Open Enrollment Plan Year 2015 October 27 - November 7
2 The Role of Garnett-Powers & Associates (GPA) and the Insurance Carriers Review of all Benefits, Rates and Plan Designs Explanation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Explanation of Online Open Enrollment Process Special one time Open Enrollment for Additional Life Insurance Q & A
Garnett-Powers & Associates (GPA) is the broker/administrator and customer service provider for the TABP. We design, market, implement and administer benefit programs for Postdoctoral Scholars and Students at many campuses throughout the U.S. We act as the liaison between the insurance carriers and you by providing assistance with understanding and accessing your benefits. 3
Open Enrollment provides an annual opportunity for you to change your benefit choices and add or delete dependents. If you are not making any changes, no action is necessary. If you previously waived benefits, you may enroll. You are enrolling for the entire year. You may make changes to your elections during the year only if you have a change in family status or experience a qualifying event. 4
Examples of qualifying life events are: Marriage Divorce Birth of a child Death of a dependent Spouse gains or loses coverage due to employment Adoption or placement of adoption of a child Loss of coverage Dependent arrival in the U.S. Dependent loss of eligibility due to attainment of age 26. 5
One time Open Enrollment to elect supplemental Life and ADD plan without completing a medical history statement. Guaranteed up to $100,000 of additional life insurance Open to everyone eligible for TABP Low cost Instructions on how to enroll on the GPA website 6
Eligible Family Members Include: Legally married spouse, including same sex spouses if married in a state that allows same sex marriage. Proof of marriage is required. Domestic Partner - You must submit an Affidavit of Spousal Equivalency to enroll your domestic partner. For information, please review the Enrollment Instructions under ‘Enrollment’ as well as the Enrollment Form. Note: Spouses and domestic partners who are eligible for group medical coverage through another employer are not eligible for the TABP Plan. By enrolling a spouse or domestic partner you are attesting that they meet the eligibility requirements. Natural or adopted children and children of a domestic partner to age 26 regardless of student or marital status. Stepchildren may be included if they live with the member and are supported at more than 50% and claimed on your tax return. 7
Plan NameInsurance TypeCompany HMOMedical POSMedical HMOMedical DMODental DPPODental PPO Vision (Voluntary) Life and AD&DLife STD/LTDDisability 8
Under the Point of Service (POS) plan, the member does not have to choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP).You may use any provider. There are both in-network and out-of-network benefit levels. You will receive higher reimbursement if you use an in-network provider. You will need to satisfy a deductible before many services will be paid by the plan. 10
YOUR OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS Medical BenefitsIn-Network Out-of-Network Physician Office Visit$ 20 Copay 40%* Specialist Office Visit$ 30 Copay40%* E-Visits to PCP$ 20 Copay40%* Walk-in Clinics $ 20 Copay40%* Hospitalization: Inpatient20%* 40%* Outpatient20%*40%* Pregnancy20%* 40%* Prescription Drugs: Generic$ 10 CopayNot covered Brand$ 30 CopayNot covered Non Brand$ 45 CopayNot covered Emergency Room Visits$150 Copay (waived if admitted) $150 Copay(waived if admitted) Urgent Care20% after $ 35 Copay40% after $ 35 Copay Routine Physical ExamNone40%* Routine Gynecological ExamNone40%* Routine MammogramsNone40%* Mental Health: Outpatient$ 30 Copay40%* Inpatient 20% * 40%* Annual Maximum Out-of-Pocket:$2,000 Individual$4,000 Individual $4,000 Family$8,000 Family Deductible: Individual$500$1,000 Family$1,500$3,000 Lifetime MaximumUnlimitedUnlimited *Coinsurance amounts after satisfaction of the deductible For more detailed plan design information go to: 11
Under the HMO model, the member must choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Each family member may have a different PCP. A PCP must be selected and indicated on the enrollment form. Provider directory links are available on the GPA website. You are allowed to change your PCP once a month. Your PCP becomes your healthcare “gatekeeper.” If a member needs treatment from a Specialist or requires an In-Patient or Out-Patient hospital procedure, s/he must obtain a referral from their PCP prior to any type of consultation or treatment. If the referral is not obtained, no benefits will be paid. There is no Out-of-Network benefit (except in the case of an emergency). 12
Medical BenefitsMember Pays Physician Office Visit$ 20 Copay Specialty Office Visit$ 30 Copay Hospitalization: Inpatient$100 Copay OutpatientNone Pregnancy$100 Copay Prescription Drugs: Generic$ 10 Copay Brand Name$ 30 Copay Non Formulary$ 45 Copay Emergency Room Visits$150 Copay (waived if admitted) Urgent Care$ 35 Copay Routine Physical ExamNone Routine Gynecological ExamNone Routine MammogramsNone Mental Health: Outpatient$ 30 Copay Inpatient$100 Copay Annual Maximum Out of Pocket: Individual$1,500 Family$3,000 Deductible: IndividualNone FamilyNone Lifetime MaximumUnlimited 13 For more detailed plan design information go to:
Medical BenefitsMember Pays Physician Office Visit$ 20 Copay Specialty Office Visit$ 30 Copay Hospitalization: Inpatient$100 Copay Outpatient$ 30 Copay Pregnancy$100 Copay Prescription Drugs: Generic$ 10 Copay Brand Name$ 35 Copay Emergency Room Visits$150 Copay (waived if admitted) Urgent Care$ 20 Copay Routine Physical ExamNone Routine Gynecological ExamNone Routine MammogramsNone Mental Health: Outpatient$ 20 Copay Inpatient$100 Copay Annual Maximum Out of Pocket: Individual$1,500 Family$3,000 Deductible: IndividualNone FamilyNone Lifetime MaximumUnlimited 14 For more detailed plan design information go to:
You can order maintenance medications through Aetna’s and Kaiser’s Rx home delivery service for chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart conditions. The costs for the Aetna POS & HMO Plans are: $20 generic, $60 brand-name and $90 for non-formulary brand-name drugs up to a 90 day supply. The costs for the Kaiser HMO Plan are: $20 generic and $70 brand-name up to a 90 day supply. It is a simple process and the mail order information is posted on our website under “Medical Plans.” 15
Legally required Summaries of Benefits and Coverage for your medical plans will be available on our website no later than October 29. The Summaries of Benefits and Coverage follow the recommended guidelines to show you your benefits in a standardized format to assist you in making your plan selections. You may request a paper copy at no charge by calling the toll-free number on your ID card. You may also print a copy directly off of the GPA website. 16
Certain women’s preventive health benefits are available under the medical plans at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Routine gynecological care exams, routine adult physical exams and mammograms are covered at no cost. Other services include but are not limited to: Pre-natal maternity, screening for gestational diabetes, HPV DNA testing, screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence, contraceptive methods and counseling, as well as breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling. FDA approved generic contraceptive drugs and devices are also covered. 17
In addition to the Women’s preventative benefits there are other preventative services that are paid 100% with NO copay under the HMO and POS plans. Routine physical exams Well child care Routine Adult and Children Immunizations Routine Eye exam *Under the POS plan if going out of network an additional co- insurance is assessed. 18
Aetna Navigator - This is an online member portal that allows you to view your medical visits and claims status, print temporary ID cards and gain access to a wealth of tools and information. Access at Once you have member ID, you may register for access to this site. There will be instructions on the website to assist you. Beginning Right – Provides a pregnancy risk survey and a wealth of information to assist you with when either you or your spouse become pregnant. Global Fit – Offers discounts to a nationwide network of fitness clubs. Health Connections – Discounts are offered through this program for spas, health foods and fitness clothing. Stress Management – Information available for better mental and physical health. 19
Kaiser Website - This is an online member portal that allows you to view your medical visits and claims status, print temporary ID cards and gain access to a wealth of tools and information. Access at Discounts – Kaiser offers a variety of health discounts. See their website for more information. Disease Management Programs – classes are available for a variety of health conditions. 20
City of Hope pays the cost of this benefit The employee assistance program provides access to confidential counseling for a variety of issues, including: Stress Family issues Bereavement Financial Issues You are entitled to three visits per issue per year and phone counseling. The services are available by phone or online 24/7/365 Phone Number: (888) Website: 21
Annual Maximum: Unlimited In-Network Member Pays Calendar Year Deductible None Diagnostic and Preventive Care -Routine ExamsNo Charge -Teeth CleaningsNo Charge -X-RaysNo Charge Basic Procedures -FillingsNo Charge -Endodontics$0- $225 Copay -Periodontics$10- $140 Copay -Oral Surgery$0- $60 Copay Major Procedures -Crowns$150-$170 Copay -Bridgework$150 -$170Copay -Dentures$185- $200 Copay Orthodontia -Adolescent$1 845 Copay -Adult$1,845 Copay For more detailed plan design information go to: 23
Annual Maximum $1,500 per person Calendar Year Deductible Diagnostic and Preventive Care -Routine Exams -Teeth Cleanings -X-Rays Basic Procedures -Fillings -Endodontics -Periodontics -Oral Surgery Major Procedures -Crowns -Bridgework -Dentures Orthodontia -$1,500 Lifetime Maximum For more detailed plan design information go to: PPO Network Member Pays $ 50 per individual $150 per family 0% (no deductible) 20% 50% Out-of-Network Member Pays $ 75 per individual $225 per family 20% 60% 70% 24
This plan is voluntary, which means you are responsible for the monthly cost for you and your enrolled dependents. The enrollment instructions and rates can be found on the GPA website. You will use your SSN and name to make an appointment with a provider. 26
Vision BenefitsIn-NetworkOut-of-Network Member PaysMember Pays Eye Exam (every 12 months) $10 Copay up to $35 Allowance Frames (every 24 months) $120 Allowance up to $60 Allowance (20% off remaining balance) Lenses (every 12 months) Single $10 Copay up to $35 Allowance Bifocal $10 Copay up to $49 Allowance Trifocal $10 Copay up to $74Allowance Contact Lenses (every 12 months) $135 Allowance up to $108 Allowance F or more detailed plan design information go to: 27
Premiums are paid by the City of Hope. The plan pays $50,000 in the event of your death. The plan pays an additional $50,000 if your death is due to a covered accident. The AD&D feature pays a benefit in the event of a loss of sight, limbs, hearing, etc. Accelerated Benefit Provision – Allows eligible members, who are terminally ill to receive a benefit of up to 75% of their life insurance benefit if they are diagnosed as terminally ill. All J-1 Visa holders and their dependents will have the required medical evacuation coverage of $10,000 and repatriation of mortal remains coverage of $7,500 included in this plan. 29
For those of you who are interested in additional life Insurance. We have made arrangements with The Standard to allow all eligible TABP members to enroll in this Excellent benefit. You are guaranteed up to $100,000 of additional life life insurance. No medical history statement to fill out and a very low cost to you. Don’t miss out on this one time special Open Enrollment for Additional life insurance. 30
Premiums are paid by the City of Hope. The plan pays up to 60% of the first $2,500 weekly pre-disability earnings. The maximum weekly benefit is $1,500 per week. This benefit is offset by other disability income, such as Worker’s Compensation and CA State Disability. The minimum benefit is $15.00 The benefit waiting period is 0 days for disability caused by an accidental injury and 7 days for disability caused by sickness or pregnancy. The maximum benefit period is 180 days. 32
Premiums are paid by the City of Hope. The Benefit Waiting Period is 180 days of disability. This program starts when the Short Term Disability ends. The plan will pay up to 60% of the first $8,333 of your monthly pre-disability earnings. The maximum monthly benefit is $5,000. This benefit is offset by other disability income, such as Worker’s Compensation and CA State Disability. Once approved, benefits are payable each month while you are disabled up to age
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, The ACA requires that most people who are either citizens or legal residents must have health insurance coverage, or pay a tax if they do not. The intent of the ACA is make health care coverage available to those who are uninsured in the U.S. All states are required to offer a Health Care Exchange, either through the federal government, on their own or through a partnership between the state and the federal government. California’s Exchange is provided by Covered California. U.S. citizens and most legal residents are eligible for plans on the exchange. 34
There are differing levels of coverage and cost, as well as several insurance carriers offering the plans. In order to be eligible for the Premium Tax Credit, also known as a subsidy, a person must meet certain eligibility requirements: Their employer offers coverage where the plan design does not meet the coverage requirements of the ACA. Certain poverty-level income conditions are met. The cost of employee-only coverage exceeds 9.5% of an employee’s wages. 35
Important ACA Information Specifically for Enrollees in the City of Hope TABP The Aetna and Kaiser plans meet or exceed the plan requirements of the ACA. To the best of our knowledge, the cost of single coverage for the plans does not exceed 9.5% of an eligible Trainee’s wages/stipend. It is highly unlikely that anyone enrolled in the City of Hope TABP medical coverage will be eligible for a subsidy through the exchange. For more information, please visit California Healthcare Marketplace at 36
Go to the GPA website at and click on “ Enrollment”. Next, click on the “Open Enrollment Form Instructions” link and print the instructions for assistance with completing the open enrollment form properly. Once you have the instructions, go directly to the “Open Enrollment Form Login” link. This will take you to a login page where you will choose “Returning User” and provide your City of Hope ID number and previously created password. 37
Once done, click “Submit” and you will be taken to the Dashboard where you will be able to view your current enrollment and also complete your Open Enrollment form with any desired benefit changes. Once complete, please click “Submit and Create Printable Enrollment Form” which will send your form to our secure database and also allow you to print a copy of your enrollment form for your records. An will be sent no later than November 14, 2014 confirming your new enrollment status. ID cards for any new coverage will be mailed to your home directly from the Insurance Carriers. 38
39 Monthly RatesPremium Paid by City of Hope Paid by Participant Aetna Medical HMO Participant$ $293.68$58.03 Participant + Spouse$773.76$622.49$ Participant + Child(ren)$633.06$509.30$ Family$1,090.31$877.15$ Aetna Medical POS Participant$499.36$416.97$82.39 Participant + Spouse$883.85$702.22$ Participant + Child(ren)$838.90$666.51$ Family$1,183.47$940.27$ Kaiser Medical Plan Participant$368.29$307.52$60.77 Participant + Spouse$699.75$555.95$ Participant + Child(ren)$662.93$526.70$ Family$957.56$760.78$ Aetna Dental HMO Participant$17.52$14.02$3.50 Participant + Spouse$39.95$17.98$21.97 Participant + Child(ren)$40.04$18.02$22.02 Family$52.74$23.73$29.01 Aetna Dental PPO Participant$57.18$45.74$11.44 Participant + Spouse$121.80$54.81$66.99 Participant + Child(ren)$126.95$57.13$69.82 Family$195.56$88$ EyeMed Voluntary Vision Participant$7.92$0$7.92 Participant + Spouse$15.04$0$15.04 Participant + Child(ren)$15.84$0$15.84 Family$23.28$0$23.28
For general inquiries and customer service regarding enrollment, general benefit questions and confirmation, you should contact: Garnett-Powers & Associates, Inc. Website: Toll Free Phone: Fax #: Address: 40
Thank you for joining us today! Questions? 41