Marina Signore e- Frame Project Coordinator Division "Metadata, Quality and R&D Projects", Chief Istat e-Frame “European Framework for Measuring Progress ” Conference on Measuring Well-Being and Fostering the Progress of Societies Lunchtime Seminar Future work of e-Frame project
e-Frame Project e-Frame European Framework for Measuring Progress Funding scheme: Coordination and support actions (Coordinating actions) Project Number: G.A. no Duration: 1 January 2012 – 30 June 2014 EU Financial Contribution: EUR 1,495, Funded by: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Theme 8, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Scientific Officer: Ms Marianne Paasi, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Consortium of 19 partners: NSIs, Academia, Research Institutes, Civil Society organisations, and OECD Co-chaired by Istat and Statistics Netherlands
e-Frame general objectives and specific results General objectives 1.Stocktaking of available results and of ongoing research activities on the measurement of well-being and societal progress, including issues of sustainability and social as well as human capital; Collecting and systematizing recent research results and practices 2.Fostering a European debate over the issue; European network European contribution to the OECD world forum Open fora for discussion 3.Defining guidelines for the use of existing indicators; Harmonising project results in a coherent and coordinated picture of the state of the art (handbook) Guidelines for policy makers with special attention to EU policies Guidelines for stakeholders’inclusion into indicators’ related deliberative processes
e-Frame general objectives and specific results General objectives (cnt) 4.Proposing a coherent way of “delivering” information (areas of interest, statistical information); Enhancing the way by which information is delivered Inventory of software for the dissemination of statistics and formulating guidelines for their use by different stakeholders; 5.Identifying new topics to be put at future research agendas; Roadmap for future research 6.Harmonising National Statistical Institutes initiatives in progress measurement area. Strong partnership of NSIs Collecting NSIs practices on progress measurement, reporting on them and defining guidelines for coordinated future actions
e-Frame WP activities Main Common Activities Stocktaking Networking Dissemination and reporting Systematizing information Work on tools (supporting instruments) Developing and enhancing ties among relevant stakeholders Developing a number of internet-based networking tools. 2 Conferences and 9 thematic workshops Proceedings, background papers, handbook, catalogue, inventory of good practices Guidelines and recommendations
e-Frame Project Progress status: January – June Kick-off meeting and 1 st meeting of LC o Rome, January 2012 o Presentation and discussion of work foreseen in the WPs o Guidelines for stocktaking activities and workshop organisation Communication tools (Istat) o Project logo o e-Frame website o e-Frame flyer
e-Frame Project Progress status: January – June (cnt) Stocktaking report on subjective well-being (nef) o Report by Saamah Abdallah and Sorcha Mahony, nef, (April 2012) o Review of different approaches to measuring subjective well-being, stocktaking of different surveys that include subjective well-being measures around Europe, interviews to selected individuals within NSI on how data collected on subjective well-being were used. o Recommendations on how to better improve the quality and usefulness of the data on subjective well-being. Workshop on Social Capital (University of Maastricht) o Maastricht, May o Focus on the debate on how to improve statistics on social capital; on theoretical and empirical reflections on trust and participations as important aspects of social capital and finally on the main effects of social capital on individual well-being and societal progress. o Selected papers presented and deeply discussed in three sessions: Social capital: Data, operationalization and measurements; Social capital: Associations between participation and trust; Consequences of (a lack of) social capital in Europe and beyond;
e-Frame Project contribution from stocktaking activities, Conferences and workshops results suggestions from Advisory Board needs and requirements from the Commission and other relevant stakeholders Cross-cutting activities Cross-cutting WPs (WP11 and WP12, Istat) aimed at enhancing and wide-spreading the main results of thematic WPs achieving main goals of e-Frame project the creation of a European network the development of the “Handbook on Measuring Progress” focusing on policy relevance and use of well- being indicators and Stocktaking reports the identification of open issues and research needs to be conveyed into the “Roadmap for future research agenda”