Complete Project Template “Here’s my Title!” School: Grade/Grade Band: Time Frame: Team Members/Content Areas:
School: _________________________________ Grade/Grade Band: _______________________ Time Frame: _____________________________ Team Members: __________________________ Big idea Brainstorming Capstone Big Idea: Summary Subject Area Learning Opportunities Within each subject cloud write a brief description of what students will be doing that relates to the BIG Idea. These should be based on identified benchmarks. Marking the benchmark code will help you on your next steps. Essential and Guiding Questions Brainstorm several questions for the capstone, including an overarching essential question for the entire capstone and smaller, guiding questions to be used for units and/or specific activities in the capstone. End Products Brainstorm several possible transdisciplinary end products
Subject Area Learning Goals (SWBAT) Develop subject matter goals for each unit and end product SWBAT in SWBAT in Math SWBAT in Art SWBAT in Science SWBAT in English SWBAT in Social Studies Formative Assessments (assessments that occur during the project) Summative Assessments (assessments that occur at the end of the project)
Benchmark Alignment/ Transdisciplinary Project Based Units Content Standards and Benchmarks that were identified for the CAPSTONE that have natural disciplinary connections and are overlapping in theme, ideas, topics, etc.
Curriculum Planning Templates Develop and overview of what the classroom teaching will look like in order to complete the goals of the project. Subject:Capstone:Time Frame: Classroom Unit Big Idea: Classroom to Capstone Connection: Readings:Materials: Unit Objective: Standards Addressed: Rubrics Required: Driving Question:
Unit - Performance Criteria (Rubrics): You can use a holistic rubric or a criterion rubric to measure your performance assessment. Insert your rubric below the samples provided. The scale is an example, but you can design the scale and criteria that best fits your intended outcomes. Template Task: Subject Areas that will assess: BenchmarksMastery Learning Goal:4321
Entry Event: Launch inquiry, kick-off event, "the hook" ) PHASE 4: Choreography of Learning Community Resources and Partnerships: ) Facilities / Venues Resources Needed Equipment Supplies Budget: $ Capstone Vocabulary ) Roles SuppliesSpeakersEvent Documenting Other
PHASE 4: Choreography of Learning Activities Calendar SubjectMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Date Math Science Social Studies English Art Engineering SubjectMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Date Math Science Social Studies English Art Engineering