eduphoria! Forethought Forethought for Teachers: MODULE 1
PARKING LOT ? Questions about Curriculum or Questions about the Forethought software ? Questions about Curriculum or Questions about the Forethought software ?
FORETHOUGHT All curriculum documents, resources, and your lesson planner in ONE SYSTEM It’s USER- FRIENDLY! EVERYTHING ALIGNED: Standards, Resources, Assessments EVERYTHING ALIGNED: Standards, Resources, Assessments COLLABORATE: share lesson plans or plan with your team in a Team Planner All Content Area curriculum in a CONSISTENT FORMAT Everything is web-based and ACCESSIBLE 24/7 From school or at home Everything is web-based and ACCESSIBLE 24/7 From school or at home
Sneak Peek
School System School Classroom Coordination Written Curriculum Taught Curriculum Tested Curriculum Delivery Design Articulation
That Was Then, This is Now
OBJECTIVES FOR MODULE 1 1.Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan (Checkpoints) 2.Getting into Forethought: learn how to Log into the system (Key in the Ignition) 3.Creating Your Schedule: set up your schedule according to your teaching day(Roadmap) 4.Using the Lesson Planner: learn how to use the web-based lesson planner (Engine Start-up)
PLANNING FOR TEACHING vs. PLANNING FOR LEARNING Planning for TeachingPlanning for Learning Brainstorm with a partner. What are the differences between Planning for Teaching versus Planning for Learning and record your thoughts on your Handout #2
PLANNING FOR TEACHING FRONTWARD DESIGN = LOOSELY ALIGNED 1. Topic: Identifies a topic of study from the Scope and Sequence 2. Learning Activities Develops lessons and activities to help students learn about the topic 3. Assessment Creates an assessment for the end of the unit (based on what has been taught ) The Teacher…
PLANNING FOR LEARNING BACKWARD DESIGN = DEEP ALIGNMENT Performance Standards: Closely examines curriculum and then designs lessons that are tightly aligned to the Standards (TEKS): what students must know and be able to do Evidences of Learning: Gathers formative and summative assessments and/or rubrics that accurately measure student mastery of unit learning objectives (evidence gathered throughout the learning) Learning Activities: Selects strategies and structures that will actively engage students, leading them to master the desired learning outcomes Look at the end result first. Then decide how students will provide evidence of their learning, and finally design instructional activities to help kids learn what is needed to be successful. The Teacher…
Written TaughtTested Continuous Improvement Model Elizabeth A. Clark, Ed.D.
PLANNING FOR LEARNING What would be the components of a quality lesson plan where the goal is PLANNING FOR LEARNING? What would be the components of a quality lesson plan where the goal is PLANNING FOR LEARNING?
Curricular Standards Aligned Resources Evidence of learning Strategies to engage students Structures to enhance learning Quality work products for students ON THE RIGHT TRACK: PLANNING FOR LEARNING
THE BISD FORETHOUGHT LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Clarifying Statements, Procedures, Accommodations / Notes/Reflections The Standards/TEKS Structures, Strategies, Resources, Assessments
Content Standard(s)/Process Standards The Standards are our Focus. These are our rail tracks. A defined course and the ride controls the pace. The Standards are the ‘what’ PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Procedure, Strategies, and Structures You steer your car and make decisions about how you will make your way around the track. You can steer left to right or look at street signs and the landscape. However, you must make sure that your steering appropriately addresses the destination and doesn’t jump the rail tracks (the Standards). The HOW. PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Accommodations, Modifications, Extensions Accommodations, Modifications, Extensions You consider the destination and who is in the car with you. You make decisions about your passengers’ needs during the trip and what you will do to accommodate those needs. PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Resources Your teaching tools. Consistent across the district and are aligned to your Standards. PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Evidence of Learning (Assessment) Regular Maintenance and State Inspections to make sure all parts of your car are functioning properly. Our Forethought curriculum will contain sample assessment items, both formative and summative. Assessment items ensure that your level of instruction matches the cognitive rigor of the Standards. PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Notes/Reflections Your road trip photos and travel journal. You can add important information before departure or reflect on your trip. What parts of your trip with your passengers went well and what might you do differently next year to make your journey even better? Our Road Trip PLANNING FOR LEARNING : THE COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE LESSON DESIGN
Planning for Learning in a Professional Learning Community
1.What do students need to know and be able to do? 2.How will we know when they have learned it? 3. What instruction must take place to ensure students learn? 4.What will we do when they haven’t learned it? 5.What will we do when they already know it? Five Questions of the PLC
1. What do students need to know and be able to do? Examine the curriculum documents Determine how to bundle standards within the lessons (leading standard, process skills, partner standards) 2. How will we know when they’ve learned it? Develop common assessments aligned to the unit standards (both formative and summative) Use formative and summative data to monitor student progress
Five Questions of the PLC 3. What instruction must take place to ensure students learn? Design instruction in alignment with the cognitive rigor, content, and context of the standard by using the Clarifying Documents in eduphoria! Design student tasks that are aligned to the standards and prepare students to demonstrate mastery Select strategies that will cause students to engage in the thinking required of the standard Review data from assessments and make instructional decisions based upon the findings
Five Questions of the PLC 4. What will we do if they haven’t learned it? Plan for re-teaching of standards that students did not master at the advanced level Select appropriate interventions for students struggling to achieve mastery 5. What will we do if they already learned it? Plan for extending learning for those who have achieved mastery
Components of the BISD Lesson Plan Standards : Standards: Knowledge, skills and competencies expected for mastery of a course or discipline based upon the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Often referred to as objectives. Strategies: Techniques or tools that students use to process information that can be applied to any learning situation and that engage students in the learning process. Structures to enhance learning: Ways that a teacher organizes the classroom to maximize student engagement and interaction for the purpose of enhancing learning. Evidence of Learning: Formative and summative measures to evaluate student learning; assessments. Resources: Materials that support instruction. Accommodations/Modifications /Extensions: Differentiations intentionally included in lesson procedures designed to meet specific needs of students in the class. Notes/Reflections: Placeholder for important information to be included prior to lesson delivery and for post- delivery reflection; useful for making adjustment decisions prior to future delivery of same lesson. Procedures: Activities and processes to ensure that what has been planned in terms of grouping and strategies occurs in an efficient and effective manner.
OBJECTIVE 1: POINTS TO REMEMBER In planning for learning, we deeply align lessons based on performance/assessment standards. Planning for learning is critical to the alignment of the full teaching and learning process. Forethought is the intuitively powerful tool we will use to plan deeply aligned learning. Objective 1: Planning for Learning (Checkpoints We Use Along the Way)
OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY’S TRAINING 1.Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan (the Checkpoints) 2.Getting into Forethought: learn how to Log into the system (the Ignition Key) 3.Creating Your Schedule: set up your schedule according to your teaching day (the Roadmap) 4.Using the Lesson Planner: learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (the Engine Start-up)
TRAINING NORMS 1.Trust that we will go over each step you need to take 2.Be patient 3.Do not go ahead of the steps 4.Ask for help about the steps included in the presentation 5.Write down questions you have that are not answered during the presentation
Objective 2: LOGGING INTO FORETHOUGHT (the Key to Ignition)
1. Birdville Homepage: Click on “Staff”Birdville Homepage: 2. Click on “Eduphoria” Logging into eduphoria!
3. Log in with your BISD Credentials (how you login to your computer/ ) First time to log in? Username: 5-digit employee ID# Password: mmddyyyy* First time to log in? Username: 5-digit employee ID# Password: mmddyyyy*
Your eduphoria! Profile 1. Verify the proper spelling of your name 2. Verify that your address is correct. The format should be: 3. Be sure that the accurate campus(es) are checked. This determines your PDAS appraisal administrator 4. Click Next
Your eduphoria! Profile 5. Select your primary role in the district. If you select Teacher, you will have more selections to make on the following screens (If your job requires you to have a Forethought lesson planner, you must select Teacher here) 6. Click Next
Your eduphoria! Profile 7. Select the subject(s) and grade level(s) you teach 8. Click Next
Your eduphoria! Profile 9. Now you will select a security question and provide an answer. This is used to electronically sign PDAS documents, so make it something easy for you to remember. Note: if you ever forget your answer, you can always return to your profile to reset your security question. 10. Click Next
Your eduphoria! Profile 11. Teachers will select the appropriate response to this question. 12. Click “Save My Information” as the final step. Your profile is now set!
Very Important! Anytime you change roles, campuses, grade levels, or subject areas: YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR PROFILE. Very Important! Anytime you change roles, campuses, grade levels, or subject areas: YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR PROFILE. Your eduphoria! Profile
The eduphoria! Portal Watch the eduphoria! Portal video here
OBJECTIVE 2: POINTS TO REMEMBER Update your profile if your name, , or campus change Customize your eduphoria! portal to make it work for you Update your profile if your name, , or campus change Customize your eduphoria! portal to make it work for you
OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY’S TRAINING 1.Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan (the Checkpoints) 2.Getting into Forethought: learn how to Log into the system (the Ignition Key) 3.Creating Your Schedule: set up your schedule according to your teaching day (Roadmap) 4.Using the Lesson Planner: learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (the Engine Start-up)
Objective 3: Creating Your Daily Schedule (our Roadmap)
OBJECTIVE 3: CREATING YOUR SCHEDULE What is a Forethought Lesson Planner “Schedule” ? What is a Forethought Lesson Planner “Schedule” ? Your template of the classes you plan for and any other special events that you would like included in your lesson planner.
DAILY SCHEDULE EXAMPLES PRIMARY Calendar Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Recess Math Lunch Science Social Studies Specials SECONDARY English 1 Homeroom Lunch Conference English 2 English 1 Content Area Subject/Course Tied to Standards Daily Event Not Tied to Standards
Begin setting up your schedule LET’S GET STARTED
SETTING UP YOUR PLANNER – LET’S DO TOGETHER The first time you login, the Set Up My Planner Wizard will appear. This will guide you through the process of setting up your schedule of courses.
SETUP MY PLANNER WIZARD Enter the name of your schedule. Suggestion: Click Next.
ENTRY TYPE Select “A course with Learning Standards” This is a typical course in your schedule. Example: 3 rd Grade Math, Algebra 1 Select “A course with Learning Standards” This is a typical course in your schedule. Example: 3 rd Grade Math, Algebra 1
SELECT YOUR COURSE FROM THE DISTRICT COURSE TREE Click on your level. Click on your subject or grade until the appropriate course is shown. Click on the course name.
EDIT THE NAME OF THE ENTRY This is a great place to add times, period numbers, etc. (if you would like) to help organize the entries. Do not worry about the class sections that may be listed here.
ADD NEW ENTRY TO YOUR SCHEDULE You can repeat as needed for the number of entries in your schedule. Learn about different types of entries
PRIMARY TEACHER LESSON PLANNER SCHEDULE ENTRY TYPE EXAMPLES PRIMARY Calendar Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Recess Math Lunch Science Social Studies Specials
English 1 Homeroom Lunch Conference English 2 English 1 SECONDARY TEACHER LESSON PLANNER SCHEDULE ENTRY TYPE EXAMPLES SECONDARY Special Entry: “English 1: 2 nd Period” Course With Learning Standards: “English 1” Special Entry: Course With Learning Standards: “English 2” Special Entry: “English 2: 6TH Period” Special Entry: “English 1: 7th Period” Special Entry:
English 1 English 2 SECONDARY TEACHER LESSON PLANNER SCHEDULE ENTRY TYPE EXAMPLES KEEP IT SIMPLE Course With Learning Standards: “English 1” Course With Learning Standards: “English 2” All you HAVE to include are the courses you teach. You may customize to your personal planning style beyond that.
ORGANIZE YOUR ENTRIES AND COMPLETE YOUR SCHEDULE Learn how to get organized This screen allows you to add, edit and organize the entries in your schedule. Add Entry: Create a course with learning standards, mirrored course, or special entry Edit Entry: Modify information about a selected entry Move Up/Move Down: Change the order of a selected entry in your schedule Remove Entry: Removes a course from your schedule
When prompted, to add another SCHEDULE, choose “NO” Click “Begin Using Forethought” When prompted, to add another SCHEDULE, choose “NO” Click “Begin Using Forethought” Complete the wizard and save your work FINISHING YOUR LESSON PLANNER
CONGRATULATIONS You must click BEGIN USING FORETHOUGHT at the bottom right of the screen to save your schedule.
OBJECTIVE 3: POINTS TO REMEMBER Add entries to your schedule to build a planner that reflects the parts of your day for which you need to plan. Objective 3: Creating Your Daily Schedule (our Roadmap)
OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY’S TRAINING 1.Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan (the Checkpoints) 2.Getting into Forethought: learn how to Log into the system (the Ignition Key) 3.Creating Your Schedule: set up your schedule according to your teaching day (the Roadmap) 4.Using the Lesson Planner: learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (the Engine Start-up)
Using the Lesson Planner Watch the video
Any resources or materials attached to a student expectation will appear in the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Double-Click to open a resource View resource in the window or as an attachment at the bottom of the window Click “Use in Plans” to insert the resource into your lesson plan
Click a standard and the clarification will appear in the resources box Clarifies the content, context, and cognitive rigor of the standard Provides a sample assessment item
Very useful unit documents: Unit Overview Resources Document will appear in the Resources box Some unit documents are typed directly into Forethought, while others are attachments.
Very useful yearly documents: Units of Study Scope and Sequence Document will appear in the Resources box Double-click to open, then open attachment to view full document
OBJECTIVE 4: POINTS TO REMEMBER Double-click to add standards Open attached files in the lower right-hand corner Resources Box and add to planner Customize by typing into the lesson plan Double-click to add standards Open attached files in the lower right-hand corner Resources Box and add to planner Customize by typing into the lesson plan Objective 4: USING THE LESSON PLANNER (Engine Start-up)
eduphoria! Forethought 201 Forethought for Teachers: MODULE 2
FORETHOUGHT 201 OBJECTIVES Forethought Features Editing your Schedule Schedule Stamping Course Views Copying Plans Printing and Saving to File Collaborative Tools Forethought Tabs
EDITING YOUR SCHEDULE 1.In Forethought 101, you learned how to set up your schedule. 2.Now, you will learn how to edit your schedule in case you need to make any changes. 3.You can edit your schedule at any time throughout the year.
EDITING YOUR SCHEDULE 1. Go to bottom left of your planner screen and Click on “Change My Settings” then “My Schedules.” 2. Click on the name of your schedule, then click “Edit Schedule.” 3. You may change the name of your schedule, or just click “Next” in the bottom right- hand corner of the screen.
This screen allows you to add, edit and organize the entries in your schedule. Add Entry: Create a course with learning standards, mirrored course, or special entry Edit Entry: Modify information about a selected entry Move Up/Move Down: Change the order of a selected entry in your schedule Remove Entry: Removes a course from your schedule ORGANIZE ENTRIES AND COMPLETE YOUR SCHEDULE ORGANIZE ENTRIES AND COMPLETE YOUR SCHEDULE Once your schedule is complete, click NEXT and then BEGIN USING FORETHOUGHT. *You must follow these steps to save your schedule changes
If we master the bolded date phenomenon, master Forethought, will we. Yes.
Before you click on a date, Forethought sees it as a blank slate. Once you click a date, it is “stamped” with the schedule and settings you have at that time. A date becomes bold once it is clicked and will be “protected” from any changes you may make to your schedule. blank date bold date
Since Yoda is now protecting the bolded dates… If I make a change to my schedule (ex: add a new entry for a course) on October 29, I will not see that change reflected on October 30 because that date is already bold. It was stamped with a schedule I had previously. I will see my changes reflected on October 31 because that date is blank right now. My changes will automatically apply to all future, blank dates.
Concept Check If I make a schedule change on October 15th, what is the earliest date I will see those changes automatically? What does Forethought see on October 19 right now? What will be on October 19 once I click on it?
But I don’t want to wait… You DO NOT have to wait until the next blank date to see your changes. There are two options for updating your bold dates with your new settings. Example: I change my schedule on October 29. I have two options for applying those changes to October 30.
If you DO NOT have lesson plans on a bolded date… Open the Schedule Menu Click “Delete Today’s Plans” The schedule that was stamped on that date previously will be thrown out so your new schedule can be applied to the date.
If you DO have lesson plans on a bolded date… Open the Schedule Menu You will see all of the entries on your current schedule listed Select the entry you want to add
When you add an entry to your planner… It will add it to only that date It will be added to the bottom of your plans You can move it up or down in your plans (optional)
To move an entry… Click inside the entry Click the wrench icon Select Move Up in Plans or Move Down in Plans You may also choose to Remove an entry from the day’s plans
Concept Check I work with many different groups of students and just began helping a small group with 1 st grade Social Studies. I added Social Studies, Grade 1 to my planner. However, I already have a full day of plans tomorrow. How can I see my Social Studies entry tomorrow?
Integrate subject areas by switching the course curriculum so that you can work with TEKS from any of the courses you have on your schedule, no matter which course entry you are clicked in. For example, I can be in my ELAR entry box, but switch the course so that I can integrate Social Studies TEKS into a particular ELAR lesson.
Click the calendar icon to switch to the Plan By Course view You will see the course entry for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all on the same screen.
You can plan lessons for one course for a whole week without having to change screens or relocate curriculum documents.
Use the pull- down menu to switch to any course entry that is currently on your schedule.
Week View and Copy Wizard To view your plans by week, click on the calendar icon near the top right of the screen. Click on “View Week’s Plans”
Week View and Copy Wizard You may edit the white space of your plans in this view. You cannot interact with the curriculum or view your standards here. To access advanced copy features, click on the Copy Wizard Icon.
Week View and Copy Wizard Copy Content Choose to copy content for an entire day or week. Select the day or week to be copied Select the destination day or week to copy content. Confirm your selections and click Finish. Notes regarding copying: The date to which you are copying must already be stamped with the course entries so the copied lessons have a spot to land. Content will be added to any existing lessons (appended) that exist in the target dates or weeks. There is no "undo" when you copy lessons. Notes regarding copying: The date to which you are copying must already be stamped with the course entries so the copied lessons have a spot to land. Content will be added to any existing lessons (appended) that exist in the target dates or weeks. There is no "undo" when you copy lessons.
Week View and Copy Wizard
To Copy One Entry To copy just one entry to another day (instead of copying the whole day’s worth of plans), follow these steps: From the week view, double click on the day to return to the regular planner view. Click on the notebook paper icon to send this lesson to another day in your planner Select the date and course entry where you want the lesson to be copied. Click OK.
SAVING TO FILE AND PRINTING Click on the Printer Icon located on the left side of the toolbar Select a printing option *Note: you can just save your plans and do not necessarily have to print We recommend the option to “Print Week to Excel,” but you may choose the option best for you. When you click an option, a window will pop up. You may either open the file and print or save the file to your computer.
SHARING YOUR PLANNER You can view and print a shared planner. In addition, you can copy lesson entries from a shared planner to your own planner. You cannot edit a shared planner. Selecting staff members to view your planner does not automatically give you access to view their lesson planner. Both staff members have to share. Principals already have access to your planner. You do not have to share with them.
SHARING YOUR PLANNER Click “Change My Settings” then “Share My Planner” in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen Click “Add a Teacher”
SHARING YOUR PLANNER Click “Add a Teacher” Search by last name Click “Next” at the bottom right of the screen If you cannot find someone, check to be sure you know their legal name and that they have setup a lesson planner If the person you searched for is the only person with that name, they will automatically be added. If there are multiple people, you will select the correct one and click Next.
SHARING YOUR PLANNER You have now shared your planner Click “Return to My Planner” at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen You can add or remove teachers at any time by returning to the Share My Planner option under Change My Settings
VIEWING AND COPYING A SHARED PLANNER Once a teacher has shared a planner with you, you will see that planner in the list on the left of your screen. Click on the name of the planner to open it up Navigate to different dates by using the calendar. Remember, all bolded days are those with lesson plans already created.
VIEWING AND COPYING A SHARED PLANNER To copy one lesson plan from the teacher’s planner to your own: Click on the notebook icon in the top right of that particular entry Select the date in your planner where you would like to copy the lesson Check the course entry in your planner where you would like it to copy Click Ok. The lesson will now be in your planner.
VIEWING AND COPYING A SHARED PLANNER If you would like to copy multiple entries from a teacher’s planner to your own planner, you will follow the same steps as copying lessons within your own planner. Click on the calendar icon and select “View Week’s Plans” Click on “Copy Wizard” near the top right of your screen. Choose to copy either a day or a week’s worth of lesson plans Select the date or week you would like to copy and select the date or week where you would like the lesson(s) to land in your planner.
You will verify that you have selected the correct date and click “Finish” You will now find the lesson in your own planner on the date or week you selected. The plans for all courses in the teacher’s planner that are also in your planner will be copied. Any entries for courses that they have, but you do not, will not copy. VIEWING AND COPYING A SHARED PLANNER
A Team Planner allows you to collaboratively plan for learning. Each team member will copy lessons from the team planner to his or her own planner.
Think of the Team Planner as the table you gather around when planning with your peers. You all leave the table and take the lesson back to your classrooms, just like you take a team plan back to your personal planners.
Team Planner Lessons should be copied to individual planners each day/week. Your individual student data and spot to plan for your unique students’ needs are in your planner only. The Team Planner does not allow Special Entries – it is just a place to collaboratively plan lessons. Once the last team member is removed, the team is removed from the system and all team content is erased! It does not have the level of protection as does your personal planner. Principals can view all team information and content from their computers. From the PDAS app, though, they can only see your personal plans.
Adding content to a Team Planner 1. Select the entry and use the “Check out and edit” icon to check it out. (Shown above) If another team member has already checked out the lesson, you will be alerted and will have to wait until they save it. 2. The lesson becomes editable to add learning standards, attachments, etc. You will interact with the plan just like in your own planner. 3. Do not forget to save. This checks your lesson back in and protects your content. Adding content to a Team Planner 1. Select the entry and use the “Check out and edit” icon to check it out. (Shown above) If another team member has already checked out the lesson, you will be alerted and will have to wait until they save it. 2. The lesson becomes editable to add learning standards, attachments, etc. You will interact with the plan just like in your own planner. 3. Do not forget to save. This checks your lesson back in and protects your content.
You can learn more about using the Team Planner by: Enrolling in the Team Planner e-course through Workshop. All Forethought e-courses will open for registration Monday, August 19. Watching the videos posted on the How-To page on the eduphoria! Birdville Resources website
You may open the SCOPE AND SEQUENCE TAB to VIEW the curriculum for any course offered in Birdville ISD.
You will not be able to interact with the curriculum or add standards and resources to lesson plans from this tab.
Use the eduphoria! Feedback and Support Form to get answers to all of your questions and provide feedback. Select an application Find helpful resources
PARKING LOT ? Questions about Curriculum or Questions about the Forethought software ? Questions about Curriculum or Questions about the Forethought software ?