Tools of the Trade Common Tools used with Master Wall Systems Presented by With thanks to
About Tools Tools are not part of the Master Wall System, but choosing the proper tool for the job is part of any professional installation. Tools are not part of the Master Wall System, but choosing the proper tool for the job is part of any professional installation. This program is published for general informational purposes only and is not intended to imply that these are the only materials, procedures, or methods, which are available or suitable. Materials, procedures, or methods may vary according to the particular circumstances, local building code requirements, design conditions, or statutory and regulatory requirements. While the information in this specification is believed to be accurate and reliable, it is presented without guarantee or responsibility on the part of Master Wall Inc. This program is published for general informational purposes only and is not intended to imply that these are the only materials, procedures, or methods, which are available or suitable. Materials, procedures, or methods may vary according to the particular circumstances, local building code requirements, design conditions, or statutory and regulatory requirements. While the information in this specification is believed to be accurate and reliable, it is presented without guarantee or responsibility on the part of Master Wall Inc.
Tools of the Trade What’s the best tool for the job?
Basic Tools Hawk & Trowel Hawk & Trowel Rasp Rasp Detail Tools Detail Tools Float Float Heavy Duty Mixer and paddle Heavy Duty Mixer and paddle Most are available in kit form from your Master Wall distributor Most are available in kit form from your Master Wall distributor
Hawk & Trowel Your most basic pieces of equipment Your most basic pieces of equipment Only use stainless steel trowels Only use stainless steel trowels Choose a size that works for you Choose a size that works for you Many different handle styles from wood to comfort grip Many different handle styles from wood to comfort grip Notched trowels for adhesive application Notched trowels for adhesive application
Detail Tools Margin trowel for detail work Margin trowel for detail work Corner trowel for crisp corners Corner trowel for crisp corners Groove tool for smooth aesthetic joints Groove tool for smooth aesthetic joints Use a paint brush to touch up minor blemishes Use a paint brush to touch up minor blemishes
Rasping & Leveling Used to level the insulation board and roughen the surface for base coat Used to level the insulation board and roughen the surface for base coat Available with rough replaceable sandpaper or permanently fixed rasping material Available with rough replaceable sandpaper or permanently fixed rasping material Use rub brick to level any base coat imperfections Use rub brick to level any base coat imperfections
Cutting & Grooving Saws and knives are commonly used to cut insulation board Saws and knives are commonly used to cut insulation board Specialty wire cutters speed production Specialty wire cutters speed production Hot groovers cut recesses in the insulation board Hot groovers cut recesses in the insulation board
Floats Many different styles available Many different styles available Different “grip” available to change textures Different “grip” available to change textures Always float with the same technique for the whole wall Always float with the same technique for the whole wall
Medium/Heavy Duty Drill Lightweight but strong drill for EIFS cement board and some lath installations Lightweight but strong drill for EIFS cement board and some lath installations Depth Stops for EIFS installations Depth Stops for EIFS installations Specialty Drill Bits Specialty Drill Bits
Heavy Duty Drill A heavy duty mixing drill is used to mix base coats and finishes A heavy duty mixing drill is used to mix base coats and finishes ½” drill chuck with rpm ½” drill chuck with rpm
Paddles Paddle designs vary Paddle designs vary Choose one that works best for your application Choose one that works best for your application
Other Tools Bucket Dredgers and Openers Bucket Dredgers and Openers Foam-2-Foam for sealing penetrations Foam-2-Foam for sealing penetrations Screw guns for mechanical attachment Screw guns for mechanical attachment Tapes and protective wraps Tapes and protective wraps
Advanced Tools
Production Fastening Grid-Master cordless fastening tool for EIFS and lath attachment Grid-Master cordless fastening tool for EIFS and lath attachment Coil roofing nailer or stapler for lath attachment Coil roofing nailer or stapler for lath attachment
Wire Cutters/Advanced Groovers Specialty wire cutters can cut special insulation board shapes on site Specialty wire cutters can cut special insulation board shapes on site Portable groovers make EIFS installations easier Portable groovers make EIFS installations easier
Mortar Mixers Jobsite mixers for stucco applications Jobsite mixers for stucco applications Gas or electric powered Gas or electric powered
Finish Application by Spray Prime the base coat with Master Wall Primecoat, allow to dry Prime the base coat with Master Wall Primecoat, allow to dry Keep spray gun at a 90 0 angle to the wall Keep spray gun at a 90 0 angle to the wall Use a circular overlapping motion Use a circular overlapping motion Apply the finish evenly Apply the finish evenly Be careful not to flood an area with too much finish as it will appear different when it dries Be careful not to flood an area with too much finish as it will appear different when it dries
Production Finish Sprayers Available for specialty manufacturers such as Graco Available for specialty manufacturers such as Graco Easily cover large areas with finish Easily cover large areas with finish
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