Www.england.nhs.uk Cleveland LMC care.data Hearing your views 15 July 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Cleveland LMC care.data Hearing your views 15 July 2014

Programme extending the data captured nationally to encompass all NHS-funded care and linking data sets to describe patient pathways New data sets will be collected (e.g. GP data) Existing data sets will be linked (e.g. HES / MHMDS) Used for planning, monitoring and research (secondary uses) NOT for clinical (direct) care Key stakeholders: General Practice and Public Consultation and engagement phase - NOW Planned pathfinder data extraction from GP practices What is care.data?

Better information means better care Describing: patterns of healthcare activity over time Predicting: models that determine risk of adverse events Evaluating: create synthetic controls for research Comparing: health needs and use of services Auditing: to help assess the quality of care Investigating: to detect associations.

Confidentiality and Privacy Data types Identifiable Pseudonymised Anonymised Objections GP data HSCIC data NHS | Presentation to Salford LMC | 09 June NHS provider Health and Social Care Information Centre NHS & Public Health NHS & Public Health Publication Research Patient S251 Request S251 Request GP Legal Requirement

Consultation and engagement National engagement: NHS England and key stakeholders (patients and clinicians) Regional engagement LMCs, CCGs, Local Healthwatch, others Open House events Oversight and Governance care.data Advisory Group Independent Information Governance Advisory Group What next?

Janet King, Regional Head of Intelligence NHS England (North) 6NE Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7UE phone: / My portfolio includes: open data; big data; information governance, outcomes information and innovation Contact details: regional

Contact details: national NHS England Chief Data Officer (CDO) guidance/ HSCIC (open 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday) (subject line ‘care.data – GP’)