East Lansing, May 2015 FRIB Theory Alliance Filomena Nunes Head of Department of Theoretical Nuclear Science Chair of the FRIB theory center steering committee
The Nuclear Landscape The Nuclear Landscape and the Big Questions (National Academy Science report) How did matter come into being and how does it evolve? How does subatomic matter organize itself and what phenomena emerge? Are the fundamental interactions that are basic to the structure of matter fully understood? How can the knowledge and technological progress provided by nuclear physics best be used to benefit society?
Big science questions How did matter come into being and how does it evolve? Understanding the observed sequence of abundance enrichment of nuclides is a challenge to theory. Bottom: Advanced simulations of supernova (left) and neutron star mergers (right) - possible r-process sites. FRIB theory manifesto, Balantekin et al, MPLA 2014 (arXiv: )
Enhancing the coupling between experiment and theory Theory can: –assess the scientific impact of experiments –help identify critical measurements –evaluate whether anticipated experimental errors are sufficient for the goal –interpret experimental results –make sense of surprises we will find along the way –provide input for planning experimental programs
Theory also need errors bars Develop Uncertainty Quantification for nuclear structure and reactions modern statistical tools for uncertainty quantification modern optimization tools multi-model surveys to assess systematic uncertainties An example with density functional theory: As one moves away from stability models diverge!
femto…femto… Physics of Nuclei nano…nano… Quantum many- body physicsGiga…Giga… How do collective phenomena emerge from simple constituents? How can complex systems display astonishing simplicities? What are unique properties of open systems? How do nuclei shape the physical universe? What is the origin of the elements? subfemto…subfemto… Fundamental interactions What is the New Standard Model? Profound intellectual intersections Astrophysics Astronomy Courtesy of Witek Nazarewicz
High Performance Computing Perpetuating the successes of the SciDAC projects UNEDF and NUCLEI demonstrate the powerful synergy of low- energy nuclear theory and high- performance computing Other partners: LQCD SciDAC, Astro SciDAC Additional resources through ASCR and NNSA “High performance computing provides answers to questions that neither experiment nor analytic theory can address; hence, it becomes a third leg supporting the field of nuclear physics.” Courtesy of NUCLEI collaboration
Education of next generation: Training in Advanced Low-Energy Nuclear Theory (TALENT) TALENT is an educational initiative in Europe and North America to provide advanced and comprehensive training to graduate students and young researchers (both theorists and experimentalists) in modern low-energy nuclear theory. Problem: Small numbers and distributed expertise preclude University groups from adequately educating young scientists in state-of-the-art nuclear theory Nine courses planned for 3-4 year cycle, ranging from nuclear forces to few- and many-body methods, to theory for experiments, astrophysics, and exotic nuclei, to high-performance computing. All but one course has run so far and some are preparing the second round. Organization and details at nucleartalent.org INT 2013 GANIL2013
FRIB theory center steering committee Constituted in Spring 2013 by NSCL director with the mandate to “determine the required ingredients, including ramp-up funding options and an appropriate organizational structure for a future FRIB theory center, and then proceed to work with the agencies and develop a path forward.” Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin) Joseph Carlson (Los Alamos National Laboratory) David Dean (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) George Fuller (University of California San Diego) Richard Furnstahl (Ohio State University) Morten Hjorth-Jensen (NSCL, Michigan State University) Robert Janssens (Argonne National Laboratory) Bao-An Li (Texas A&M University - Commerce) Witek Nazarewicz (University of Tennessee) Filomena Nunes (Chair) (NSCL, Michigan State University) Erich Ormand (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Sanjay Reddy (INT, University of Washington) Brad Sherrill (FRIB, Michigan State University)
FRIB theory alliance: Enhancing theory efforts nationally FRIB theory alliance will: connect broadly across fields bring focus to those activities that are relevant identify and nurture the best talent take advantage of high performance computing be the natural home for training in advanced nuclear theory ORNL NS,NR,NA ORNL NS,NR,NA LLNL NS,NR LLNL NS,NR MSU NS,NR,NA,NF MSU NS,NR,NA,NF INT NS,NA INT NS,NA LANL NS,NA LANL NS,NA ANL NS,NR ANL NS,NR FRIB TA Director FRIB TA Director TAMUC NR TAMUC NR UTK NS,NR UTK NS,NR ISU NS ISU NS OSU NF OSU NF CMU NS,FS CMU NS,FS UNC NS,FS UNC NS,FS IU NA IU NA LBNL NA,FS LBNL NA,FS UCSD NA UCSD NA UWi NA,FS UWi NA,FS Other Area Other Area Other Area Other Area A possible snapshot for the FRIB theory alliance (NF-nuclear forces; NS-nuclear structure; NR-nuclear reactions; NA- nuclear Astrophysics; FS-fundamental symmetries) UI NF,NS UI NF,NS WMU NS WMU NS FSU NS,NA FSU NS,NA NCSU NS,NA NCSU NS,NA UND NS UND NS OU NF,NR,NA OU NF,NR,NA UA NF UA NF WUSL NS WUSL NS UMn NA UMn NA LSU NS LSU NS TAMU NR TAMU NR
Key elements of FRIB theory alliance Essential elements to strengthen FRIB theory nationwide A prestigious national fellow program (already started) Bridge tenure-track positions nuclear theory Vibrant national/international visitors program (already started)
FRIB theory fellow program MSU FRIB theory fellow program Elena Litvinova (fellow in 2012/13, now faculty at WMU) Heiko Hergert (fellow in 2014/15) National FRIB theory fellow program Diego Lonardoni (fellow in 2015-, at LANL) More to come…
International Collaboration in Nuclear Theory Jul-Aug 2013: Symmetry energy in the context of new radioactive ion beam facilities and astrophysics: JPG 41, May 2015: Theory for open shell nuclei near the limits of stability New call for proposals coming soon (watch out for an from Alex Brown!)
Added value of the FRIB theory alliance The theory alliance: brings a focal point for stimulating continuous interactions with experiment can be a home for initiatives such as CUSTIPEN and FUSTIPEN serves as a partner for larger international collaborations The FRIB theory alliance: enables a prestigious national fellow program: enhances the visibility of the field and attracts the brightest young people emphasizes the importance of low-energy nuclear theory: enhances the opportunity to create permanent positions in nuclear theory fosters interdisciplinary collaborations coordinates an educational program in advanced nuclear theory brings multiple opportunities to leverage efforts and funding
FRIB theory alliance - opportunities The theory alliance serves as: a partner for larger international collaborations and there are many opportunities… Thank you for your attention!