The Moodie Report May 2014
2 Methodology and Sample Online survey carried out with travellers at airports around the world In total, 1´014 interviews were completed. The respondents were asked to answer questions about airports services, such as Wi-Fi and car parking usage, food & beverages consumption, and feeling of sense of place. The data collection was conducted in March and April 2014
3 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage
4 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 1. Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage in Airports
5 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage How often do you use the Internet in airports when you take a trip?
6 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage by Gender
7 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage by Age
8 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage by Type of Travellers Occasional travelers use less often Wi-Fi at the Airports than frequent travelers
9 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage by Class Business/First class travelers use more often Wi-Fi at the Airports than Economy class travelers
10 Frequency of Wi-Fi Usage by Browsing Internet Activity People who prefer browsing Internet when waiting at the Airport use more Internet than the others.
11 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 2. Types of Technologies carried when travelling
12 Which of the following technologies do you carry with you when you travel ? Types of Technologies
13 Types of Technologies by Age
14 Types of Technologies by Type of Travelers FrequentOccasional
15 Types of Technologies by Class Business/FirstEconomy
16 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 3. Purpose of Internet Usage
17 What do you use the Internet for at the airport ? Purpose of Internet Usage
18 Purpose of Internet Usage by Gender
19 Purpose of Internet Usage by Age
20 Purpose of Internet Usage by Type of Travelers FrequentOccasional
21 Purpose of Internet Usage by Class BusinessEconomy
22 Purpose of Internet Usage by Frequency of Usage Those who use Wi-Fi at Airports….
23 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 4. Importance of Wi-Fi aspects
24 Importance of Wi-Fi How important to you is each of the following items in term of Wi-Fi Usage, using a scale from 1 (=not important at all) to 5 (=very important) Average
25 Importance of Wi-Fi by Gender Availability of free Wi-FiHigh speed connectionSecured connection Average Average
26 Importance of Wi-Fi by Age Availability of free Wi-FiHigh speed connectionSecured connection
27 Importance of Wi-Fi by Usage Frequency Availability of free Wi-FiHigh speed connectionSecured connection
28 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 5. Free Wi-Fi Usage Duration
29 Free Wi-Fi Usage Duration If the Internet connection is a paid service, for what length of time should the usage be free ?
30 Free Wi-Fi Usage Duration by Gender
31 Free Wi-Fi Usage Duration by Type of Travelers
32 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 5. Willingness to pay for Internet connection per hour
33 Willingness to pay for Internet How much are you willing to pay for Internet connection per hour (in USD) ?
34 Willingness to pay for Internet by Gender
35 Willingness to pay for Internet by Age Older people are willing to pay more for Internet connect compared to younger travelers
36 Willingness to pay for Internet by Type of Travelers
37 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 7. Minimum Speed of Internet Connection
38 Minimum Speed of Internet Connection What should be the minimum speed of Internet connection? Enough to …
39 Minimum Speed of Internet Connection by Gender Enough to…
40 Minimum Speed of Internet Connection by Age Enough to… Younger people use more Internet to load social media and stream audio/visual than older travelers, but use less Internet connection to check s.
41 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 8. Extent to which travelers are willing to get free Wi-Fi access
42 Means to get free Wi-Fi access Do you agree or not with each of the following items? (On a scale from 1 = Fully disagree to 5 = Fully agree) Average
43 Means to get free Wi-Fi access by Age Watch AdvertisementGet free limited access Complete a questionnaireDownload application
44 Means to get free Wi-Fi access by Class Watch AdvertisementGet free limited access Complete a questionnaireDownload application
45 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 9. Preferred Strategies to get Free Wi-Fi
46 Preferred strategies Which one of the strategies listed below would you prefer the most ?
47 Preferred strategies by Gender Enough to…
48 Preferred strategies by Age Younger people preferre watching advertising in opposite to older travelers that prefer to get limited free Wi-Fi and pay for full service.
49 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 10. Willingness to give personal information
50 Personal Information Are you willing to be asked for personal information in exchange to free Wi-Fi? And What kind of personal information are you willing to share?
51 Personal Information by Gender
52 Part A. Report of Wi-Fi Usage 10. Recognition of device when Returning at the Airport
53 Recognition of device Would you expect your device to be recognized upon your return to the airport?
54 Recognition of device by Gender Men expect more that their devices are recognized when returning at the Airport Than women
55 Recognition of device by Type of Travelers Frequent travelers expect more that their devices are recognized when returning at the Airport Than Occasional ones. FrequentOccasional
56 Recognition of device by Class Business travelers expect more that their devices are recognized when returning at the Airport Than Economy ones. Business/FirstEconomy
57 Part B. Report on Sample Structure and Demographics
58 Sample Structure GENDER 74% 26%
59 Purpose of the Trip Among the number of trips you do per year, how many are leisure trips and how many are business trips?
60 Type of Airline What kind of Airline do you usually travel with?
61 Type of Airline by Type of Travelers Type of Airline Frequent travelers prefer Regular Airlines and sometimes travel in business/first class. Occasional travelers take both regular and low cost.