By S.C. Maheshwari Secretary General Bharat Pensioners Samaj Web Sites: 1
Pension is not largesse but a right. Should be adequate to enable retd. employee to live with standard he was living. There Should be no discrimination on the basis of date of retirement. Gap between haves & have lots should go on reducing Healthcare is a fundamental right of ex employee. 3
Full and modified parity will be meaningless unless the actual grades and grade pays implemented to serving employees on revision are taken into consideration. For some categories especially at lower and middle levels, grades higher than those actually recommended by the Commissions were implemented for employees in service. They were not extended for modified and full parity to those who retired prior to revision in the corresponding posts on the pretext that what were implemented were improved grades and grade pays. This resulted in invidious discrimination against and grave injustice to past retirees. The gap in pensions due to this ever widens not only with every subsequent revision but also whenever additional installment of DR and when additional quantum based on advanced age are granted. (contd). 8
Parity, full or modified, will be meaningful and confer real benefit on past retirees only when the actual grades and grade pays implemented for serving employees are taken for this purpose. This injustice is happening only when a higher grade or grade pay is given to a certain category after revision. We respectfully submit that certain sections of past pensioners are not able to get justice in the matter of full/modified parity due to the above discriminatory treatment. A Group-B officer, who retired in III CPC scale had been brought down one scale lower w.e.f., and to Rs.4200/- GP w.e.f., whereas a IV CPC Group-B officer got Rs.4600/- GP w.e.f., and a V CPC Group-B officer got Rs.4800/- GP in revision. This injustice has occurred to many categories of pre-2006 retirees. We appeal to the Commission to do full justice to all past retirees in the above regard by making suitable recommendations. 9
10 Pre-2006 pensioners were given 40% fitment benefit whereas serving employees were given grade pay. This resulted in grave imbalance between pre and post 2006 pensioners. In order to rectify this, notional fixation has to be extended w.e.f., to pre 2006 pensioners taking 50% of corresponding grade pay into account so that they will be brought on a common platform with post 2006 pensioners and they will all get equal justice in the next revision as per VII CPC. We urge the Commission to recommend same fitment benefit to employees as well as pensioners to avoid imbalance between past and future pensioners and also same multiplication factor for revision to one and all to ensure equal treatment.
Presently in case of pensioners other than PSU absorbees pensioners, recovery of commuted value of pension lasts 15 yrs, where as in case of PSU absorbees this recovery continues till survival which is discriminatory. In their case also full pension should be restored, the day sanctioned amount with interest is fully recovered. 24
Modified FR56(a) requires every one whose date of birth is the first of month to retire from service on the afternoon of last day of preceding month on attaining superannuation age. As a result, those born on Ist of Jan loose pay & pension revision benefits due to pay comm. recommendations and those born on Ist july loose benefit of one increment. They are deprived of equality of status. Hon’ble pay comm. is requested to set right the discrepancy. 25
Pending submission of commission’s report & implementation of its recommendations. As an immediate measure to partially mitigate sufferings of pensioners, BPS appeal to the Hon’ble comm. to immediately recommend merger of 50% DR with basic pension & an interim relief of 20% of existing pension. 32