NCN 1 CI Days, Clemson University, May 20, 2008 Mark Lundstrom Network for Computational Nanotechnology Discovery Park, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Adventures in Cyberinfrastructure: observations of an accidental tourist
NCN 2 some special people Gerhard Klimeck, Michael McLennan, George Adams, and Gerry McCartney (Purdue University) Jim Bottum, Sebastien Goasguen, Krishna Madhavan, (Clemson University) José A.B. Fortes (Univ. of Florida) Nirav Kapadia (Unisys) + the Purdue University leadership and NSF program managers
NCN 3 nanoelectronic devices and materials DS G HfO 2 10 nm SiO 2 p ++ Si S D Al Gate SWNT carbon nanotube electronics NW/NT composites CoFe (2.5) Ru (0.85) Insulator CoFeB (3) MgO (0.85) spin torque devices nanowire PV nanowire bio-sensors molecular electronics
NCN 4 why I compute “The purpose of computing is insight - not numbers.” -Richard Hamming to develop understanding to interpret experiments to explore new devices to set the stage for more serious simulations
NCN 5 educators experimentalists designers students computational science and engineering algorithms HPC simulation/ CAD theorists modelers CSE ‘closer to the solution’‘closer to the problem’
NCN 6 the nanoHUB story Nirav Kapadia, Purdue University
NCN 7 PUNCH ( ) PUNCH v.4 middleware gridware Software applications -Unix -text-based / forms-based -graphical interface Compute servers -Unix workstations -parallel computers -global condor pool 2000
NCN 8 running applications with PUNCH 1994 AT&T grant 2002 NCN >7M hits ( )
NCN 9 Network for Computational Nanotechnology NCN UIUC NU UTEP Norfolk State Purdue Berkeley CN has a vision to pioneer the development of nanotechnology from science to manufacturing through innovative theory, exploratory simulation, and novel cyberinfrastructure. N ‘an infrastructure and research network’
NCN 10 NCN Mission NCN UIUC NU UTEP Norfolk Purdue Berkeley 1)to connect computational experts with experimentalist, educators, and students 2)to bridge disciplines and promote collaboration 3)to support CSE 4)to disseminate knowledge and services 5)to enable research and education “cyberinfrastructure”
NCN 11 NCN Outcomes NCN UIUC NU UTEP Norfolk Purdue Berkeley 1)Advances in nanoscience and its transition to nanotechnology 2)Pervasive, critical, and effective use simulation in nanotechnology research and education 3)Advances in CSE 4)Creation of a major, electronic resource for nanotechnology 5)Dissemination of technology and best practices to other communities.
NCN 12 Rappture = Rapid Application Infrastructure Scientist Created by NCN in Nov 2004 Works with your favorite programming language Open source Online at Rappture = Simulation Code
NCN 13 The Rappture approach standardizes interfaces improves usability and speeds program debugging complete record of each simulation a strategy to develop high quality software quickly and longer term, to assemble ambitious workflows
NCN 14 Maxwell’s Daemon Physical Machine Virtual Machine middleware system architecture Content Database Rendering Farm nanoHUB cluster Violin nanowire job nanoVIS
NCN 15 online simulation more than 80 tools online more that 100 in development
NCN 16 nanoHUB tool page user statistics reviews and citations getting started how to cite launch!
NCN 17 NCN’s software strategy 1)facilitate the sharing of SW tools emerging from research 2)disseminate high-quality simulation codes 3)develop specialized tools for experimentalists and educators 4)promote the intelligent, critical use of simulation
NCN 18 more than simulation tutorials and seminars research seminars learning modules + online meetings, Q and A, reviews, SW development tools, statistics, etc.… online courses
NCN 19 MIT OpenCourseWare “A free and open educational resource - for educators, students, and self-learners around the world.” All 1800 MIT courses are now online.
NCN 20 nanoHUB usage >65,000 users/year
NCN 21 usage
NCN 22 users position graduate student:55% undergrad student:18% pre-college student: 1% scientist / engineer:13% faculty:13% (April 2006) age 18-25:61% 26-35:29% 36-45: 7% 46-55: 2% 56 or older: 1% (March 2006) use nanoHUB for research:33% education:38% both equally 28% other: 1% (November 2006) technical interests nanoelectronics: 46% NEMS/nanofluidics: 9% nanomedicine 11% nanomaterials: 16% nanophotonics: 8% (April 2006)
NCN 23 Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP LDAP authentication Joomla Content Mgmt Hub website components -tool development framework -web publishing systems -statistics collection / analysis -online meetings -topic pages -recommendation engine -Questions and Answers -incentive system -citations and DOO Maxwell’s Daemon Rappture Toolkit
NCN 24 New Hubs Online – Anantha Shekhar, IU School of Medicine, Connie Weaver at Purdue accelerating clinical and translational research in healthcare online since 10/1/2007 – Tim Fisher, ME at Purdue heat transfer online since 12/6/2007 – Rex Reklaitis, CE at Purdue pharmaceutical product development and manufacturing online since 12/11/2007 – Dan Hirleman, ME at Purdue global engineering education online since 12/17/2007 – Mark Lundstrom, ECE at Purdue the granddaddy of all hubs focused on nanotechnology online since 2002
NCN 25 impact
NCN 26 Supriyo Datta Concepts in Quantum Transport From Atom to Transistor Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics Electronics from the Bottom Up 9,999 nanoHUB users last year ‘datta’ is the most popular search term on the nanoHUB
NCN 27 M. Ashraf Alam photo of you Problem: Approach: Results: For medium scale integration of carbon Nanonet transistors for flexible electronics, the contamination of metallic tubes makes making large circuits difficult. Develop fundamental understanding of percolative transport so that the threshold of percolation can be tuned for specific circuits. Theory of asymmetric percolation in heterogenous system that allows development of ~100 transistors integrated circuits on flexible substrates. Muhammad A. Alam
NCN 28 Effect of metallic CNTs
NCN 29 Theory Striping: cutting the tubes for on-off ratio expt Qing Cao, et al., “Medium Scale Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Integrated Circuits on Flexible Plastic Substrates,” to appear in Nature, 2008
NCN 30 IEEE EDL Feb Connection to NCN / nanoHUB “The finite-size percolation model was used to calculate the I D -V G characteristics for NanoNET transistor with channel length of 2 um …” promotes diffusion of knowledge encourages collaboration increases the impact of the work
NCN 31 Network for Computational Nanotechnology Problem: Approach: Results: Atomic level structure of semiconductor heterostructures controls their electronic properties. Molecular dynamics with interatomic potentials derived from first principles Tight binding for electronic structure Size can be used to control strain in nanoscale heterostructures Alejandro Strachan
NCN 32 Strain relaxation in Si/Ge/Si nanobars Si Ge Bar width (W) height Simulations show that increasing the bar height or decreasing its width reduces transverse strain in Ge section Atomistic prediction in good agreement with experiments Theory can be used to optimize material in silico before fabrication
NCN 33 NCN / nanoMATERIALS simulation toolkit: general purpose MD simulations Input parameters Interactive output: molecular structure and graphs nanoMATERIALS tutorial: Lecture series on MD: Materials Modeling and Simulation class (Fall 2008)
NCN 34 Arvind Raman photo of you Problem: To mathematically simulate the motion of nanoscale Atomic Force Microscope probe tips scanning over organic and inorganic samples Approach: Couple vibrating cantilever eigenmodes to realistic tip- sample interaction force models that include van der Waals, electrostatic, repulsive interactions. Use special integration routines to improve simulation speed and accurately integrate across high force gradients. Results: Resonance enhancement in liquids for improved material contrast Arvind Raman
NCN 35 Resonance enhancement of harmonics in liquids Higher harmonics of tip motions in buffer solutions for the imaging of soft biological samples have been simulated. Some harmonics are enhanced due to the second eigenmode resonance. This is a generic phenomenon in liquids for soft cantilevers used for AFM imaging of biological samples. Simulations predcted that if the images of these resonance enhanced harmonics were mapped across a sample, then significant improvement in contrast of material properties is obtained (proportional to local elasticity). Experiments validated the predictions. Harmonic number X. Xu, J. Melcher, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Resonance enhancement of cantilever higher harmonics in liquids: enhancing compositional contrast with gentle forces”, In preparation
NCN 36 * J. Melcher, S. Hu, A. Raman, “VEDA – a web based virtual environment for dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy”, Invited article – Review of Scientific Instruments, June Review of Scientific Instrumentation A monthly journal devoted to scientific instruments, apparatus, and techniques June, 2008 NCN/ Increasing interest in CI to deliver virtual instruments Collaboration with DOE Molecular Foundry to include realistic noise sources into the current (deterministic) models in VEDA In addition to scientists and students worldwide, VEDA is being used by major US AFM/nano-instrumentation companies such as Veeco, Agilent, and Asylum for both training and research.
NCN 37 cyberinfrastructure “The conduct of science and engineering is changing and evolving. This is due, in large part, to the expansion of networked cyberinfrastructure.” NSF Strategic Plan
NCN 38 shared research facilities Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University Courtesy HDR Architecture, Inc./Steve Hall Hedrich Blessing
NCN 39 “service-oriented science” Distributed Computing VIEWPOINT Service-Oriented Science Ian Foster New information architectures enable new approaches to publishing and Accessing valuable data and programs… as services….. Thus, tools formerly accessible only to the specialist can be made available to all;…Such service-oriented approaches to science are already being applied successfully, in some cases at substantial scales…. 6 MAY 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE
NCN 40 lessons learned NCN it takes a dedicated core team with a vision and something special to share need people who are ‘close to the problem’ and ‘close to the solution’ people need to be doing the right things must be willing to adapt and evolve IT and SW development is expensive (so is assessment)
NCN 41 NCN is a work in progress science drivers network leadership technology development and support refine and expand the SW collection move from a ‘resource’ to a ‘community’ continue to enhance the infrastructure expand coverage of nanotechnology grow the user base strengthen CSE engagement develop a sustainability model NCN
NCN 42 NCN in the future NCN centers, groups, PI’s universities other networks other orgs
NCN 43 cyberinfrastructure “The conduct of science and engineering is changing and evolving. This is due, in large part, to the expansion of networked cyberinfrastructure.” NSF Strategic Plan