THE NATURE OF GOD PT 3 His Nature revealed through His Names
Background The Bible reveals many fascinating names and titles of God that can yield rich insights into His nature and character The way the Bible expresses names, functions quite differently from how we treat names today.
Background Instead of a name being something to distinguish one person from the next or link people to their family heritage, a name in the Bible oftentimes reveals the nature and character of a person or what was hoped that person would become Some of the richest and most expository names of God that reveal His nature and character are found in the Old testament if we study deeper, the Hebrew roots and contexts of what they meant.
Background DISCLAIMER! We are not studying or advocating the law, we are under a new dispensation of Grace but: Heb 10: 1 (NLT) The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of Good things to come, not the good things themselves The Old testament can give us a very rich expose of the Great new realities we have and can live in the New testament!!!
NAMES OF GOD God has called and revealed himself thorough many names and titles in the WORD. We are going to work through a few today which I believe are relevant to what He wants to reveal to us personally and corporately. I will give you a list at the end of some other names of God and scriptural references
“ELOHIM” “e-lo-HEEM” Is the Hebrew name of God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible Gen 1:1 In the beginning God (ELOHIM) created the heaven and the earth. This ancient name of God contains the idea of God’s creative power as well as his authority and sovereignty. Means the Great mighty Three-in-one God who establishes and keeps his covenant forever
“ELOHIM” His name emphasizes the majesty of the one true God, He is the God of gods, the Highest of all! Musikavanhu, Musiki wedenga napasi are very good SHONA expressions of ELOHIM It all began with ELOHIM, He is the beginning and the end, the ALPHA and OMEGA Further scriptures Gen 9:6, Covenant with Noah after the flood Gen 28: Jacob’s Bethel Psalms 18:28 Isaiah 40:28-29
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” “EL- raw-HEE” Gen 16:11-14 Meeting with Hagar, Slave to Abram and Sarai after she had been chased away by Sarai She felt oppressed and distressed though it was her fault cause she has started it and the chickens has come home to roost Means “the one who sees” or “the one who sees me”
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” EL ROI is the one who numbers the hairs on our heads and knows our circumstances, past, present and future God knows us and called us by name When you pray to EL-ROI, you are praying to one who knows everything about YOU! God sees us and intricately knows us in a very real manner. He went out to meet Hagar in her time of desperation where she thought no- one cared for her yet EL-ROI was there seeing her
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” EL –ROI always see us, He is always watching intently over us and wants to show us the way even if we are wrong. EL-ROI meeting Hagar to me is a scandal 1.He pursued a woman who instigated the problem by treating her master with contempt 2.The child she was carrying was not part of God’s plan or intent 3. EL-ROI corrects Hagar and then blesses her and her son (Ishmael) Gen 16: 11-12
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” Do you know why EL-ROI was willing to endure a “scandal” because it was about 2 things; 1.Hagar was still his creation regardless or being right or not (That’s God’s nature, He ceases not to pursue and watch over us!) 2.The seed Hagar was carrying was from a covenant source (Abram) God honours covenant no matter what!! (EXPLAIN) This seed matter is actually quite significant 1 Pet 1:23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the living Word of God, and abiding forever
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” Abraham lied twice and SOLD/FORFEITED his WIFE to a Pharaoh and a King I believe God intervened and saved the day not primarily for Abraham’s or Sarah’s sake but Because of the seed that SARAH was to carry. The seed she had couldn’t be corrupted (1 Pet 1:23) and God intervened because of His covenant nature When Jesus had to be born Bible says Joseph didn’t lay with Mary till Christ was born, there was something about the seed Mary was carrying
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” Back to Hagar, now she was pregnant but the child was not part of God’s plan and another spanner in the works… God had promised Abram that he was to have many descendants (Gen 15), Abram even said “but God I don’t have a son” but God said it will happen and told him to look at the stars and showed him a picture of his many great descendants So even though Hagar wasn’t part of the plan she had an encounter with covenant seed carried by Abram and God being God, honouring covenant listen to how he blesses Hagar and her unborn child;
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” Gen 16: The Messenger of the LORD said to her, "Go back to your owner, and place yourself under her authority." The Messenger of the LORD also said to her, "I will give you many descendants. No one will be able to count them because there will be so many.“ (CAN YOU SEE ABRAMS BLESSING FROM GEN 15) Then the Messenger of the LORD said to her, "You are pregnant, and you will give birth to a son. You will name him Ishmael [God Hears], because the LORD has heard your cry of distress. He will be as free and wild as an untamed donkey. He will fight with everyone, and everyone will fight with him. He will have conflicts with all his relatives." Hagar named the LORD, who had been speaking to her, "You Are the God Who Watches Over Me." She said, "This is the place where I watched the one who watches over me."
“EL ROI” or “EL ROHI” God is a covenant-keeper, He is faithful even when we are not faithful So EL-ROI was watching over Hagar!! He had vested interest because of Abram thus had to show her mercy. We are the seed of Abram, Born of Incorruptible seed and God HAS to watch over us!! That’s why he says He will never leave us nor forsake us!!!! EL-ROI he SEE’s me!! So even when we are wrong or in sin, EL-ROI will still see us, pursues us and wants to show us mercy
YHWH Derived pronunciation (“YAHWEH”) This God’s personal name and regarded as sacred by Jews Exodus 3:14-15 (I AM) Great fear and confusion surrounds this name of God. The Jews refer to God’s personal name as; “The Name” “The Ineffable name” “The unutterable name” Theological scholars call it the TETRAGRAMMATON
Read from right to left TETRAGRAMMATON means “That four letter word”
YHWH The true pronunciation of these 4 letters has been lost over the years but we now have a derived pronunciation of YAHWEH. This is the most commonly used name for God throughout the OT Comes from verbs that mean “to be” or “to exist” (I AM) YHWH is closely associated with God’s saving acts and evokes images of God’s saving power in the lives of his people It implies a covenant relationship and a self existent God who is always present with His People. These meanings and images are very similar to the Hebrew name for Jesus Christ “YESHUA”
“YAHWEH JIREH” or “YIREH” “Juy-reh”/ “Yir-EH” One of the most commonly used names of God in Christendom First mentioned on Gen 22:13-14 when the Lord provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of his own son. Refers to God as a PROVIDER. He IS PROVISION The Hebrew verb from which “Jireh” comes from means to see and is translated into provide. Gives the picture of God who is able to see the past, present, future and anticipate and provide for what is needed
“YAHWEH JIREH” or “YIREH” Interestingly the word provision in English is derived from two Latin words that mean “ TO SEE BEFORE-HAND” Our father is one who see us (ROI) and knows our lives. His nature is to see beforehand what is needed and make provision for it. That’s why the bible can confidently teach us that “He makes a way where there seems to be no way”. He would have made provision… That’s why there is even no temptation that can overpower us because with every temptation, He provides a way out (1 Cor 10:13) ….Provision Nothing surprises YAHWEH JIREH! Army strategy (provisions)
“YAHWEH JIREH” or “YIREH” Interestingly the word provision in English is derived from two Latin words that mean “ TO SEE BEFORE-HAND” Our father is one who see us (ROI) and knows our lives. His nature is to see beforehand what is needed and make provision for it. That’s why the bible can confidently teach us that “He makes a way where there seems to be no way”. He would have made provision… That’s why there is even no temptation that can overpower us because with every temptation, He provides a way out (1 Cor 10:13) ….Provision Nothing surprises YAHWEH JIREH! He always knows just what we need! Army strategy (provisions)
“YAHWEH TSIDQENU” “tsid-KAY-nu” Jer 23:5-6 (Prophecy of Christ) Means the Lord is our Righteousness! Righteousness is not a pius state of holiness, its RIGHT STANDING or RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Righteousness is impossible to achieve no matter how much we long for it because u can’t work to be right with Him. That’s why HE is our righteousness. He has imputed righteousness to us through Christ! Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, God is no longer and can no longer be angry with us. Even if we fail we still have access to Him
“YAHWEH TSIDQENU” Isaiah 54:9-10 God promised that NEVER AGAIN will he be angry with us, that why we can boldly say There is now no condemnation for us in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1) Isa 54:17 No weapon that is formed against you shall be blessed; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from Me, says Jehovah.
“YAHWEH SHALOM” “sha-LOME” Judges 6:24 (Gideon’s altar after meeting God) Means the Lord our Peace! The meaning of this Hebrew word is much richer than the English translation of “peace” The concept of Shalom goes beyond peace but means wholeness, completeness, safety, health, prosperity, satisfaction, perfection, well- being Jewish use this word as a greeting wishing each other all of the above True Shalom comes from living in harmony in God
“YAHWEH SHALOM” Jesus is Shalom, one of his other titles is the Prince of Peace This God who lives right in us desires for us to be overcome by SHALOM!!! Further study Jer 29:11-14 Prov 3:13 Lamentation 3:19-24 Colossians 3:12-17
“YAHWEH TSEBOATH” “tse-ba-OATH” 1 Sam 17:45-46 (David vs Goliath) Emphasises God’s rule over every other power in the material and spiritual universe When you meet YAHWEH TSEBOATH is the Lord of Hosts, a mighty commander whom all creation serves His Purposes! 1 Sam 1: Hannah and Elkanah they called on and cried out to YAHWEH TSEBOATH for a child???? Hannah cried out to the God who has power over every material in the universe…His power was able to influence and correct any issues she had with her womb!!