MAP OF PUNJAB Districts = 22 Blocks = 217 Schools = 20354
Storage Bins used for Storage of Food Grains in a School Well Managed Kitchen
Seating Arrangement made in a School of District Fatehgarh Sahib, (GES, RURKI)
Utensils for Having Mid Day Meal in a School of District Pathankot
WEEKLY MENU-DAY WISE S.N Days Menu 1. Monday Dal(mixed with Green Leafy Vegetables) and chapatti 2. Tuesday Paushtik Khichri (mixed with Dal and seasonal vegetables) 3. Wednesday Black Channe (mixed with Potato) and chapatti 4. Thursday Karhi(mixed with Onion and Potato Pakoras) and rice 5. Friday Seasonal vegetables and chapatti 6. Saturday Dal(mixed with Green Leafy vegetables) and rice NOTE:- Kheer is being provided on any day of the week along with Mid Day Meal.
School Health Card Maintained in a School
Centralised Kitchen Inner view at Ajitgarh & Steel Containers for MDM Transportation
Storage of Ingredients in Centralised Kitchen of District Ajitgarh and Cook-cum-helpers packing meals.
SMC meeting in Progress in a School in Focussed Group Discussion
SCHOOL DATA S. No. Type of Institution Primary Schools Upper Primary Schools 1 Govt. 13209 6310 2 Govt. Aided 326 402 3 NCLP 107 - 4 Total 13642 6712
AVERAGE NO OF STUDENTS WHO AVAILED MDM STUDENT STRENGTH & AVERAGE NO OF STUDENTS WHO AVAILED MDM Sr. No Classes Enrolment Children availing MDM % Age 1. Primary (in lacs) 11.86 10.10 85% 2. Upper Primary (in lacs) 7.85 6.64
APPROVALS FOR FY- 2014-15 Particulars Primary U. Primary NCLP Total Enrollment 1181130 785033 5350 1971513 Children approved by the PAB 1070000 680000 1755350 Foodgrains allotted 26108.00 (MT) 24888.00 (MT) 240.75 (MT) 51236.75 (MT) No. of Days approved 244 300 244/300 (Rs. In lacs) COMPONENETS CS SS Total Foodgrains 2636.13 - Cooking Cost 13610.68 4531.60 18142.28 Transportation 384.28 Honorarium to Cooks 3708.68 2225.21 5933.89 MME 366.12 20705.89 6756.81 27462.70
Position of Funds Released by the GOI and Sanctioned by State Finance Deptt. Rs. In Lacs Funds Released GOI State Share Total Opening Balance 1940.50 -71.69 1868.81 Ad-hoc Grant 4979.13 1625.92 6605.05 1st Installment 5410.45 1623.00 7033.45 2nd Installment 3111.23 1001.88 4113.11 Balance out of LPG Funds 5108.82 2577.70 7686.52 Total (Released) 20550.13 6756.81 27306.94
Status of Funds Released by State Govt Rs. In Lacs Funds Released GOI State Share Total Remarks Opening Balance 1940.50 -71.69 1868.81 Ad-hoc Grant 4979.13 1625.92 6605.05 1st Installment 5410.45 1623.00 7033.45 2nd Installment 3111.23 1001.88 4113.11 Bills Pending with Treasury Balance out of LPG Funds 5108.82 2577.70 7686.52 -do- Total (Released) 20550.13 6756.81 27306.94
PERFORMANCE DURING 2014-15 *(UPTO 31-12-2014)* Items Primary U.Primary NCLP Total Enrollment as per Dise Data 1181130 785033 5350 1971513 Children approved by the PAB (As per average attendance for the period 1.4.2013 to 31.3.2013) 1070000 680000 1755350 Avg. No. of Children who availed MDM 1010413 658867 5190 1674470 % on enrollment 85% 84% 97% % on PAB Approval 94% 95% MDM Approved for the Year (in Days) 244 300 244/300 Total Working Days till 31/12/2014 168 222 168/222 MDM Served for days Percentage of MDM served as compare to working days till 31/12/2014 100%
FOODGRAINS UTILIZATION UPTO 31-12-2014 (In MT’s) Particulars Primary U. Primary Total Foodgrain alloted + Opening Bal 26108.00 25128.75 51236.75 Foodgrain lifted 18679.15 17791.25 36470.40 Payment released to FCI Foodgrain Utilized 16859.73 16776.27 33636.00 Percentage on allotment 64.58% 66.76% 65.65%
COOKING COST UTILIZATION UPTO 31-12-2014 (Rs. in lacs) Particulars Primary Upper Primary Total Allotment of Cooking Cost 9249.81 8892.47 18142.28 Cooking Cost Utilized 5942.58 5907.91 11850.49 Percentage 64% 66% 65%
UTILIZATION OF HONRARIUM TO COOKS, TRANSPORTATION AND MME UPTO 31-12-2014 (Rs. In Lacs) Particulars Funds Allotted Funds Utilized % age Honorarium to Cooks 5933.89 3863.62 65 % Transportation 384.28 273.53 71 % MME 366.12 271.49 74%
KITCHEN CUM STORES UPTO 31-12-2014 Sanctioned Completed In Progress Not yet Started 18969* 18771** 198 *Total Kitchen Cum Stores Sanctioned during the period 2006-07 to 2009-10 (AFTER 2009-10 NO KITCHEN CUM STORE SANCTIONED) ** Total Kitchen Cum Stores Completed till 31-12-2014 Demand for FY 2015-16 is NIL
KITCHEN DEVICES UPTO 31-12-2014 Sanctioned Completed In Progress Not yet Started 18969* 18969** *Total Kitchen Devices Sanctioned during the period 2006-07 to 2009-10 (During the FY 2013-14 , Total 10317 kitchen Devices Replacement funds received and balance 8652 Kitchen Devices funds demanded during the FY 2014-15 but due to short period (less than 5 year) funds not sanctioned by MHRD. ** Total Kitchen Devices Completed till 31-12-2014 and further Replacement of 8652 Kitchen Devices Demanded for FY 2015-16
MONITORING SYSTEM Principal Secretary/ Secretary Director General School Education Manager Food Grains Manager Health & Nutrition General Manager Manager Finance & Accounts Assistant Project Coordinator District Manager/District Co-ordinators Assistant Block Manager Teacher Incharge MDM at school Level Cook Cum Helpers in Schools
GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEM Helpline Toll Free No. 18001372215 remains operative during working hours. Complaints received are duly recorded and dealt with at the head office, district office and school level immediately. Online Grievance Cell has been setup.
EXTERNAL EVALUATION Quality and Quantity of MDM: PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH SUBMITTED THEIR REPORT FOR THE FY 2013-14 DURING THE MONTH OF JAN 2015. Quality and Quantity of MDM: As per report, students and parents of all the visited schools are satisfied with the quantity and quality of mid-day-meal. Availability and Quality of Food grains Regarding Quality of Foodgrains, parents and teachers were satisfied. Quality of Infrastructure for Cooking: Parents, students and teachers were satisfied with the quality of construction of kitchen sheds. All of them reported that schools have sufficient cooking and serving utensils. Monotoring of MDM The Monitoring of MDM is done by the Assistant Block Managers regularly.
STEPS TAKEN TO ENRICH THE SCHEME In addition to the regular menu "Kheer“ as sweet dish is provided once a week to all the Students. SMS based system has been implemented in the District Ropar as a Pilot Project and being replicated in rest of the districts. Use of Double Fortified Salt with Iodine and Iron has been made mandatory for preparing Mid-Day-Meal in schools. To inculcate the habit of washing Hands before and after the meals, Soap has been provided in all schools.
STEPS TAKEN TO ENRICH THE SCHEME Steel Utensils for taking meals have been provided in all the schools at a cost of Rs. 9.60 crore. Training of Cook-Cum-Helpers has been made a regular feature and more than 1515 Cook-Cum-Helpers have been given training. Two iron storage bins has been provided in schools, the bins has been purchased out of the sale proceed of bardana. Kitchen gardens are maintained in school wherever space is available.
STEPS TAKEN TO ENRICH THE SCHEME On a pilot project Medical Health Check-up of Cook-cum-helpers working in Ropar District have been got done by State Health Authorities and in the rest of the Districts health check-ups of Cook-cum-helpers is being done on priority basis.
ISSUE AREAS ENHANCEMENT OF COOKING COST. PRESENT COOKING COST RATES ForPrimary Students For Upper Primary Students Rs.3.59/- per day per child Rs.5.38/- per day per child Rs. 5/- per day per child Rs.7/- per day per child PROPOSED FOR EXAMPLE: To Prepare Paushtik Khichri (Mixed with dal and seasonal vegetable) and Rice. S.No . Items Qty. of Raw material Energy ( Protei n (gms) Amount 1H Rice 100 gms 345 6.8 -- 2H Dal 20 gms 74.6 4.06 1.20 3H Seasonal Vegetable 50 gms 53 1.3 2.90 4H Salt, onion, and other Spices 1.85 5H Refined oil 5 ml 45 0.50 6H Fuel 1.00 Total 175 517.6 12.16 7.45 S. No . Items Qty. of Raw material Energy ( Prote in (gms) Amount 1H Rice 150 gms 517.50 10.2 -- 2H Dal 30gms 112 6.1 1.80 3H Seasonal Vegetable 75 gms 80 2.0 4.25 4H Salt, onion, and other Spices 2.00 5H Refined oil 7.5 ml 67.5 0.75 6H Fuel 1.25 Total 262.5 777.00 18.3 10.05 FOR PRIMARY FOR UPPER PRIMARY
ISSUE AREAS ENHANCEMENT OF HONORARIUM TO COOK-CUM-HELPERS PRESENT HONORARIUM Rs.1200/- per month (for 10 months in a year) 1) Honorarium for Cook-cum-helpers needs to be enhanced, because present honorarium is too meger. The state is already contributing addiotnal Rs.200/- per cook per month more than their own share of Rs.250/- per cook. Per month. 2) As per recommendation of the External Evaluation Agency (Panjab University, Chandigarh) the honorarium of cook-cum- helper needs to be revised and it should be minimum of Rs.2500/- per month per cook. PROPOSED HONORARIUM: Honorarium to Cook-cum-helper should be minimum Rs.2500/- per month per cook for 12 months in a year. Rs.1875/- per cook per month is Centre Share. Rs.625/- per cook per month is State Share.
ISSUE AREAS ENHANCEMENT OF MME. At Present MME is 1.8% of the total Budget. It needs to be enhanced from 1.8% to 3% minimum. Reasons:- 1) For the Better Monitoring and implementation of the Scheme. 2) Funds of Soaps for hand washing, Social Audit etc are met out of MME Funds. 3) Funds short for Publicity of the Scheme.
Total Funds Required = 18445 X 25000 = 4611.25 Lacs ISSUE AREAS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FUNDS FOR KITCHEN CUM STORES. During FY 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 GOI had allotted Kitchen cum stores for 4571, 1052, 12822 Schools. Since the Kitchen cum stores has completed more than 5 years, so Repair & Maintenance of these kitchen cum stores is required @Rs.25000/- per kitchen cum store for the total 18445 kitchen cum stores. Total Funds Required = 18445 X 25000 = 4611.25 Lacs
ISSUE AREAS FUNDS REQUIRED FOR E-GOVERNANCE SYSTEM. To speed up the information through online systematic process from schools to headquarter and uploading data at MHRD Web Portal, laptops are required. Hence, 217 Laptops are required i.e one for each block. Total Funds required for providing laptops at block level are Rs.108 .50Lac. For the monitoring of the Scheme through E-Governance, Rs. 32 Lacs are required for Pilot Project in 5 Districts. Total Funds Required under E-Governance = 140.50 Lacs
ISSUE AREAS Funds required for the Construction of place for hand washing. The taps for hand washing in Govt and Govt aided schools are available ,but due to less in numbers, students consumed more time for washing their hands. To solve this issue multi tap system is needed. So, Funds required @Rs.20000/- per school for 20247 schools (except NCLP Schools). Total Funds Required = 20247 X 20000 = 4049.40 Lacs
REQUIREMENT OF FOODGRAINS FOR FY 2015-16 Particulars Primary Upper NCLP TOTAL No. of Students for approval for FY 2015-16 1099592 697765 5350 1802707 No. of school working days 244 Days 300 Days 244/300 Food grains required 26830.045 MT 25538.199 MT 240.750 MT 52608.994 MT Basis of Calculation (Formula= No of student X No of DaysX 0.0001 gms) (Formula= No of student X No of Days X 0.00015 gms - Cost of Foodgrains (Rs. In Lacs) Rice @RS. 5932.50 per MT Wheat @ 4357.50 per MT (Required Foodgrains Divided into 50:50 Ration) Rs. 1380.41 Lacs Rs. 1313.94 Lacs Rs. 12.39 Lacs Rs. 2706.74/- Lacs
REQUIREMENT OF FUNDS FOR TRANSPORTATION COST FOR FY 2015-16 Particulars Primary Upper NCLP TOTAL No. of Students for approval for FY 2015-16 1099592 697765 5350 1802707 No. of school working days 244 Days 300 Days 244/300 Food grains required 26830.045 MT 25538.199 MT 240.750 MT 52608.994 MT Basis of Calculation Foodgrains Required X 750 per MT - Cost of Transportation (Rs. In Lacs) Rs. 201.23 Lacs Rs. 191.54 Lacs Rs. 1.81 Lacs Rs. 394.58 Lacs
FUNDS REQUIREMENT FOR COOKING COST FOR FY 2015-16 Particulars Primary Upper Primary NCLP Total No. of Students 1099592 697765 5350 1802707 No of Working days 244 300 - Rate of Cooking Cost (Per day per student) Rs. 5.00 Rs. 7.00 Centre Share of Cooking Cost (75%) State Share of Cooking Cost (25%) Rs. 3.75 Rs. 1.25 Rs. 5.25 Rs. 1.75 Total Cooking Cost Centre Share (Rs. in Lacs) 10061.27 8938.37 84.26 19083.90 State Share 3353.75 2979.46 28.09 6361.30 Total (Centre Share + State Share) (Rs. In Lacs) 13415.02 11917.83 112.35 25445.20
FUNDS REQUIREMENT FOR HONORARIUM TO COOK CUM HELPERS FOR FY 2015-16 Particulars Primary Upper Primary NCLP Total No. of Cooks 32247 17202 - 49449 Rate per cook per month for 12 months Centre Share of HTC (75%) State Share of HTC (25%) Rs. 1875/- Rs. 625/- Total Funds Required (Rs. In Lacs) 7255.58 2418.52 3870.45 1290.15 11126.03 3708.67 Grand Total 9674.10 5160.60 14834.70
REQUIREMENT OF FUNDS FOR REPLACEMENT OF KITCHEN DEVICES FY 2015-16 (Rs. In Lacs) Particulars Primary Upper Primary NCLP Total Replacement Of Kitchen Devices (8652 Kitchen Devices @Rs. 5000/- per Kitchen Device) Funds for 8652 Kitchen Devices were provided during 2009-10, Since these kitchen devices period for 5 year has been passed, so funds required for Replacement of Kitchen Devices. 8652 X 5000 = 432.60 Lacs 432.60
FUNDS REQUIREMENT FOR MME Primary/Upper Primary/NCLP FOR FY 2015-16 (Rs. In Lacs) Particulars Primary/Upper Primary/NCLP Total MME (3% of Total Budget Foodgrains Cost= 2706.74/- Lacs Transportation = 394.58/- Lacs Cooking Cost = 19083.90 Lacs Honorarium to Cooks= 11126.03 Lacs Total Budget = 33311.25 Lacs 33311.25 X 3% = 999.34/- Lacs 999.34
TOTAL REQUIREMENT OF FUNDS FOR FY 2015-16 (Rs. In Lacs) Particulars Primary Upper Primary NCLP Total Cost of Food grains 100% Centre Share 1380.41 1313.94 12.39 2706.74 Transportation 100% Centre Share 201.23 191.54 1.81 394.58 Cooking Cost (Central ) 75% (State) 25% 10061.27 3353.75 8938.37 2979.46 84.26 28.09 19083.90 6361.30 Honorariums (Central ) 67.5% to cooks (State) 37.5% 7255.58 2418.52 3870.45 1290.15 - 11126.03 3708.67 MME 100% Centre Share 566.96 429.43 2.95 999.34 Replacement 100% Centre Share Of Kitchen Devices 432.60 Repair & Maintaine of Kitchen cum Store (Centre Share) 100% Centre Shaeer 4611.25 E-Governance (Laptops for Block Level) (Centre Share) 100% Centre Share 140.50 Construction of place for Hand Washing (Centre Share) 100% Centre Share 4049.40 Total (Central ) (State) 28699.20 5772.27 14743.73 4269.61 101.41 43544.34 10069.97 Grand Total 34471.47 19013.34 129.50 53614.31