Glitch Group S5 Activities LSC LSU, Baton Rouge August 15, 2006 G Z L. Blackburn, L. Cadonati, S. Chatterji, J. Dalrymple, S. Desai, A. Di Credico, J. Garofoli, G. Gonzalez, A.Gretarsson, D. Hoak, E. Katsavounidis, J. Kissel, S. Klimenko, A. Mercer, S. Mukherjee, F. Raab, K. Riles, P. Saulson, R. Savage, R. Schofield, P. Shawhan, J. Slutsky, M. Zanolin, N. Zotov, J. Zweizig
2 S5 activities On-line, off-site »Weekly assessment of transients on DARM_ERR and auxiliary channels with potential repercussion on astrophysical searches (burst and inspiral) »Feedback to detector team Off-line »Contributing to data quality assessment »Definition of vetos for the burst and inspiral searches
3 S5 online Continued effort since the beginning of S5 »Two weekly shifts, with reports discussed at the Monday teleconference by data analysts (burst, inspiral) and LLO+LHO instrumentalists »Template report on figures of merit, glitch trends, loudest events for burst and inspiral BNS » individual explorations on specific features E-notebook: » »Archive of observations from the beginning of S5 to date, 3-4 days at a time »Reports are available for offline work, to retrieve a snapshot of what the detectors looked like at the time of potential candidates Example of a shift reporta shift report Weekly summary reports (typically presented at the run coordination call and in detchar Friday calls) ExampleExample SciMons are encouraged to participate to this effort! …More at the SciMonCamp… Grad students and operators are particularly encouraged to join!
4 Glitchiness to date – H1 Fraction of Science Mode time with at least one high significance KleineWelle trigger on DARM_ERR (blue: S>50, red: S>100) duty factor
5 significance KleineWelle triggers H1 Glitching sun 07/23 wed 07/26 PMC swap BurstMon trends
6 Glitchiness to date – H2 Fraction of Science Mode time with at least one high significance KleineWelle trigger on DARM_ERR (blue: S>50, red: S>100) duty factor
7 significance KleineWelle triggers H2 Glitching sat 03/11 sun 08/06 BurstMon trends
8 Glitchiness to date – L1 Fraction of Science Mode time with at least one high significance KleineWelle trigger on DARM_ERR (blue: S>50, red: S>100) duty factor
9 significance KleineWelle triggers L1 Glitching sun 07/30 sun 07/02 BurstMon trends
10 Data Corruption Diagnoses Discussion in the glitch group identified data corruptions of various flavors, through examination of loudest events… … and helped prompt diagnosis of software artifacts The new coherent WaveBurst analysis found glitches like this, on high-passed data, and asked support of the glitch team. Promptly found to be an artifact of the new frame library version v6r20, Frv v4r12 1/16 sec data repeats, inconsistency between fb0 and fb1, found in late march, CHECKSUM_MISMATCH data quality flag Last week of july, found numerous data valid errors in LLO x-end station channels, likely due to a hardware failure in l1iscex, which has been replaced. H2:LSC-DARM_ERRL1:SUS-ETMX_OPLEV_YERROR
11 S5 offline: Data Quality Flags Burst and inspiral analysis have a consensus on adoption of the following flags for analysis segments: OUT_OF_LOCKPRELOCKLOSS_xxxINJECTION AS_TRIGGERMASTER_OVERFLOW_LSCPD_OVERFLOW CALIB_DROPOUT_1SAMPLE CALIB_DROPOUT_BN CALIB_DROPOUT_AWG_STUCKCALIB_GLITCH_ZG Adoption of other flags is still under discussion, but all likely using as a veto: MASTER_OVERFLOW_ASC DetChar-wide effort: data quality flags for “bad” or “so-and-so” data, some automatically produced and inserted in the database, others we are coming up with off-line. Some are critical, others are advisory. Many (but not all!) of these flags overlap with glitches and inspiral/burst events and will be used as vetos. We are working on which ones… We closed the circle: many of the DQ flags created were very efficient vetos; looking at the remaining triggers led us to re-discover artifacts we needed to flag (ASI_CORR_OVERFLOW, H2:MMT3_OPLEVER, H2:OSEM_GLITCH...).
12 S5 Offline: Veto Extensive analysis of »LLO: 57 environmental and 59 interferometric channels »LHO: 98 environmental and 63 (H1) / 71 (H2) interferometric channels New veto logic: »was: veto if overlap trigger durations »now veto if glitch peak times are within a fixed window Proposed F.O.M.: » =number of vetos/Poisson prediction We have several options, to be wrapped up after safety studies are concluded. Glitch tools used to identify power main glitches appearing loud in site-side magnetic glitches that veto burst loudest background events. Study of transients on auxiliary channels (KleineWelle-burst) More burst-specific for now, but closely followed by inspiral
13 Nuts-and-Bolts: SciMon camp on friday »S5 Data Quality Investigations (John Zweizig) »S5 Environmental Disturbances (Robert Schofield) »S5 KleineWelle Glitch Studies (Erik Katsavounidis) »S5 Data Quality Studies (Gaby Gonzalez) »Automated Followup of Inspiral Triggers (Jeff Kissel) »Block-Normal/Event Display based veto and glitch analysis (Shantanu Desai) To learn more… Glitch-related talks in tomorrow afternoon’s DetChar session