Simple and Systematic AYP/RTI/PBS
AYP + RtI How do they function in our school so we can best improve achievement without getting confused and overwhelmed? How do they support each other?
AYP Annual Yearly Progress – A year’s worth of growth on FCAT test, aiming toward being on or above grade level
AYP: A team’s early look (Problem Solving Template/Action Research) This is a very proactive PLC approach. What AYP subgroup(s)? Look at lagging data Why are they underperforming? What to do about it? ( this is not prescriptive – you determine as professional learners) When? Working? if not What now? Quarterly Review to see if things are working.
RtI – School Wide and Team Response to Intervention is about providing good instruction and interventions to students based on their needs. Interventions are tiered, not students
RtI School-Wide The basis of RtI is good instruction for all(tier 1 interventions for all) School-wide instructional/communication expectations for example: small group, interactive notebooks, achievement contracts, co-operative learning, Cornell notes, before school tutoring, written response to high D.O.K. E.Q.’s…
RtI School Wide cont’d Early Warning system – looking at grades, discipline, and attendance Gives you data on: – students to provide interventions for – students to reward
RtI School Wide cont’d Early warning system data Quarterly review of data to determine school- wide interventions(programs)by SLT/DST Example of PBS rewards: No C’s, less than 2 referrals, less than 4 absences = ability to listen to mp3 during lunch.
RtI – Teams This is by nature a little more reactive Look at data semi- quarterly See what group of kids are not being successful Provide them with interventions you do not provide for all (tier 2 interventions) for ex. pullout, Success Plans, mentor/coach outside of class, targeted individualization in class
More Systems/Simplification Morning Meetings : Monday – Teachers in class Tuesday – DST, SLT, Dept., Team Wednesday – Parent Conf. Thursday – Teachers in class Friday – Parent Conf. Achievement Contracts – included in agenda More to come from teacher input