June 2015
Federal Statutes including the FDPCA and Gramm Leach Bliley
Persons: ◦ Name and/or Address for Service of Process ◦ Assets to enforce a judgment ◦ Information on clients, opposing parties, witnesses, experts Criminal backgrounds Civil cases General information
Owner identities Agent for service Financial stability/assets
Government sites—Free, but some limits for online searching Private sites—Limited information free—but largely fee-based ◦ Genealogy sites especially popular Membership usually required
View Westlaw Directory
Value of Property Foreclosure Information Ownership of Property/liens Information sometimes needed for litigation ◦ Who do you sue ◦ Is it worth it to sue Assessor’s Office (Tax records) Recorder’s Office (ownership/liens) Private sites (value)
Search Systems ( Portico rs.html rs.html SCCounty:
SC County—Online searching ◦ Official documents ◦ Need grantor/grantee or APN (get from tax assessor records)
(Patents, trademarks)
Google (also images, groups, blogs) Yahoo Bing Pipl.com Dogpile ( Yippy ( DuckDuckGo ( BRB Publications ( pubrecsitesStates.aspx ) pubrecsitesStates.aspx
For phone and address ◦ Anywho.com ◦ Whitepages.com
Make sure they are still alive! ◦ Social Security Death Index (google) or Telephone Number, address, reverse directory, and map to address Address & Map
California: ◦ ◦ (search for ebay) ◦ Miscellaneous licensing sites Federal ◦ EDGAR (SEC)
Government Sites: ◦ Pacer.gov (federal court documents) ◦ State courts (California not centralized) ◦ Recorded documents (by county in California) ◦ Agency Sites EDGAR (SEC) Sec’y of State, CA ◦ Various Licensing Agencies (Medical, Legal, Contractor etc.
Need to register ◦ Free ◦ May need credit card ◦ Information from all the federal courts Dockets Documents Case name search ◦ Let’s Search for Barry Bonds
Courts.ca.gov—has link to all counties ◦ Under Courts on homepage ◦ Also information statewide on appellate/supreme court ◦ Santa Clara County—online information Civil cases: Other Counties: Domain Web (often a fee)