Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative June 22, 2009 DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
- 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda Workplan Status ̶ Overall Progress Snapshot for Infrastructure Plan, Org Dev Plan, and Comms Plan ̶ SCIO Roundtable Update for Secretariat Plans Sub-committees Updates ̶ IT Governance ̶ IT Administration ̶ Org Dev and Comms Key Topics for Discussion ̶ ‘Day 1’ Readiness for 7/1 (SCIO Roundtable Update) ̶ Post-7/1 ‘Go-Forward’ Discussion and Proposed New Schedule
- 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Workplan Status Overall Progress Snapshot IT Consolidation Planning Timeline Key Planning Threads MarAprMayJun WK1WK2WK3WK4WK5WK6WK7WK8WK9WK10WK11WK12WK13WK14WK15WK16 3/16-3/203/23-3/273/30-4/34/6-4/104/13-4/174/20-4/244/27-5/15/4-5/85/11-5/155/18-5/225/25-5/296/1-6/56/8-6/126/15-6/196/22-6/266/29-7/1 1.0 – Create Common IT Consolidation Planning Approach 2.0 – Create Secretariat IT Consolidation Plan 3.0 – Create High- Level IT Infrastructure Plan 5.0 – Create and Begin Execution of IT Consolidation Communications / Org Dev Plan 3/20 Draft Approach & Framework 3/27 Finalize Approach & Framework 3/16 Kick-Off 3/27 Hackett Data Available 5/29 Draft Secretariat Plans Due Pilot Current State Analysis Complete 6/30 Final Secretariat Plans 4/3 Draft Secretariat Plan Outline Conduct consolidation working sessions Day 1T-30T-60T-90 Rapidly Execute Consolidation Planning 4/3 Draft High-level Infrastructure Plan Outline 5/8 Draft #1 5/29 Final High-level Infrastructure Plan Conduct consolidation working sessions 4/30 Org Development Plan 4/30 Communications Plan 4/13 Draft Org Development Plan 4/13 Draft Communications Plan Implementation Initiated 5/30 High-level Infrastructure Plan 7/1 Secretariat IT Consolidation Plans 4/17 Pilot Complete Review and Validate We Are Here 4/1 Kickoff EOHHS draft EOPSS EOTPW EOEEA EOLWD EOHED ANF EOE Network Strategy session 5/18 Draft #2 Begin Secretariat town-hall meetings Develop roadmap wall-charts HR Readiness prep Review and Refine Plan Major Milestone Key Activity Exec Order 510 Compliance Deadline Interim Milestone Key Session / Meeting
- 3 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Workplan Status SCIO Roundtable on Secretariat Plans Key ActivityEOHHSEOEEAANFEOHEDEOPSSEOLWDEOEEOT 1 Conduct kickoff meeting with SCIO (and CFO/HR leads as needed) 2 Conduct orientation meeting with key stakeholders 3 Conduct series of working sessions with IT service owners 4 Develop draft plan for review by IT service owners 5Review draft plan with SCIO 6 Incorporate edits based on review sessions 7 SCIO to review draft plan with IT and Business stakeholders to obtain feedback 6/26 6/23 6/24 8Review draft plan with CCIO and SCIONeed to finalize schedule this week 9Conduct Secretariat Town HallsTBD 7/14TBD 6/18 6/25 6/30TBD
- 4 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Sub-committee Updates 1.Executive Summary Briefing 2.Section 3.0 update 3.Wiki update IT GovernanceIT AdministrationIT Org Dev & Comms 1.Payroll process readiness (6/19 deadline) 2.Submission of ISAs (6/26 deadline) 1.Organizational Development Update on plan refresh Labor Mgmt and Talent Mgmt Groups + Chairs – Next Steps 2.Communications NAGE feedback on Secretariat Town Hall Template Update on plan refresh
- 5 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Discussion: ‘Day 1’ Readiness for 7/1
- 6 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion ‘Day 1’ Readiness – SCIO Roundtable Update IT Governance Secretariat IT Steering Committees established IT Steering Committee meetings been held or scheduled Standing meeting agendas drafted / developed IT Administration Payroll processing for 7/1 ready (due 6/19) ISAs submitted (due 6/26) Initiative Communications Town Hall Presentations ready Town Halls scheduled and logistics finalized
- 7 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Discussion: Post-7/1 ‘Go Forward’ Plan and Schedule
- 8 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion Post-7/1: Proposed High-level Workplan Major Milestone Key Activity Exec Order 510 Compliance Deadline Interim Milestone Key Session / Meeting IT Consolidation Initiative Key Threads July 2009August 2009September 2009 WK1WK2WK3WK4WK5WK6WK7WK8WK9WK10WK11WK12WK13 7/6-107/13-177/20-247/27-318/3-78/10-148/17-218/24-288/31-9/49/7-119/14-189/21-259/26-10/2 Secretariat IT Consolidation Commonwealth IT Infrastructure Consolidation Commonwealth Service Excellence
- 9 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion Post-7/1: Potential New Standing Committees Proposed #CommitteePurpose / Focus Meeting Frequency Chair 1Initiative Communications360˚ program-wide communicationsBi-weeklyTBD 2IT GovernanceSLAs, ‘culture transformation’Bi-weeklyTBD 3IT AdministrationBudget and legal mattersWeeklyTBD 4Talent ManagementCareer paths, training, mentoringBi-weeklyMarcie Desmond 5HR and Labor AdministrationHR administrative matters (e.g., payroll), and labor matters WeeklyTBD 6Benefits Realization and Tracking KPIs, measurement methods, and tracking process Bi-weeklyClaudia Boldman
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion Post-7/1: Proposed Deloitte Role Overarching Program Management Needs Secretariat-specific Needs ANF EOE EOEEA EOHED EOHHS EOLWD EOPSS EOT Overall tracking of program progress Conduct and facilitate Benefits tracking / performance management Issue identification and resolution support Organizational development next steps Communications next steps Group checkpoints for four Secretariat IT services TBD Chargeback dependencies for Federal funding (i.e., trusts & grants) Others? TBD
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion Post-7/1: Proposed Deloitte Role (continued) Secretariat Needs Identified This Morning 1 1. Financial management (chargebacks, ISAs, Federal funding dependencies (grants, trusts)) 2. ITIL v3.0 guidance (solutions, training, leading practices, lessons learned, awareness) 3. Cross-Secretariat checkpoints by IT service (e.g., monthly?) 4. Commonwealth-wide strategy for Helpdesk Services 5. Integrated performance management (consistent approach, industry leading practices, analysis) 6. Set of common implementation templates and standardized approach 7. Organizational capacity building / org design (e.g., leading practices around span of control) 1During brainstorming session / discussion in the 6/22 10am CIO Cabinet meeting.
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Key Topics for Discussion Post-7/1: Proposed Standing Schedule MTuWThF Key Holidays (July-Sept): 7/3, Friday – Independence Day (Deloitte) 9/7, Monday – Labor Day (State + Deloitte) 7/17/27/3 7/67/77/87/97/10 7/137/147/157/167/17 7/207/217/227/237/24 7/277/287/297/307/31 CIO Cabinet IT Consolidation Working Group All Committees 1 CIO Cabinet All Committees 1 CIO Cabinet IT Consolidation Working Group All Committees 1 CIO Cabinet All Committees 1 Wkly Prep with CCIO, Co-chairs 2, and Deloitte 1All Committees meet weekly in July; biweekly beginning in August 2Co-chairs of the IT Consolidation Working Group