Mr. NisbetMr. Nisbet University of Hawaii at Manoa Grapevine Grad Love to paint, draw, make installations, be an art nerd. Working artist + teacher + coach if you want to see artwork. Love to build and ride bicycles.
It's going to be a great year.It's going to be a great year. 1.Contracts 2.Expectations 3.Rules 4.Syllabus 5.Book 6.Paradigm
Contract + ExpectationsContract + Expectations Needs to be signed by you and a parent or guardian. Return it next class.
Learn 'EmLearn 'Em 1.Be on time. 2.Be present. 3.Be respectful. 4.No cell phones.
Art History ParadigmArt History Paradigm Country Farms Make Really Fun Purple Stools
Country CONTENT: what information does/did the artist choose to use? Choose to tell us, the viewer? What choices did the artist make? What do we SEE?
Farms FOCUS: Where are we looking? Is there a specific spot, or focal point, intended by the artist? How does the artist manipulate us as the viewer?
Make MOOD: Does the artist make us (the viewer) feel anything, get emotional? Examples, stances, facial expressions, gestures, clothing, lines, color, etc.
Really Realistic: Artist’s choose to make images optically realistic, or not? Why? What is the purpose of the artist’s decisions?
Fun Function: What was the artwork made for? Purpose? To tell a story? To show status? To be political?
Purple PATRON: Who was this piece made for and why do we care?
Stools SETTING: Where would the art live? In a cathedral? In a private tomb? In the middle of a city for all to see? Why do you think this is important?
You’re turnYou’re turn Spend 2 minutes analyzing the following image Using the paradigm and your notes, answer each section of CFMRFPS What can you decipher?
Presentation of Captives to Lord Chan Muwan