Strategic Purchasing Division Operation Contracts Cost Reduction Friday March 13, 2009 Presented by Calvin D. Wells, Deputy Director Strategic Purchasing Division Pre-Bid Conference S46-T23274 – Emergency Medical Services Patient Management System – ePCR and Billing and Collection Services Tuesday August 17, 2010 Eric S. Alexander Sr. Procurement Specialist
2 Table of Contents Welcome and Introductions…………………………………………….….. 3 Welcome and Introductions…………………………………………….….. 3 RFP Overview and Associated Documents …………..……..………… 4 RFP Overview and Associated Documents …………..……..………… 4 City of Houston E-bid website ………………………………………………5 City of Houston E-bid website ………………………………………………5 RFP Submittal and Format Requirements..………………………….…6 RFP Submittal and Format Requirements..………………………….…6 Task and Key Dates.…………………………………………………………… 7 Task and Key Dates.…………………………………………………………… 7 Scope of Work..………………………………………………………………… 8 Scope of Work..………………………………………………………………… 8 Scope of Work (cont)..………………………………………………………...9 Scope of Work (cont)..………………………………………………………...9 MWBE Goal………………………………………………………………………..10 MWBE Goal………………………………………………………………………..10 Bid Evaluation………………………………………………………..…………..11 Bid Evaluation………………………………………………………..…………..11 Vendor Questions…………..……………………………………………....….12 Vendor Questions…………..……………………………………………....….12
3 Welcome and Introductions: Eric Alexander – Sr. Procurement Spec. Department Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) Partnering to better serve Houston Fire Department Primary role is in EMS - ePCR Administration and Regulatory Affairs/ Finance Department (s) Primary role is billing, collection and contract compliance
4 RFP Overview and Associated Documents The City of Houston is seeking a contractor to provide a turnkey or ”Best in Breed “Emergency Medical Services Patient Management System solution. This desired solution Should include a robust ePCR system using industry standard off the shelf software that can be interfaced with a highly efficient and effective billing and collection service that Will maintain high standard and professionalism in dealing with the public while Maximizing net revenue to the City of Houston. Document Name Purpose T Terms and Specifications.pdf This file contains all of the RFP requirements. T Vendor Question Template.xls This file should be used when submitting questions Partnering to better serve Houston
6 RFP Submittal and Format Requirements Seven (7) copies of the Proposal, including one (1) printed original signed in BLUE ink, and additional two (2) electronic CD copies are to be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the assigned Solicitation Number, located on the first page of the RFP document to: City Secretary’s Office City Hall Annex City Hall Annex 900 Bagby 900 Bagby Houston, Texas Houston, Texas The proposal should be electronically generated, printed and signed in original ink. The bid should not be submitted in elaborate or expensive binders. Legibility, clarity, and completeness are important and essential. The proposal should be electronically generated, printed and signed in original ink. The bid should not be submitted in elaborate or expensive binders. Legibility, clarity, and completeness are important and essential. The Proposal must be signed by an individual(s) legally authorized to bind the Offeror(s), and must contain a statement that the Proposal and the prices contained therein shall remain firm for a period of one hundred-eighty (180) days. The Proposal must be signed by an individual(s) legally authorized to bind the Offeror(s), and must contain a statement that the Proposal and the prices contained therein shall remain firm for a period of one hundred-eighty (180) days. Partnering to better serve Houston
7 Task and Key Dates Partnering to better serve Houston Task (s) Date (s) Bid Opening Friday, August 6, 2010 Pre-Bid Conference Tuesday, August 17, 10:00 A.M. Vendor Questions are Due Friday, September 3, 5:00 P.M. Proposal Due Date Friday, September 17, 2:00 P.M. Bid Award Date (tentative) Monday, December 13, 2010 Contract Start Date Tuesday, February 1, 2011
8 Scope of Work There are several activities associated with providing the Patient Care Management – ePCR, Billing and Collection services required by the City. The scope of work set forth in this solicitation has broken out into the following requirements; Partnering to better serve Houston Please provide a response and brief description of your capabilities to each section of the scope of work.
Scope of Work (cont) 9 Transitions Software customization, training and equipment refresh Contractor Closeout Plan Please describe tasks, timelines, milestones and deliverables for transferring the Contractor’s duties under the contract to a new contractor at the expiration/termination of the contract. Alternate Proposal As an option, contractors may submit additional proposals with alternative ePCR software. The vendors will need to include the required upgraded portable computer units and equipment necessary for docking EMS vehicles at no capital cost to the City. The purpose of the equipment is for the electronic collection of vital patient data, collection of billing and insurance information. This technology must include the ability to transmit the information using a wireless interface from the EMS units to a server; that is configured to communicate data to the Fire Department’s SQL server. In addition, this technology must have the ability to make an electronic copy of the EMS patient record available to area hospitals. For all alternative proposals, please submit in the separate sealed envelope label as “Alternate Proposal”.
10 MWBE Goal Solicitation (S46 – T23724) for Emergency Medical Services Patient Management System – ePCR and Billing and Collection Services was issued with a City's of Houston Minority and Women Business Enterprise ("MWBE") goal of 12 percent. We encourage the vendors seeking this contract to work with our MBWE subcontractors on this bid. Solicitation (S46 – T23724) for Emergency Medical Services Patient Management System – ePCR and Billing and Collection Services was issued with a City's of Houston Minority and Women Business Enterprise ("MWBE") goal of 12 percent. We encourage the vendors seeking this contract to work with our MBWE subcontractors on this bid. Partnering to better serve Houston
11 RFP Evaluation and Selection Criteria EVALUATION SUMMARY: An evaluation committee will develop a short list of Offeror(s) based upon the initial review of each Bid received. The short listed Offeror(s) may be scheduled for a structured oral presentation, demonstration, site visit and/or interview. Such presentations will be at no cost to the City of Houston. At the end of the oral presentation, demonstration and/or interview, the evaluation of the short listed Offeror(s) will be completed. However, the evaluation committee reserves the right to issue letter(s) of clarity when deemed necessary to any or all Offeror(s). The oral presentations, demonstrations, site visits and/or interview may be recorded and/or videotaped. SELECTION PROCESS: The award of this Contract(s) will be made to the respondent(s) offering the response which best meets the needs of the City. The City may make investigations, as it deems necessary, to determine the capabilities of the Offeror(s) to create, modify and implement the required application modules. The Offeror(s) shall furnish to the City such data as the City may request for this purpose. The City reserves the right to reject any offer if the evidence submitted by or the investigation of the Offeror(s) fails to satisfy the City or the Offeror(s) is deemed unqualified to provide the services contemplated. Each Offeror will be evaluated on the basis of the following evaluation criteria that are listed in order of importance below: Partnering to better serve Houston
12 Vendor Questions Partnering to better serve Houston