MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 28 July August2/ / / / /31 august 1 September23456/ NESS Teachers Due BackTWD Elementary Orientation New Students-6:00 Returning-7:00 TWD Staff Pics Lunch 12:00 OPEN HOUSE 5:00 First Day of School Welcome Students! Independence DayBOO HOO Breakfast 8:00 a.m. cafeteria COLLEGE COLORS DAY(STAFF ONLY) PTSO KICKOFF ASSEMBLY Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 1 September23456/ / / / October234/ /12 september 2014 No School SPT WINDOW 9/8-9/19 BLACK OUT DAY! Marzano Training BRIDGES 2:40 BLACK OUT DAY! SAC 6:00 p.m. PTSO 7:00 p.m. Faculty Meeting Carmela from S.I. Data Chat 2:40 School Picture Day! S.O.M. PLC I Committee Meeting Interim Progress Reports Early Release Welcome Back Bash! Make Up Picture Day! NESSSchool wide Writing Day! No SchoolDress “Up” Day $2 SBAT deadline Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 29 September301 October234/ / / / /2 November /9 october 2014 Team Leader Meeting 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.A Failure Notices Due FIRE SAFETY WEEK! Fall Personality Pictures Faculty Meeting, Data Chats Dress “Up” Day $2 FTE WEEK!PLC E“Scrimmage” S.D.ASomerset at the “Movies” $5.00pp or $15 per family 6:30 SOCK HOP!COLOR WARSStudent of the Month Responsibility End of 1 st Quarter Homecoming Parade Early Release Teacher Planning Quarter Begins BAFS (replaces BAT) NESSStorybook Parade And Wax Museum Somerset Academy Elementary B.A.F.S 1 (replaces BAT)
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 27 October /2 November / / / /30 november 1 December23456/ SAC 6:00 PTSO 7:00 PTSO Rewards Show! Teacher PlanningTeam Leader Meeting 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.ADress “Up” Day $2 PINNACLE DEADLINE NO SCHOOLFaculty Meeting Data Chat 2:40 Club Pictures Day Report Card Day! “Scrimmage” S.D.A PLC IInterim Progress Reports “Scrimmage” S.D.A Dress “Up” Day $2 S.O.M. Citizenship NESS BLACK OUT DAY! No School Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 1 December23456/ / / / January23/ /11 december 2014 TOY DRIVE BEGINS Writing Field Test 1- 19th (if selected) Team Leader Meeting 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.A Failure Notices Due PTSO Holiday Store School Wide Writing Day PTSO Holiday Store Somerset Holiday Party Science Fair K-12?PLC EWinter Wonderland End of Quarter Early Release “Scrimmage” S.D.A TWD Winter break Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 29 December30311 January23/ / / / /1 February january / No School Welcome Back! FCAT Tutoring Camp Begins Team Leader Meeting 2:40 Dress “Up” Day $2 SAC 6:00 PTSO 7:00 Faculty Meeting Data Chat 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.A PINNACLE DEADLINE No SchoolReport Card Day PLC I Walk About for Autism? NESSS.O.M. Respect “Scrimmage” S.D.A Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 26 January /1 February / / / /1 March february / Current Sibling Registration Team Leader Meeting 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.A FTE WEEK Valentine Store Opens Interim Progress Reports Faculty Meeting Data Chat 2:40 End sibling registration BLACK OUT DAY! JUMP ROPE FOR HEART S.O.M Honesty PLC E Somerset “Night of the Arts” GYM 6pm “Scrimmage” S.D.A Spring Personality Pics! NESSEarly ReleaseBlack History Pep Rally M/H Somerset Academy Elementary Dr. Suess Week: Reading Across America B.A.F.S 2 (replaces BAT)
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 23 February /1 March / / / /29 march April234/ F.S.A. WRITING WINDOW-13th Team Leader Meeting 2:40 “Scrimmage” S.D.A SAC 6:00 PTSO 7:00 FIELD DAY K/1FIELD DAY 2/3 Faculty Meeting Data Chat 2:40 FIELD DAY 4/5FIELD DAY MAKE-UP NESSFSA PEP RALLY! PLC I End of Quarter MULTICULTURAL FEST Early Release Day “Scrimmage” S.D.A ? TWD SPRING BREAK Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 30 March311 April234/ / / / May2/ /10 april 2015 FACULTY FSA TRaining No School Spring Pictures ?SDA! Team Leader Meeting 2:40 S.O.M Self-Control PINNACLE DEADLINE Report Cards PLC E NESSInterim Progress Reports Somerset Academy Elementary F.S.A. Language Arts and Mathematics computer based F.S.A. ELA and Math Paper Based
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 27 April May2/ / / / /31 may 1 June23456/ Teacher Appreciation Week Pre-K Cap/Gown Pics Team Leader Meeting 2:40 5 th Grade Prom SAC 6:00 PTSO 7:00 SPT Window- 18th Faculty Meeting Data Chat 2:40 Kindergarten Round Up! CAREER DAY??? Move earlier in the year????? Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 8:30 cafeteria BLACK OUT DAY! No SchoolPanther Prowl 5 th graders 9:00 GYM NESS 1 st grade awards 2 nd grade awards 5 th grade Promotion 5:30 GYM 3 rd grade awards4 th grade awards PINNACLE DEADLINE Somerset Academy Elementary
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 1 June23456/ / / / July234/ /12 june 2015 Early Release DAyTWD Report Card Day! Somerset Academy Elementary