What We Do : We conduct Delphi-based* electronic interviews that gather the C ollective Intelligence of an organization. This allows key stakeholders to identify clear action steps which quickly and economically achieve goals. We accomplish this through our proprietary Perception Analysis Methodology (PAM) which enables the identification of the effectiveness and importance of critical initiatives within organizations and provides quantitative and qualitative measures. What Is It: Our methodology, PAM, is a diagnostic tool that offers a corporate solution for data mining in any organizational situation. We have supported: 1.project management of an ERP implementation; 2.measuring intangibles, such as Culture: 3.measuring customer relationship management; 4.gauging merger/integration success potential; and, 5.measuring progress with outsourcing engagements, and much more. We call it an electronic interview. It combines the major processes of a survey, face-to-face interview, focus group, group meeting into one non-invasive activity. It is the tool for problem solvers. It is more than a survey. In fact, comparing the electronic interview to a survey is equivalent to comparing an MRI scanner at a hospital to a $10 Polaroid throwaway they hand out at weddings. You could call both cameras because they take pictures. But one snaps a quick moment of fun, while the other tells a skilled surgeon where to cut. We partner with a customer to identify the Critical Success Factors and Issues for a given corporate initiative and format these into questions. We then launch a Web-hosted, customized template for Electronic Interviews in which thousands of respondents can provide quantitative and qualitative responses. The customer receives a detailed report highlighting the major results and a database of the responses integrated with our proprietary Analysis Engine ( Knowledge Bank Explorer ) that allows an infinite number of examinations in multiple visual and statistical formats. The Knowledge Bank Explorer (KBE) analysis engine is hosted on the customer’s own PC or laptop computer. Customers can access the data immediately for analysis and are able to slice and dice information in an infinite number of ways including the creation of performance indexes, multiple demograhic groups, and plan/status gaps analyses. PAM is ideal when you want to converse with your workforce or customers and works best at designated time frames, such as at the beginning or quarterly, on any initiative; and, when you need a detailed analysis. Using PAM is equivalent to conducting an electronic town hall meeting where you ask questions, get feedback and receive statistical reports identifying areas of agreement and divergence on your initiative. PAM is ideal when you are launching a major corporate initiative or are in the middle of a complex change initiative where you need to improve the results; and, when you need continuous, immediate feedback. It is the equivalent of conducting an electronic staff meeting, but complete with summaries of comments, statistical reports, and visual identifications of the gaps in your execution. ______________________________________ * Delphi is a methodology developed in the 1950s by the Rand Corporation for gaining a group consensus on complex data collection situations. It enjoys worldwide efficacy in technology and scientific research. We have transferred its use for business applications. There Is Nothing Similar! Features page 1
Some customers use PAM weekly, for sales plan execution or ERP implementations, going live with electronic interviews from Friday noon to Sunday noon. They download the results and wake up Monday morning knowing the progress, new developments and gaps in their plans. And, a complete summary on all comments from every project member sorted in several categories. Use PAM to conduct a Customer Satisfaction Interview or an IT Utilization Review as a baseline. Then, use the Knowledge Bank Explorer (KBE ) to validate and launch a new sales plan or an ERP implementation to support your project planner or as your primary project planner. Some Features & Benefits: It’s flexible. Major alterations can be made in hours or days without the associated expenses. You can conduct the same E-Interview repeatedly, or change it every other time or use different questions on different corporate initiatives with ease. It’s fast. PAM can conduct electronic interviews with thousands of stakeholders and produce a detailed report with an easy to use analysis engine in days. PAM allows customers to conduct an electronic staff meeting of an entire organization, into the thousands, and download the reports and data in minutes. It’s versatile. The Knowledge Bank Explorer (KBE) analysis engine allows for an infinite number of analyses or the creation of discrete comparisons that can be used by either a CEO to identify broad corporate trends or a manager to drill down into a specific area or geography. It’s easy. Anyone familiar with Word or Excel can learn to use our proprietary KBE analysis engine to extract useful information for decision making. It’s action oriented. Our KBE analysis engine and report mechanism identify which plans are or are not working, and which plans are most important for success; this allows customers to identify high impact action plans. It’s scaleable. Customers can change, evolve, grow or transform the use and purpose of the tool depending on changing corporate circumstances, the size of the data mining or other needs. It’s unique. No other diagnostic tools offer the ease and flexibility for data mining the correct type of information on any critical organizational initiative. Visit us at and see if you have something similar ! Contact: Jim Stanton There Is Nothing Similar! Features page 2