Nottingham’s Cycling Action Plan to 2015 Keith Morgan Transport Strategy Nottingham City Council
Contents Setting the scene What we need to achieve What we are looking to do How we are going to do it Who needs to be involved
Setting the Scene A lot has been achieved since the last plan A significant amount of LTP and external funds have been invested We are seeing results Increase in cycling –Levels vary around the City –Monitored sites show 2011 is 15% up on 2010 Going Forward Manifesto commitment –On road cycling –WPL LSTF –Parking –Communities Integration with other major investment
Cycling seen by the majority as a normal and enjoyable transport choice Respect between all road users A safe city to cycle in An increase in secure parking and reduction in theft Cycling embedded into planning and transport thinking Higher levels of investment Joint working between partners Cycling integrated with other transport modes What we need to Achieve
We will aim to increase cycling numbers across the City by 50% from 2010 levels by 2015 Specific targets linked to LSTF and Ucycle Target
What we are looking to do Experienced Cyclists –High quality branded network of radial and orbital routes –Work with partners to continue beyond the City boundary –Continue routes safely through junctions –Look to provide cycle routes with priority over side roads –Increase on-road facilities –Secure parking at transport interchanges –Ensure cycling is included in big developments –Work with bus, taxi, and fleet operators to increase awareness of cyclists
What we are looking to do New/Rediscovering Cyclists –Extend Ucycle within FE and HE sectors –Provide electronic and paper mapping –Programme of 20mph zones –Deliver Community Cycle programme –Improve local facilities and signing –Provide secure parking and bike hire
What we are looking to do Children –Expand provision of Bikeability and Life Cycle –Provide safety zones around schools Targeted road safety education and cycle related training –Initiate a cycle promotion programme in schools
What we are looking to do Recreational Cyclists –Continue to improve the Leen paths –Connect to routes outside the City such as the Erewash Valley Trail –Continue to promote and expand the Big Track –Work with Sustrans to examine opportunities to improve NCN6 within the City and beyond
How we are going to do it Cycle Corridors –Create a list of priority routes –Audit corridor facilities –Cost proposals –Look at impacts on the network for all transport users –Where possible reallocate road space to allow continuous routes –Address pinch points
How we are going to do it Improve parking reduce theft –Identify locations for secure parking –Expand provision within car parks –Expand provision at Nottingham Station –Ensure integration with Citycard –Provide on street to suit demand –Promotions and campaigns –Joint initiatives with the Police and Estate Managers
How we are going to do it Mapping –Provide printed and on line resources –Work with users to improve existing map –Highlight gradients –Provide an on line bikeability layer
How we are going to do it Safety –Manifesto commitment for 20mph zones –Work with Police to achieve better speed enforcement –Work with Ridewise to improve cycling skills –Campaign to discourage pavement cycling –Work with transport operators to improve awareness of cyclists and facilities
How we are going to do it In the Neighbourhoods –LSTF community involvement –Audit signing to ensure continuity To local destinations To the corridors To Leisure routes –Ensure convenient parking at key destinations
How we are going to do it Recreational Cyclists Seek funding opportunities to continue to improve the Leen route –Work with partners and across political boarders to ensure joined up coherent links to leisure routes –Look to expand routes to and from the Big Track
How we are going to do it Events/Promotional Opportunities –The Big Wheel –Ucycle –Cycle Live –Rural Rides –Olympics –Success of British Cycling Team –Bike Week –In Town Without My Car –Cycle for Health Rides
How we are going to do it Linking to Other Major Investment –NET –Hub –City Centre/Broad Marsh –A453 –Ring Road –WPL –Housing
How we are going to do it Partnership Development –Ucycle –GNTP – Business Club –Ridewise – Community Cycling –Framework –Cycle Live supporters –Schools partnership –Health partnership –Crime reduction partnership –Cycle trade
Slogan Previously – “More people cycling, more safely, more often” Suggestion “Create a truly cycle friendly City where the majority view cycling as a viable transport choice” Thoughts/Suggestions Welcome ???