Only payable if someone is receiving Housing Benefit to help with Housing Costs Similar to Hardship Fund for Council Tax but to help with Rent costs Additional funding in 2013 to help with additional burden due to benefit cap, under occupancy plus other HB changes
Benefit Cap The Government intends to restrict household benefit income to £350 pw for single people & £500 pw for single parents or couples Households will not be capped if they receive any of the following benefits: – Working Tax Credit – Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance – Personal Independence Payments – Support component of Employment and Support Allowance – Industrial Injuries Benefit – War Widows or War Widowers Pension Housing Benefit will be the only benefit initially affected by the cap From 1 September 2013
Social Housing Under Occupation A Size Criteria will apply to working age, social housing sector tenants from April This will be based on number of bedrooms needed for the household size and structure. The Local Housing Allowance criteria applies Households under occupying by one bedroom will see a reduction of 14% pw Households under occupying by two or more bedrooms will see a reduction of 25% pw From 1 April 2013
Personal Independence Payments Replaces Disability Living Allowance Rolled out nationally for new claimants - 10 June 2013 Re-assessment of current customers – October 2013 Estimate 20% will lose PIP entitlement Daily Living and Mobility Components Standard & Enhanced Rates Not means tested & non taxable Based on impact of disability on ability to live independently Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction treat PIP the same as DLA
Universal Credit A new benefit to replace some state benefits including Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Income Related Employment and Support Allowance, Tax Credits and Housing Benefit Customers will receive one payment that covers both their living and housing costs Most payments will be made direct to the claimant (this will include social housing tenants too) Comes into effect from October 2013 – date unknown for Bournemouth residents The aim is that all existing Housing Benefit claims will be migrated over to Universal Credit by end of 2017
The Local Welfare Assistance Fund
Local Welfare Assistance Fund Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans, currently administered by the Department for Work and Pensions – abolished 1 st April 2013 Local Authorities have been asked to design their own Local Welfare Assistance Scheme Little or no guidance on types of application DWP have issued a limited grant for the next 2 years
Local Welfare Assistance Fund May be able to help if you face: exceptional financial difficulty disaster, crisis or emergency homelessness, or the threat of homelessness you can’t meet your immediate needs a serious risk to the health and wellbeing of you or your dependant family
The criteria for financial help You may be eligible if you have a local connection with Bournemouth (i.e. you live in Bournemouth permanently or have a close family member that lives in Bournemouth) you’re aged 16 or over you’re on a low income you don’t have savings of more than £500 or you don’t have access to any other forms of assistance
What types of support are there? Emergency help with food Emergency help with light and heat Fleeing from domestic violence Council Tax Rent deposit Rent in advance Leaving prison Returning to live in the community after being in care or in hospital Wanting to stay in your home rather than go into care
How do you apply? You will be able to apply from 1 st April 2013 at
ONLINE FORM ON Signpost to other support: External Organisations Council Services Voluntary & Community Debt Management etc TELEPHONE & FACE TO FACE APPLICATIONS The application
What happens after you apply? Your application will be assessed for urgency and need of the situation We will advise you what happens next by text message, or letter If your application is unsuccessful, we will advise you of other agencies who may be able to provide support
For further help and advice Visit our website Drop in sessions at Kinson Hub with Karen Every Wednesday Speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau Telephone: The Money Advice Service Telephone:
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