1 DECD, EMPLOYER OF CHOICE Why work in public education? UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Friday 22 February, 2013 Simone Baulderstone, Senior HR Consultant Craig Bowering, Program Manager, Graduate Recruitment Barbara King, Recruitment Consultant
2 Statement of Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.
3 The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) SA Public Education: education for all Birth – 18 Families SA, Health EC centres, Pre-schools Schools – primary, middle, secondary Pathways – VET The best start in life, regardless of socioeconomic circumstance, culture or disability High quality learning environments Shaping the lives of young people, every child achieves their potential Leaders in Education professional excellence in education & care passion and expertise
4 We employ the most teachers in SA 16,000 teachers work for DECD Over 1,000 sites across the state; preschool to Year permanent teaching jobs were advertised in 2012, of which a high percentage were filled by employable teachers A significant number of temporary vacancies are also available each year
5 Career Opportunities Our schools are well resourced and cover preschool to adult re-entry; country & metro Permanent, temporary and relief work (TRT) Lots of opportunity for leadership - levels Other types of jobs include –working across a region as an advisor / leader –project work –curriculum development Metropolitan, country & remote
6 Selecting Staff Graduates can apply for any advertised position... and also are considered for temporary employment based on their general application Applications and ads are online so can be accessed anywhere! Local Selection Panels (based at the school) select staff Selection is competitive and based on merit!
7 Selecting Staff The application includes: Personal Statement (1 page) Employment History (include practicum experience) Referee details Principals look for: Relationship strengths and strong interpersonal skills Inclusive practices Flexibility, enthusiasm and passion Contextualise if applying directly to a school – comprehensive knowledge of subject area Undertake the role as willing and ongoing learners Are creative and innovative educators
8 Great conditions and incentives Additional time for programming and planning for beginning teachers in their 1 st year after graduation Full time and part-time work Training & Development opportunities, including Term 4 week 11 T&D Strategy Performance Development Framework A range of leave options available as needed!
9 And there’s more! You can apply for another job in your 2 nd year of a permanent appointment … or stay in your permanent appointment for as long as you want You can go on a teacher exchange
10 And now the money…. Starting teacher salary is $59,629 (and increases each 207 days of teaching for 7 yrs!) ($ per day Tier / Step 1) TRT ($ per day Tier / Step 1 - Temporary Relief Teaching which includes 25% casual loading)
11 Tier /StepSalaryPer F/NightTRT Per day 1$ 59,6292, $ 62,7042, $ 65,7812, $ 68,8532, $ 71,9372, $ 75,0122, $ 78,087 2, $ 82,248 3, $ 85,999 assessment process 3, teacher salary rates
12 Off to the country…. We pay your removal costs and provide access to cheaper (gov) housing if you move to the country for a teaching appointment Most country teachers get additional allowances and incentives, depending on where they teach Guarantees back to the metro area
13 Country Incentive Allowance Depending on where you’re going and how long you’ve been there (up to 5yrs) Locality allowance - depending on where you are located (from approx $60pa at Beachport to $10,000pa at Oak Valley) Country Incidental payment Between $400 and $800, depending on location (once off, perm appt only)
14 YearZone #2 $pa Zone #3 $pa Zone #4 $pa Zone #5 $pa 1965 (994)2205 (2271)4273 (4401)7442 (7665) Country Incentive Allowance 2013 (2014)
15 Permanent Appointment: Coober Pedy Area School Indication of Salary (First Year of Appointment) Salary (Step 1)$59,629 Zone 5 (Year 1)$ 7442 Locality$ 7449 Incidental$ 827 $75,337 (Second Year of Appointment) Salary (Step 2)$62,704 Zone 5 (Year 2)$ 7718 Locality$ 7449 $77,871 Here’s an example!
16 Scholarships for Pre-Service Teachers Target: High quality pre-service teachers Areas of workforce need: - Subject: Senior maths, physics, chemistry, design & technology (materials) -Location -Aboriginality Scholarships provide: -Financial assistance up to $20,000 -Permanent employment opportunities with DECD
17 Scholarships Available Recruit to permanent employment : Country Teaching Scholarships ($20,000: Far North/Eyre & Western) ($10,000: all country regions) Amy Levai Aboriginal Teaching (up to $20,000: country & metro) Scholarships New Beginnings Scholarships(up to $14,000: country regions) Design & Technology (Materials)($20,000: country regions) ($10,000: metro regions) *Applications close 7 th April
18 Scholarship Available Support professional experience : Country Teaching Professional Experience Scholarships Category 1: $1,250 - Any country school - Areas of workforce need - Two application rounds (semester 1 and 2) Category 2: $2,500 - Physics, Chemistry, Senior Maths - C-Change Schools (Bordertown HS, Grant HS, John Pirie SS, Kadina MHS, Port Augusta SS, Roxby Downs AS, Tintinara AS) - supported by a Science/Maths teacher leader * Semester 1 applications close – 31 March
19 Contacts…and explore our website… Recruitment Unit for general info: Strategic Recruitment for teaching scholarship information: (We also visit your university again to help you lodge your DECD application.)
20 Look out for our permanent teaching positions being advertised for Permanent vacancies are advertised in 2013 (to start work in 2014) on the DECD website at Vacancies on: Term 2 Wk 2, Fri 10 th May: Aboriginal, Anangu and SNAP schools Wk 6, Fri 7 th June: Country and some metro schools Term 3 Wk 1, Fri 27 th July: All Metro schools (and some country) then Consequential vacancies Temporary vacancies on a continuous basis)
21 And you’re invited to… Teacher Information Sessions to support you in applying for advertised positions from March (wk 9, term 1) to May (wk 4, term 2) dates / venues on the DECD website DECD/AEU 2013 Stepping Out Conference date to be advised For final year teacher education students Includes: beginning teacher entitlements, processes for gaining employment, advice from principals, early career teacher perspectives, legal issues, professional development and much more.