COMMUNITY SERVICE Giving back is a vital part of the LSA. We believe community service is our responsibility. By creating an urgency and sense of place in our students, it is our hope that they might stay or come back to help fill our medical/health needs and make our community a better place!
THE PROCESS… 1.Research Community Health Needs: 9/2 2.Brainstorm Program/Event: 9/2 3.Complete Idea: 12/3-12/5 (Summary Due) 4.Grant Application Over the Break, Due 1/12 5.Complete a PPT Presentation, Due 1/28 6.Present and Vote (Peers/Expert Panel), 1/30 7.The Best Proposal Will be Submitted
AM GROUPS 1.Trey, Kaleb, Becca, Tara, Miranda 2.Akeel, Chance, Dalton, Lily 3.Braden, Emily L, Mariah, Blakely 4.Makayla, Candace, Adrianne, Samantha 5.Lucy, Elaine, Boppa, Ravyn 6.Dakota, Sonal, Franky, Katheryn 7.Makailah, Kristina, Cade, Naomi, Derek 8.Alec, Wade, Alexis, Emily H 9.Nate, Emily C, Savana, Jack
PM GROUPS 1.Max, Leslie, Jacob, Kayla 2.Mason, Ava, Ashton, Will 3.Autumn, Marie, Olivia, Ally 4.Chelsea, Kalen, Gracie, Maddy Van 5.Neil, Allison, Katarina, Mazie, Wayne 6.Ibraheem, Cameron, Amie, Christiane 7.Cassie, Nakita, Annie, Rose 8.Abbie, Jasmyne, Aman, Eli 9.Shelby, Ben, McKenzie, Piper, Julia
9/2 HEALTH NEEDS Original Research Owensboro Health Dash board Owensboro Health, Health Assessment Healthy People 2020 The Health of Kentucky: County Assessment Green River Report Card Reports from The Institute of Medicine Let’s Move County Health Rankings Previously Researched 2012 Health Needs 2013 Health Needs
9/2 BRAINSTORM A PROJECT Local groups working in human health in our region Revised and adapt an old idea into something new! Be creative Most importantly, find a cause you REALLY care about!
9/2 GOALS & AUDIENCE Goals: Inform/educate- Evaluation is important E.g., Skits about the effects of bullying Raise money- You can’t ask for more money than you will raise E.g., Silent auction, charity ball or dinner Raise awareness- Evaluation is important E.g., Exposure to special needs children Audience Captive- Requires permission E.g., Class or afterschool program Public- Requires marketing E.g., Walk-a-thon, fun run
9/2 Meet & Greet Buddy-Up: Find your upper/lowerclassman buddy(ies) within your group Assign Roles Based on Talents Leadership, Research, Project ideas. Budget concerns, Marketing (e.g., posters, handouts), Presentation, Partnership Liaison, etc… Start Research Start Project Idea Generation Plan Next Meeting: Where & When Next things that is due…Project Summary 12/5
PROJECT SUMMARY 12/3 Summary Due Friday, 12/5 2 Copies, on for Wilkerson/Burden and one for Mountjoy Use the word document online as your template.
RUBRIC 12/3 Criteria Full Points Goal & Objectives (5 points) Goal: A broad statement of what you wish to accomplish (general, intangible, and abstract). Describes your final impact or outcome and is linked to either an identified health need. Objectives: Help you reach your goal and are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound). Impetus (10 points) Includes multiple pieces of evidence that show you are meeting a health need. All evidence is properly cited in-text and at the end of your summary. Project Description (15 points) Is well though out and thorough. No “big questions” remain after reading. Provides a detailed description of every aspect of your project. Target Audience (5 points) Identifies your audience as captive or gathered and includes a plan to get permission for use of a captive audience –OR- an advertising/marketing campaign to capture your audience from the general community. The plan is detailed and realistic. Line-Item Budget (5 points) Uses the excel file as provided and is under the $1,000 limit. Lower is better; the higher your budget the bigger the impact & justification should be. Uses available items when applicable and demonstrates frugality. No “big-ticket” items are left out and the budget shows careful consideration of all project needs. Implementation (10 points) Shows critical thinking regarding the likely difficulties you will face in implementing your project –AND- a well though-out plan for how you will overcome each obstacle.
BUDGET 12/3 ItemSource (Store or URL if Online)CostNumberTotal Cost Sub-Total Shipping & Handling $ % Contingency $0.00 Total $0.00
LOOKING AHEAD Monday 1/12: Grants Grant Applications are due Two copies (one for Wilkerson/Burden and Mountjoy) 1/28: PowerPoint Completed PowerPoint Presentations are due or save to USB for each professor 1/28 and 1/29: Class Work Refine presentations Practice 1/30: Present & Vote Presentation to expert panel. Experts will score, peers will vote. Mid-February Winner Announced