GHSGT S TUDY S KILLS Week 11 March 28 – April 1
M ONDAY, M ARCH 28 Required Reading for Senior English: British Literature and Contemporary Literature Options to total 100 points. See handout. Discuss and relate to novel. Requirements: Journal Daily participation in discussions Daily activities Final for class: Completion of chosen projects to total 100 points. The final grade will be passed on to your senior English teacher for you required reading grade.
T HE C URIOUS I NCIDENT OF THE D OG IN THE NIGHTTIME Journal #1: Referring to the title of the novel and the illustration on the left, predict the plotline of the novel. Who will be the main characters, what will be the conflict, what will happen?
T HE C URIOUS I NCIDENT OF THE D OG IN THE NIGHTTIME The Curious Incident of the Dog at Nighttime Introduction to The Curious Incident of the Dog at Nighttime by Mark Haddon. What is Asperger syndrome (AS)? People with Asperger syndrome have normal intelligence and language development, but also have some autistic-like traits. They may have trouble with social skills, sensory input, and making transitions, and may need rigid routines. Their interests can focus on one area to the point that it is like an obsession.development Begin reading novel
T UESDAY, M ARCH 29 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon Characterization Chart: fill in from yesterday’s reading Idioms (see next slide) Read pp. 8 – 16, discuss
I DIOMS Definition: refers to language specific to a particular people, community, district, or class. British and Americans both speak English, but each use particular phrases to describe the same thing. Example: fish and chips = fried fish and French fries Find the idioms on the following pages and add to your chart: Page 1 (one) Page 4 (one) Page 9: (three)
T HURSDAY, M ARCH 31 Read pp. 16 – 32 Discuss Add to chart information Discuss tomorrow’s assignment. See next slide.
P ROJECT # 3: S KETCHES Make five sketches of some of the scenes in the book and label them. In include DOCUMENTED quotes of support with each drawing. “The dog was a standard poodle with long curly, black hair” (Haddon 45). This quote gives me a better understanding of the physical characteristics of the poodle.
F RIDAY, A PRIL 1 ST Go to my blog Click on Week 11 one Go to Friday and complete one sketch/quote/explanation See example on previous slide Lab 421 Complete assignment Braxton Braxton: after project is finished, read 16 – 32 and get notes to copy Arisha: Arisha: after project is finished, read pp. 8 – 16 and get notes to copy
P ROJECT # 1: I NTERVIEW Choose a character from the novel to interview. Go to Microsoft Word on desktop Type in your heading with name/number/character of project. Type ten questions to give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her role in the story. Detailed answers must go beyond plot. Include an analysis as to why/how the character responds to a situation. Answers must be written in complete sentences with a two sentence minimum. Check the rubric to make sure you have included all required components.
P ROJECT # 2: D IARY Choose a character from the novel for the diary. Go to Microsoft Word on desktop Type in your heading with name/project number/author of diary. Diary should include events from before, during, or after the book’s events. Diary should be consistent with the character, ie. Christopher would number the pages using prime nubmers. Minimum of three entries with ten sentences each. Go beyond plot to include secret thoughts, why the character does what he does, etc. Include three quotes (cited with page number), one for each entry, to support your writing. Check the rubric to make sure you have included all required components.
P ROJECT # 4: N EWSLETTER INSTRUCTIONS From desktop go to Microsoft Office Publisher Click on Newsletters Choose a template from the top section called Newer Designs Double click on the chosen design Refer to the Required Reading Projects, #4 Remember to include: Your name Date Novel name Author’s name Follow the directions closely to earn all points. Check rubric when completed