University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Europæisk forskningssamarbejde vedr. migration og sundhed Netværksmøde 22. februar 2007 Allan Krasnik Dept. of Health Services Research University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research 1.EUPHA section: migrant health 2.EU-project: Monitoring the health status of migrants within Europe 3.COST-action: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research EUPHA section: Migrant Health Build a network of health professionals on migration and health from a public health perspective Increase the knowledge on differences in health problems, use and quality of health care services and on interventions to tackle these differences Discuss conceptual and methodological issues regarding ethnic differences in health and health care Develop strategies to influence national and European policy makers and politicians to increase attention for ethnic health and health care differences Initiate and further use of standard identification methods and data collection procedures.
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Activities The section encourages presentations at the annual EUPHA meeting organize yearly at least one workshop on conceptual/methodological issues national and international workshops and conferences will be stimulated publications for the European Journal of Public Health will be encouraged.
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Contact person Dr. Walter Devillé NIVEL (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) Otterstraat Postbox BN Utrecht The Netherlands T: F:
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research 2. EU-project: Monitoring the health status of migrants within Europe 1.Inventory of available and appropriate databases and survey data for ethnic minority populations 2.Develop indicators expressing differences in health 3.Illustrate the use of these indicators
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Special themes 1.Mortality 2.Cardiovascular diseases 3.Infectious diseases 4.Cancer 5.Reproductive health 6.Percieved health 7.Health care use 8.Health of Roma
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Participants and time schedule Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (coordinator) Associated partners in UK, NL, Germany, Italy, Hungary + collaborating partners 1. January 2007 – 31.December 2009
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research 3. COST-action: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe COST = European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research Bringing to-gether international groups of experts to consolidate and review work carried out so far, identify blind spots and persistent problems and recommend the way forward
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Three working parties 1.Social context and policies relating to immigrants 2.Migrants’ state of health and its determinants 3.Health care for migrants and ways of improving it
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Activities State of the art reports Workshops Conferences Joint publications Training activities
University of Copenhagen, Department of Health Services Research Participants Experts from 23 countries (DK: Tine Curtis og Allan Krasnik) Coordinator: Professor Ingleby, European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University