UBL: Library Content Subcommittee Marion A. Royal, Vice-Chair Closing Plenary Report Denver, CO USA 7 February 2003
Agenda for this Week MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 09:00- 12:00 Opening Plenary0p70 Supplement 0p70 Supplement Finalize 0p70 Supplement Closing Plenary :00 Scheduling (Joint) 0p70 Supplement X.12 Meeting Materials MGMT 0p70 Supplement 15:00- 16:00 0p70 Supplement Context Discussion 0p70 Supplement Joint X.12 Containership 16:00- 17:00 Teleconference LCSC Teleconference Joint Batch 17:00- 18:00 Wine & Cheese
Process for Creating Sample Instances Develop business document/form - Form template mapping Ids - form instance data XPath Mapping - XPath template mapping Ids - XPath instance data XML - XML template mapping Ids - XML instance data
0p70 Supplement Completing Sample Instances UN Layout Key Stationery/Office Supply Joinery Finalizing on Monday (QA Team) and Tuesday (LCSC Team)
Summary Very Productive week for 0p70 Supplement HOT! Still need 1p0 Work Plan (Telecon) LSCS does care about the “stinking instances” and are discovering/noting QA Issues of 0p70 release