SIMS News SOLUS 3 Update – only about half of Capita schools have converted so far. Spring 2016 upgrade will be last under SOLUS 2. Programmes of Study are coming to KS3! Planned patch following the Summer Upgrade. Keep your eyes open for your PPI file to download and import from DfE. There is a new Resources area on Capita’s Main Website “Did you know?” videos and much more
SIMS News How to videos Case Studies Blogs
Summer Upgrade 2015
Learning Aims Changes Note that ALL post-16 learning aims for 2014/15 and 2015/16 will be reported in the Autumn Census regardless of the duration. Previously those of less than 6 weeks were excluded but this is no longer the case due to EFA funding requirements So……
Learning Aims Changes Ensure that the Summer Release 2015 has been applied before sixth form pupils leave learning aims in Academic Year 2015/16, i.e. before September Use Curriculum Assignment by Student when sixth form students change learning aims and ensure that the end date is the system date or a date in the past. Ensure that the correct learning aim status and, where appropriate, from September 2015 onwards, ensure that the correct withdrawal reason is entered.
Learning Aims Changes Use the Leavers Routine when sixth form students leave the school and, from September 2015 onwards, ensure that the correct withdrawal reason is entered. If Exceptions are being used in Maintain Course make sure that the corresponding course membership is for a single day; SIMS will ignore single day actual memberships for Exceptions in the census
New Level for 2 Year A Levels A new level for the new 2 year A Level courses has been provided by Capita and will be available in the Summer release (or via a patch if you want to make it available in the Spring release). The code for this level is GCE2Y. Please ensure that you have imported this level into Nova-T in time to send your timetable to SIMS PRIOR to the start of the academic year 15/16 This will ensure that a separate course will be set up for this exam
New Level for 2 Year A Levels If you would like more information about the various scenarios related to this new course and how to deal with it there is a Capita presentation available: School Census Autumn Two Year A-Levels
KS2 and Progress\Attainment 8 A new template will be made available in the Summer release which will enable the recording of the KS2 Decimal Levels and Fine Grades. These results are available from the Key to Success website and the new template will provide these for the Progress 8 and Attainment 8 areas of the SIMS School Report
KS2 and Progress\Attainment 8 The new template is: Progress 8 – KS2 Fine Level Template You can import it from the AMPA\Assessment Manager folder and it is available for Primary, Middle and Secondary schools
Course Manager – 2 Year Courses Tools | Academic Management | Course Manager | Maintain Course Update Course Memberships has been modified so that planned end dates for student memberships in years 10/11 and 12/13 are kept in line with a two-year duration setting for a course, as defined in the Duration and Tolerance panel. Student memberships no longer need to be protected - the Protect column in the Memberships and Results panel does not need to be ticked to prevent the Update Course Memberships routine from reversing any manual changes made to the planned end date. Update Course Memberships can now modify the planned end date automatically for any two-year courses as long as the Protect column has not been ticked.
Course Manager – Course Levels Tools | Academic Management | Course Manager | Maintain Course The options available from the Level(s) drop-down list in the Find Courses browser are now filtered to display only the levels in use at your school.
Non-EDI Results Tools | Examinations | Edit PI Data When non-EDI results are recorded in the current season, they are now discounted automatically when you click the CKD or CRD buttons.
Non-EDI Results Focus | Pupil (or Student) | Pupil (or Student) Details (Examinations link in the Links panel) Non-EDI results are now displayed on the Student Examination Result Details page, via the student record.
Lock and Unlock Exam Seasons Tools | Examinations | PI Setup It is now possible to lock and unlock exam seasons in SIMS.
Grade Integrity Check Report Tools | Examinations | PI Setup When the Grade Integrity Check is triggered by the changing of a grade, its output is now saved automatically to the location specified in the Location for Performance Reports field on the PI Setup page (via Tools | Examinations | PI Setup), preventing the information contained therein from being lost. The saved file is appended with the date and time on which the report was triggered.
Embargo Enhancement Tools | Performance | Analysis | Exam Analysis - Build Analyses based on Seasons When an embargo is in place for exams results, and you have been exempted from the embargo, providing you have sufficient permissions, it is now possible to view the information in the following Assessment Analysis tools: Aspect Analysis Group Analysis Chance Analysis Result Set Analysis.
PI Report to Excel Tools | Examinations | PI Reports Previously, when exporting exam report data to Excel, numbers were being stored as non-numerics, which caused errors when applying formulas. To prevent this issue from occurring, data fields containing numbers are now stored as numerics for a number of selected outputs.
New Exams Entry Report Tools | Examinations | Entry Report A new report that produces a list of exam entries, together with the associated data (including QANs and Discount Codes) is now available in SIMS.
Progress 8 Updates The Estimated Attainment 8 table has been updated to reflect the 2014 cohort averages, which also gives the Attainment 8 estimate to two decimal places. To support the Estimated Attainment 8 and Progress 8 calculations, a new KS2 Average Fine Level aspect has been provided. This aspect, together with an aspect for Average Fine Points Score, have been provided and these are delivered with the Summer 2015 version of AMPARK. Template - KS2 Average Points Score and Level Aspect - KS2: Average Fine Points Score (storage only) Aspect - KS2: Average Fine Level (this aspect must be populated to enable School Report and Exams Progress 8 calculations).
School Census Autumn 2015 Key Dates for the School Census Autumn 2015 Return Routines | Statutory Return | School Census Census Date: 01/10/2015 Attendance collected from 06/04/2015 to 31/07/2015 Exclusions collected from 01/01/2015 to 05/04/2015 FSM collected from 21/05/2015 to 01/10/2015
School Census Autumn 2015 Two new columns have been added to the Learning Aims panel: Withdrawal Reason - the withdrawal reason is now collected for 2015/2016 if a Learning Aim completion status of withdrawn has been recorded. Provider UKPRN - The UK Provider Reference Number is now collected for any partner organisation that provides training for post 16 pupil/student.
School Census Autumn 2015 Focus | Tools | Statutory Return Tools | Update Adopted from Care For clarity, the field that was previously labelled Ever in Care (in the Update Students Adopted from Care panel) has been renamed to Ever in Care at this school. Routines | Statutory Return | School Census Adopted from care pupil/student are now carried forward automatically every term, e.g. from Summer to Autumn. If there are no pupil/students recorded as being adopted from care, a warning message is displayed when the Create & Validate button is clicked.
School Census Autumn 2015 Changes to Detail Reports Prior Attainment report - a new report introduced for the School Census Autumn 2015 Return. Learning Aims On-Roll report - addition of two new columns (Withdrawal Reason and Provider UKPRN). Leavers Learning Aims report - addition of two new columns (Withdrawal Reason and Provider UKPRN). Programmes of Study report - the Planned Qualification Hours and Planned Non Qualification Hours columns for the previous academic year have been removed.
School Census Autumn 2015 Updating Prior Attainment (Secondary, all through and PRU only) Focus | Tools | Statutory Return Tools | Update Prior Attainment Prior attainment in GCSE Maths and English are now collected in the School Census. This data can be viewed, edited and saved via a new option available under the Tools menu.
School Workforce Census Key Dates for the School Workforce Census 2015 Routines | Statutory Returns | School Workforce Census Census Date is 05/11/2015 Absence 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2015 Continuous Contracts 01/09/2014 to 05/11/2015.
School Workforce Census We do not yet have access to any guides for the completion of the School Workforce Census for 2015 however a basic list of changes follows: Pay Review Date added for all teachers with contracts or service agreements Pay Range Minimum and Maximum added for leadership teachers only Additional Payment Start Date and End Date required for TL3 allowance only Choice of “Pre 2014 framework” and “2014 pay framework” added for leadership teachers only ‘Traveller of Irish Heritage’ and ‘Gypsy/Roma’ allowed as ethnicities Only English and Welsh Teacher Number allowed
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Before end of academic year 2014/15 (31 August 2015) all schools must have created the new academic year and carried out the promotion routine to determine which year and registration groups your students will be placed in for the new year. If necessary curriculum/timetable assignment can be carried out once the new year has started. Any changes to teaching staff should be recorded in Personnel.
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Year Dates Create a new Academic Year – dates to use Start date 01/09/2015. Tuesday 1 September is a holiday All schools have a Staff Training Day on 2nd September, other Staff Training Days can be added to the School Calendar at a later date. Secondary/Upper schools, when timetable is sent to SIMS for the first time please ensure that the from and to dates are as follows: From: 01/09/2015 To: 21/07/2016 (last day of Term 6 - NOT 31/08/2016)
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Creation Create a new Academic Year Route: Routines | School | Academic Year the process of creating the academic year requires exclusive use of SIMS and can take a long time. Argghhhh SIMS!!!
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Creation Create a new Academic Year Route: Routines | School | Academic Year the process of creating the academic year requires exclusive use of SIMS and can take a long time. Oops – hope they’re not trying to take the registers…
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Year Dates including 1 September 2015 Routines | School | Academic Year
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Year Dates including 1 September 2015
Check your dates!
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Dealing with Tuesday 1 September 2015 The academic year has been created with a start date of 01/09/2015. For attendance it is necessary to make 1 September a holiday and therefore apply the # code. Focus | School | School Diary. Select the Academic Year 2015/16. Right mouse click Tuesday 1 September and select New Public Holiday
The academic year has been created with a start date of 01/09/2015. For attendance it is necessary to make 1 September a holiday and therefore apply the # code. SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Dealing with Tuesday 1 September 2015 Select New Term Holiday from the Category drop down
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pastoral Structure Review and create next year’s Pastoral Structure..... Route: Focus | School | Pastoral Structure | Next Academic Year Structure use generic Class names. reuse old registration groups where appropriate delete any unused or old classes
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Admissions and Leavers Admissions Add Intake and Admissions Groups. Update status of applications as required Import Admissions and Transfer Files (ATF) – if applicable Import Common Transfer Files (CTFs) from other schools
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Groups Routines | Admission | Admission Groups | Setup Add the information as required:
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Groups Once your group is set up and populated, the pupils need to be accepted via: Routines | Admission | Accept Applications The default is Offered. Use the dropdown to see Applied pupils Tick those that have been Accepted or Withdrawn
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Admissions and Leavers Leavers Record Leavers via the Routines | Pupil/Student | Leavers (especially important for Secondary schools because of course memberships) Export Common Transfer Files (CTFs) to the destination schools/LA
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Leavers Leavers Route: Routines | Student/Pupil | Leavers Statutory age pupils/students have a leaving date of 31/08/2015. Year 11 leavers who do NOT return to school to continue in Year 12, have a leaving date of 26/06/2015. This cannot be entered until student’s destination/not returning confirmation has been received in September. Year 11 absence from 27/06/2015 to the end of term should be recorded as X “Under the 2006 Pupil Registration regulations, schools cannot delete Year 11 pupils who intend to remain at the school and enter the Sixth Form (Year 12) from the school registers. Once the pupils have reached the end of their compulsory school-age, which is on the last Friday in June, they can be recorded using this code if the school has not asked them to attend. Using the 'X' code in this way allows the student to stay on roll until the school has confirmation that they have left.” DfE Absence and Attendance Codes guidance January 2009
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pastoral and Academic Promotion / Year End Full details are available from the SIMS Documentation link on the front page of SIMS: PRIMARY SECONDARY/MIDDLES
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 End of Year Procedure Checklist We have created a combined, simpler checklist from the various ones available within the SIMS documentation. If you would like a copy, please visit our website and download it: C6/FOV CFF/FOV D15/ Where you will also find the 2015 Documentation too, along with this presentation.
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Set Academic Year Remember to tell all the staff who use SIMS to set the Academic Year: Tools | Academic Management | Set Academic Year 2015/2016
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Class Lists Print Registers and Class Lists Route: Reports | Student Lists | General Student List Use Settings button to enter a date in September
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Class Lists Alternatively use: Report | Run Reports | Students | Registration Groups (Dated)
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Pupils – Assessment Data Viewing Assessment Data for Pre-Admission Pupils The Links panel on a pre-admission pupil does not include the option to view Assessment data even though statutory End of Key Stage data is included in a CTF (Common Transfer File) and therefore imported into SIMS. To see this data you have to use Assessment Manager marksheets.
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Pupils – Assessment Data Open the required template via Focus | Assessment | Template Search for the required template, double-click, or select Open.
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Pupils – Assessment Data Open the required template via Focus | Assessment | Template Search for the required template, double-click, or select Open. Click Marksheet hyperlink or scroll down to Marksheet panel
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Pupils – Assessment Data Click the New button. Expand New Intake Group, tick the relevant group, click Apply
SIMS End of Academic Year 2015 Pre-Admission Pupils – Assessment Data Save the Template. Return to the Marksheet panel and open the marksheet. The columns should be populated with data:
See you next Year (Academic that is!) Thank you for coming
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