04 March 2013 Provost's Report to College Senate
Announcement Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion and Mentoring (RTPM) The formal charge has not be written but the idea is for the committee to do the following. Identify national best practices Gather information on SUNY-wide practices for RTPM and how campuses interpret the Board of Trustees’ policies Define issues related to RTPM on our campus that need to be addressed.
Update on Academic Dean Searches School of Arts and Humanities Selected three candidates for on campus interviews Details will be posted on the web site and sent via e mail when available School of Economics and Business Selected three candidates for on campus interviews Details will be posted on the web site and sent via e mail when available School of Natural and Mathematical Sciences Selected three candidates for on campus interviews Details will be posted on the web site and sent via e mail when available School of Social Science Skype interviews scheduled for Monday, March 4 and Friday, March 8
Updates Service-Learning Designation SL coordinator met with the Curriculum Committee about moving forward with SL designation for courses with SL component. Academic Department Budget Model The final version of the model will be presented to department chairs 07 March. My office will send an to chairs to notify when funds will be available. Start-up of Phase II of AMP planned for later this month.
Update on Academic Calendar Proposed Academic Calendar Template Parameters Fall Semester Start no earlier than 23 August (typically the start date would be Wednesday of the last full week of August) No classes on Labor Day No classes on Columbus Day and the day after (Monday & Tuesday) No classes the Wednesday before and the Friday after Thanksgiving Study day before the first day of exams Spring Semester Start classes approximately 4 weeks after December final exams (typically the start date would be the 3 rd Wednesday in January) Spring break would take place the 8 th week of the semester Study day before the first day of exams Commencement would be the Saturday after final exams