Welcome to AP Biology week 1 Please seat yourself (for today ) Instructor: Dr. Julianne Sundstrom, DVM
Agenda 8/28 FIRST THING – HAVE SUMMER WORK OUT AND ORGANIZATION TO SHOW ME- I CHECK DURING INDEX CARDS AND HANDBOOK READING Take attendance – give student handbooks in alpha order Textbook exchange – here after school until 3:30 next 4 days Introductions (index cards) – see next slides Missing AP contracts & books? correct? ( I determine ahead of time and address individuals during index cards) Check Summer Cornell Notes & organizers Read pgs in your handbook Homework – Read the rest of your handbook to discuss tomorrow Decide on method of organizing if didn’t have today BIG IDEA QUIZ THIS FRIDAY ECOLOGY TEST MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH!!
Introducing Myself~ This class majorly shaped my life – personally and professionally It can influence you too!
My Family
Everett Emma
College Education- What can it do for you? My undergraduate experience – U.C. Berkeley Integrative Biology major and American Lit. minor Semester in Tahiti!
Becoming a Professional U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Mount Diablo Veterinary Medical Center
Index card Name_____________ Grade:_______ Bio teacher____________________________ How many years ago?_________ Grade?________ Why AP Bio?__________________________ Career interests?_______________________ Past AP classes?________________________ Current AP classes?_____________________ Personal changes?_______________________ Parent s (at least one required)?____________ Fun summer experience?______________________ (Note to me- go back to Agenda slide) Math____________ Biotech______
Agenda 8/29 1)Form lab groups and make seating chart 2)Investigation Activity – see notes slide 14 3) sub_bio.htmlhttp:// sub_bio.html 4)Handbook – curriculum terminology /organization 5)Start Ch. 50? Homework – Come prepared with Ecology questions for review next 2 days – look over Textbooks home tomorrow Check your TA’s – seating chart template, parent s
Agenda 8/30 1)Check out textbooks 2)Practice Big Ideas for quiz 3)Review Chapters 50 – 51 4)More handbook (per 5 and 6) Homework- Quiz tomorrow Memorize 4 Big Ideas Study Ch
Agenda 8/31 Take Big Idea quiz Review Chapter 51 Practice free response question Homework – Look at CD-rom for Ch write down activities/resources available and try some of them Print curriculum framework pages that I ed about 22 minutes to write free response Have a great 3-day weekend!
Agenda 8/26/11 1)Hand in free response question & AP Review Manual 2)Scantron Subject is Ecology Unit Exam – Be sure to write number and form, ex. 1A next to your name 3)Pace yourself – 60 questions in 50 minutes Skip ones you don’t know and come back at end HOMEWORK – READ AP LAB 12 and do prelab – IF YOU DON’T HAVE LAB MANUAL, PRINT OUT LAB FROM WEBSITE!!!!!!! You must understand and be able to explain the objectives and procedures for the lab.
My Family And one more kiddo on the way, as you can see…
Bora Bora Bliss…