Imperial Spain and the Reign of Philip II Make sure to print-out Handout of the same name from my blog and place it in your Review Notebook!!
I. Background: Philip’s Lands 1.His father Charles V retired and gave Western Habsburg lands to Philip and Eastern Habsburg lands (Austria, Bohemia, Hungary) to Phil’s uncle Ferdinand I. 2.Philip’s incredible wealth from the Americas allowed him to spend too much money on war 3.At end of reign = seriously in debt.
II. Who was Philip II? 1.Goal = consolidate & secure land he inherited. How? a) Strict conformity to Catholicism thru aggressive us of _____________. b) est. strong, monarchial___________ 2.Workaholic 3.Created an efficient bureaucracy staffed with_____________(shrewed move…why?) 4.But, he was unwilling to delegate _______. A micro-manager
5.Devout Catholic 6.Known as “____________________”. 7.This led to: a) great victories b) great defeats i. Greatest misfortune? c) the above led to tortured relations with________________. 8. These defeats were the undoing of Spanish dreams of ________ __________.
III. What was the Escorial? 1.Phil II’s retreat outside of Madrid a) combination palace, church, tomb and___________. 2.How did the Escorial serve as a symbol of Phil II’s reign? a) represented wealth & power of king b) monastery? c) who built the palace? d) growing separation of _____&______
IV. The Netherlands 1.One of richest parts of his empire (why?) a) 17 provinces i. 7 Northern Provinces * Germanic in culture * Dutch speaking ii. 10 Southern Provinces * Mostly Catholic * closely tied to France b) Calvinism?
NOTE: 1)These 17 provinces had NO political bond holding them together except for _______________ who was a) a _____________ and b) out-of-touch with________________
V. Philip meets resistance 1.Wanted to strengthen his control of the Netherlands, (ignoring______________) 2.This goal a) was opposed by______,______, and _________because? b) upset them b/c there taxes being used for ______________interests. c) Religion becomes catalyst when Phil attempts to crush _____________.
VI. Timeline of Trouble in the Netherlands – Phil leaves the Netherlands (never returns) 2.Regent = ½ sister who is assisted by Cardinal Granvelle - a real important guy. 3.Granvelle a) wanted to control_______________ b) break political autonomy of________ and replace with loyalty to ___________.
4.Violence erupts in Duke of Alba & 10,000 Spanish troops a) Sales Tax b) Council of Troubles c) Result? William of Orange ! !
6.William of Orange a) placed political autonomy and well- being of Netherlands above? b) William was a ____________, then married and converted to_________. c) Became an avowed Calvinist after _______________________. d) Was able organize the_____ ______ and succeeded in getting Granvelle removed.
VII. Resistance & Unification 1.Determined to resist, the political resistance in the Netherlands became more organized when merging with______________. 2.Sea Beggars a) international group b) sparked rebellion against _________ in many towns, which spread the resistance southward. c) Alba resigns in disgrace and is replaced by _________________, as commander of Spanish forces in the Netherlands.
VIII. Spanish Fury 1.Don Luis de Requesens dies in Spanish mercenaries leaderless and ___________, run amok in Antwerp. 3.7,000 dead 4.This is known as the Spanish Fury
IX. Pacification of Ghent 1.An agreement that stipulated ALL 17 provinces would: a) stand together under __________ leadership. b) respect religious _______________ c) demand _________troops withdraw
X. Perpetual Edict (Feb 1577) 1.Don John signs the Perpetual Edict a) who is this guy? 2.Terms of edict a) removal of all _________________ b) gave country to _______________ c) Ended (for time being) any plans Philip II had for using ____________
XI. Resulting Unions 1.The 10 Southern Provinces form… a) Union of Arras b) a Catholic Union and accepted Spanish control 2.7 Northern provinces form Union of Utrecht a) Dutch speaking b) opposed to Spanish rule
XII. Netherlands Divided 1.Divided along religious, geographical & political lines into 2 hostile camps 2.This struggle drags on for 12 years…ends in 1609 with… 3.The northern provinces being recognized as independent. WooHoo ! ! ! (oops…the Spanish did not see them as independent until almost 40 years later.) On to Relationship b/t Enland & Spain
XIII. England & Spain 1. Edward VI follows Henry VIII (dies ) 2.Mary I (a politique?) a) married to_______________ b) not a popular marriage. Why? Cuz… b) attempted to ___________England c) Bloody Mary or
XIV. Elizabeth I 1.A true politique. Why? 2.One of her greatest challenges? 3.Biggest Threat to Elizabeth?