Report of the University of Maryland EURECA Program: Center for International Cooperation in Tech Transfer ‘ Team Maryland’: Brian Darmody, Associate VP for Research and Economic Development Martha Connolly, Director, Maryland Industrial Partnerships Ronnie Gist, Associate Director, Maryland Industrial Partnerships Robert Walker, Assistant Secretary, Department of Business and Economic Development
Both United States and Russia are looking for ways to generate more job creation, improve university/industry relations, and increase technology transfer United States: Start Up America Russia: Enhancing University Research and Entrepreneurial Capacity Program (EURECA)
Join us to hear about the EU's new, €2.5 billion support program for small companies, government procurement, university incubators and other new approaches to entrepreneurship in the works in Brussels. 3 December 2012, 14:00-15:30, Mission of Norway to the EU, Rue Archimede 17, Brussels
Large National Research University More that 37, 000 students More than $500 million annual research Over 120 countries represented in student body Located within 10 km of US National Capital Significant and long term relationship with Russia
The University of Maryland is located within 12 Kilometers of all these Institutions The Russian EmbassyThe White HouseU.S. Capitol
The More You Learn, the More You Earn
Bilateral Academic and Trade Missions to UM and to UNN
Biotech and Medical Device Cluster in Maryland
Bio Process Scale Up Facility at University of Maryland Supporting Biotech Cluster
Maryland International Incubator The Maryland International Incubator (MI2) is the result of a collaboration between the University of Maryland, College Park, and the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED). The mission of the International Incubator is to connect Maryland and International companies for successful joint ventures through a targeted array of business services, state-of-the-art facilities, and world-class resources.
America-Russia Innovation Corridor and Incubator Managed by UM’s International Incubator Accelerate and incubate companies from Russian universities interested in US markets Link resources to other universities in US and other resources in DC-Maryland region
Support development of international research programs and cluster development between US universities and Russian universities Develop ‘mini-multinational’ companies from US and Russian university spin outs Link angel, VC and institutional support for spin out companies Provide legal, business, mentorship and administrative support to provide soft landing for technology spin out companies. Mission of American-Russian Innovation Corridor and Incubator
INVEST MARYLAND INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE $100,000 to winning start up company Must have less than $1M in revenue and less than 25 employees 51% of grant must be spent in Maryland Apply by December 13, 2012, with $100 application fee
Thank You! Brian Darmody Associate VP for Research and Economic Development Director of Corporate Relations University of Maryland College Park, Maryland