English 11B WELCOME! Friday March 11 Attendance Syllabus Fact or Fiction Journal #1 Writing Prompt
English 11B JOURNAL #1 Does Violent media (video games, movies, music, etc.) cause violent behavior? Explain your answer in ½ page. Use specific examples and details. Consider the opposing viewpoint in your response.
English 11B MONDAY, MARCH 14 Seating Chart Note Card Information Review and discuss journal #1 Discuss Active Reading Strategy- Annotating Read article: “Research and the Effects of Media Violence is Inconclusive” & annotate as you read
English 11B HOMEWORK Write a ½ page summary of the article.
English 11B TUESDAY, MARCH 15 BELLRINGER Write ½ page reaction to “Research on the Effects of Media Violence…” (liked/disliked, agreed/disagreed, any observations about the writer’s style or use of information.) Please create 3-5 questions that come to your mind based upon the reading.
English 11B TUESDAY, MARCH 15 AGENDA Group work Turn in summary and response Article- “Violent Video Games Cause Aggression” Read
English 11B WEDNESDAY, MARCH Review MLA Format & Changes 2. Practice Test-Correct the errors quiz 3. Assignment-Source & Citation requirements 4. Turn & Talk discussion of Aggression Article
English 11B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 COW 4 Discuss identifying potential main points & evidence (Topic sentence, Examples/evidence, Explanation) Group discussion Finish Aggression discussion Argumentative Essay Assignment Review procon.org site on media violence Begin research-find articles and take notes on all sources
English 11B THURSDAY, MARCH 17 COW 4 DUE BY END OF HOUR: Find one reliable source that has a thorough explanation of a legitimate research study. PRINT ONLY the page that contains the description of the research study. Continue researching and taking notes.
English 11B FRIDAY, MARCH 18 COW 4 RESEARCH Article w/Notes (10 points) Discuss note taking strategies –Annotating –Note cards –Article printed and highlighted/w/comments –Sheets of paper By source or by main argument Topic Analysis sheet-as template Need to find all your resources! Continue over the weekend. HW: Working Works Cited Page due at the end of the hour Monday!
English 11B MONDAY, MARCH 21 COW 4 Please do not mess with the object on your desk. Be ready! Have out a sheet of lined paper, something to write with and all your printed research articles so far. If you do not know what the object on your desk is or is called, make up a name for it!
English 11B MONDAY, MARCH 21 WRITING ACTIVITY You will be given 2 minutes to brainstorm as many observations, uses, etc. for the object you have. What is the price range, what is it made of, why is it useful, who uses it, etc. Ready- GO!
English 11B MONDAY, MARCH 21 WRITING ACTIVITY Directions: You will have 15 minutes to write a PERSUASIVE piece that answers the following: Every household in America needs a… Be persuasive Make up “evidence” as needed (quotes, statistics, studies, so on…) Consider word choice
English 11B MONDAY, MARCH 21 COW 4 Works Cited DUE (10 pts each)End of the hour Topic Analysis-Due Tuesday Research-as needed for missing information READ! TAKE ADDITIONAL NOTES! Work on Topic Analysis HW: Continue reading and note taking as needed. Consider the organization of your information
English 11B WORKS CITED CHECK LIST Last name and page number in the header Entire page double-spaced Works Cited centered as the title All sources listed alphabetically Article titles in quotes Longer titles and titles of the database or website in italics. Use a hanging indent for all multiple lines of a single entry.
English 11B Tuesday, March 22 Cow 4 Topic Analysis DUE! Last day for any final research details! OUTLINE-handout Review sample outline-discuss the option to do opposing viewpoints as a separate paragraph or included in each paragraph. Compose thesis statements & identify your strongest arguments (main points/topic sentences) Outlines due by end of the hour on Wednesday HW: Whatever you need to do to have a completed outline by the end of the hour tomorrow.
English 11B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Late StartCOW 4 OUTLINES DUE BY END OF THE HOUR (10 pts) Make sure you have altered your WC as needed-it must reflect the actual articles you are using in your paper. Discuss introductions (attention-getters, thesis statements, audience relevance) Start drafting paper based upon outline as time allows. HW: Drafting essay
English 11B THURSDAY, MARCH 24 sub-Cow 4 Review outlines Introduction and one Body paragraph due at end of the hour (10 pts)
English 11B Friday, March 25 COW 4 Continue working on body paragraphs ENTIRE BODY DUE BY END OF THE HOUR Monday (10 pts) HW: drafting as needed to meet Monday’s deadline.
English 11B MONDAY MARCH 28 COW 4 ENTIRE BODY DUE BY END OF THE HOUR! Discuss transitions & Conclusions
English 11B TUESDAY, MARCH 29 Cow 4 Complete draft of essay due at the beginning of the hour tomorrow!
English 11B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 Rm 613 Science Wing ESSAYS DUE! Peer critique guidelines Peer critique time
English 11B THURSDAY, MARCH 30 Computer Lab-Science Wing
English 11B THURSDAY, MARCH 31