The Objective To help secondary schools create opportunities for Physical Activity at break times. To achieve 5x60 To create solutions where pupils access school transport To utilise an opportunity To create opportunities for skill development including leadership. Funded through 5x60
How will schools achieve this? Equipment lending schemes Designated activity zones The In the Zone Crew
Equipment Lending schemes
Schools may choose to consider… The use of an equipment store The role of the In The Zone crew Collation of usage information –Registers –Putting stamps in school planners –Rewards feeding into the school reward system
Activity Zones, How can school spaces be used effectively? Multi Activity Fitness Ball Games Skipping Paired activity Quiet Zones Table top games
In The Zone Crew Trained sports leaders (ideally)
Schools may choose to consider In the Zone Crew rota Providing training for younger pupils and involving them in roles outside of leading i.e.: running the equipment lending scheme. Introducing an ‘In the Zone panel’ to consult with pupils, promote and evaluate. Possible Active Break leader Rota Possible In The Zone Crew Rota Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Buddy Concrete 1 Concrete 2 Sports hall Storage shed Tennis Court 1 and 2 Concrete 2 Sports Hall Storage shed Tennis court Concrete 1 3 and 4 Sports hall Storage shed Tennis Court Concrete 1 Concrete 2 5 and 6 Storage shed Tennis Court Concrete 1 Concrete 2 Sports hall 7 and 8 Tennis Court Concrete 1 Concrete 2 Sports hall Storage shed 9 and 10
In The Zone 2 SMT Module ITZ Crew Module Activity Booklets Support for schools
The Senior Management Team (SMT) For a member of SMT, another member of staff and the 5x60 officer. –WHAT is In the Zone 2 –WHY should we introduce it in our school –HOW do we go about setting up In the Zone 2 –WHAT if we meet some challenges and problems? –HOW can ITZ operate with the constraints in our school? (timings, supervisory staff, catering, space issues) –WHAT happens next? The module will explore…
In the Zone Crew Module In House Delivery In addition to SLA’s By the end of the module, In the Zone Crew will be able to: Explain the purpose of In the Zone 2 at their school Explain the role and responsibilities of the In the Zone Crew Apply the skills of a sport leader in the context of In the Zone 2 –Team working –Motivating and supporting participants –Positive behaviour management –Safe play and activity –Safe equipment Explain how they can keep the playground fresh
Activity Booklet A range of activity ideas that can be used: - By the In the Zone Crew - By pupils - Across other 5x60 activities
Application Criteria –5x60 school –Already offers Sports Leadership awards (SLA) –The whole school is committed to developing this concept. –Identification of staff with responsibility for the development of ITZ2.
Implementation AT SMT workshop schools will receive: Manual ITZ Crew Module Activity Booklets ITZ 2 Stamp
In the Zone 2 National Curriculum 14 – 19 Pathways Healthy Schools KS2-3 Transition Active Young People Welsh Baccalaureate Skills Framework Contribution to whole school agenda
Rawmarsh Community School, Rotherham, has been successful in developing an active break programme, the impact of the provision of lunchtime activities is outlined below:- more pupils are engaged in a variety of structured and creative activities before school, during lunchtime and after school leading to health benefits Confident pupils with leadership qualifications and management skills A decrease in bullying and social exclusion Youngsters with improved attention span leading to higher attainment levels Positive relationships between pupils and staff A safer environment More time spent in engaged learning Improved punctuality Improved attendance