Information Covered Military Options Tech Schools State Colleges Universities
Military Army National Guard (ARNG) Regular Army Navy Air Force Reserves Coast Guard By federal law, the first time anyone enlists with any military service they incur an 8 year obligation, or "MSO, Mandatory Service Obligation."
Military The military offers many different military job choices. Many of those choices can translate into a career after your term of military service is complete. Your service in the military qualifies you for excellent post-high school education financial aid!!!
Admission requirements vary between schools. Most require a high school diploma or the equivalent, transcripts, and an ACT or Compass test score. While in some cases the requirements academically aren’t as difficult for entrance, there can be a long waiting list to enter classes due to smaller class and school sizes. It’s important to apply for admissions early! The cost per credit hour is lower than a University and in most cases lower than the state colleges. 2-Year Schools
Programs of study include: Agriculture Business and Management Technology Architectural Engineering Technology Associate Degree Nursing Auto Collision Repair Technology Automotive Technology Building Construction Technology Business Administration Computer Aided Design Drafting Computer Information Technology Computer Programming Technology Criminal Justice Dental Assisting Diesel Technology- Truck and Ag Equipment Service 2-Year Schools
Early Childhood Education Electrical and Electromechanical Technology Electrician Construction Electronics System Technology Energy Generation Operations Fire and Emergency Services Management Food Service/Hospitality Graphic Design/Media Arts Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Human Services John Deere and other Company Tech Land Surveying/Civil Engineering Technology Long Term Care Administration Major Appliance Professional Technology Manufacturing Engineering Technology 2-Year Schools
Medical Assisting Medical Laboratory Technology Motorcycle, ATV, and Personal Watercraft Technology Office Professional Paramedic Pharmacy Technician Physical Therapist Assistant Polysomnographic Technology Practical Nursing Precision Machining and Automation Technology Professional Truck Driver Training Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Surgical Technology Welding Technology And MANY MANY MORE!!! Tech School
State Colleges Admissions to state colleges can also vary from school to school. They will most likely ask for high school transcripts and an ACT score. Admission requirements aren’t as difficult to meet as the Universities. State colleges, like tech schools, offer smaller class sizes and a higher teacher to student ratio. The Nebraska state college system includes Chadron State, Peru State and Wayne State. The cost per credit hour for a resident is $
State Colleges Combined, the three colleges offer more than 200 degree certificate and pre-professional programs that are accessible on the three campuses via the internet, and in several satellite locations throughout the state. There are dormitories for students to live on campus and collegiate sports teams.
Nebraska Universities The Nebraska university system includes campuses in Lincoln, Omaha, and Kearney. The Omaha site also includes the medical center. There is a $45.00 application fee to the university schools. The payment covers admission to all four university campuses. To apply for admissions, you need: 1. High school transcripts and senior class schedule 2. ACT and/or SAT scores 3. address 4. Student must be in the top half of their class OR score a 20 or higher on the ACT (writing portion of the ACT is NOT required) 5. 4 years of math is required for UNL 6. 2 years of the same foreign language *There is a review committee for borderline students. You must contact admissions for help with students that don’t meet admission requirements. Don’t Give Up!!!
Nebraska Universities The university campuses have state of the art facilities for academic and sporting programs. Universities provide the largest variety of degree programs at different educational and professional levels. Universities have a large number of students enrolled and provide a multitude of opportunities for students to participate in campus activities. Nebraska residents will pay $ per credit hour.
Begin exploring your interests right away! Schedule campus visits Watch the calendar and announcements for college representatives and recruiters visits to Cross County Visit college and military websites Attend an educationquest financial aid presentation. If you decided to attend college, apply for admissions early and to multiple schools. Visit with your counselor once a week with your progress. Explore Your Options
The difference between the impossible and the possible is in a person’s determination Thank You!!!!